_r0 ThÇanadipn qhapînFrîtay April,13, 2O97 ~I e p ~ I ep EIPIHeIp I Help GenIlHep MeGri Hep 1 GnlHep 8 GnalHelp ~ I e Live-in Superintendent positio]n 2 positions available lmmedlately S eia N ireisavoulable in high-rise building in Milton. Warehouse HeI Must F111II 25 begins with Shrian urcrcsCompetitîve compensation package. Responsible for loadinglunload"ig trocks & proesoiousal traîîg ïoSuitable for single person or couple. manufscturing teed. Postions pThe College of Fa Feum a i expe)i878e1t6 : DriverlDelive $25/hr. Piece work Applied Lînguiotico Sheridan Nurseries Operations is actively searching for an: Fx(0)87-19Valid G license 5 yro drioing exp w ean record. urnedb ix offering A 5 duy Note bot require Heas'y lifting. Must lie uanteby certificats course @ Operations Coordinator JOqFIRfaaan4 eneruetic & have a DolUtve atitude. contract. McMaster University The Operatians Coordinator, repxrtsng ta the Nursery Oiperations Maple Luat Consumer Fuodu is a wurld leader 905 . . . ..34 or FusyfC lobtofedo Grea Puy.te for 3-Jan Manager, is responsible for coardinating, monitoring and împlementîng in thre processing of freoh aod truies pork ouppîy- No Experiexce Tpn orse Aor. n key aperational reporting. mechanîsmo for four business units: Narval 59g cuatomers on a global baois. j DL.J NIIVRqreCal884651 Farm, Gien Williams Field Grawing Farm, Container Farm and PRODUCTION WORKERS iQ4 U Cal Now w.NLolgf Disfribution. Daily interactions with the respective management and Our park processing plant in Barlîngtun ix carrently 4168490026cor supxrvisxry staff on statases of carrent aperatianal deadlines, prajects seekiflg errthuxiastic, motivated andi energetic indi- HIRING 416.849.0026___ and deselapmenfal initiatives, Reguiremenis * Ability to aperate independently. à Selt-starter/thinker. *Strang an setting and meeting deadlines, *Canceptaally strang analytical akilîs ta înteract wîth and interpret a set af ahten diverse yet interdependent business challenges. *A tlair for developing/implementing/mpraving financial and produc- tion statîstico/intarmatian. Qualifications * Likely, bat nat lîmited ta hasing graduated as recent as 3 years aga, 0 University gradaate in agrîcalture-relatei science is preferred. 0 Salid spreadsheet skilla 0 Must have strsng pretereoce ta develap within a production- oriented envirooment. Apply fa: Jira MacLeod, HR Manager Sheridan Nurseries, RR#4, 12302 100h Line Georgetown ON L7G 4S7 Fax: 905-873-2478 E-mail: hr@sheridannurseries.com We thank ail applîcants for their ontereat in Sheridan Nurseries; ADDITIONAL INCOME OPPORTUNJTY Type af Work- Door-to-doer newspaper delivery. Fonr Miton- ruesdnys and h ridays. Fer Oakviiie- Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. You Need- Reliabie vehicle f(the larger the betteri. At least 6 avaiable hours, between 6AM-6PM. on delivery days. Strong sense ot comnmtment and responsibility. We offer- As mnany routes as you can handie. Ait required delivery materials. Training and on-going communicatiens and support. Toep1ý' otatBo t f)43-795. CARPET BARN CARPET ONE Looking for Fail-Tîme Warehouxe Peruon 1Rexponuibîlities include pîck-upsldxliser- xxs, general carehouse duliex, some heasy lifting, G Cias Licence/dlean record. Able 10 work ailfi minimal supervision, wiing lu work Salurdayx. Drop off or fan resame bo 26 Guelph Street, Georgetown or cali 905-877-1868. For Heavy Dufy anddLght Dty work i n Georgetown Iall -00209-3558 Est #5061 Coceeomingkca pentry and eect-on un asset. Sorr, disant o es Z L ncea definite as- setWugex dependng on xspeencel Transportation to Ern ntoto sa must or email storageyx@ sentex.el No phone cal splese. E ^tusiirsticand energel c person for etai cao- eservice. Experience reqa red f0r bsy courier copying, business servcex company. Full tning. Compate exsperience reqa ed. Fax: 905 nte ca s De ser to 162 Guelph Street, Georgetown. requs reiable, rd workngI indviuas t fllFui) Time andl I Part-Time truck washer posi- I tionsWeekend work requred Apl ypoe:958467 Lamb 2000 Inc. (United Van Lines) Is osa hîrîng 0-Cicos, AZ Drivers & Mosers Experience in hosshsid Mosing preferresi bual training ci 6e prssidesi Apply in person to: 1e0 Superior Btvd. Mlssissauga Or fax resume to: 905-565-0293 Ato: Jenn GENERAL LABOURERS reqaîresi for iight packîog ansi quaiity inspectîion ut plastics rsonufacturing faciiity (Milton. Carspbelsîlie areal. Goosi Iansi eye coordination req'd Sleady shîft work. $9.00 - $1 1.00/hr plus benef ils. Fao: 905-854-0813 Emoîl: eaagg@ buederman.ca DOWNTOWN OAK VILLE Clothing Store seeks xp. persosal for the foilowîng: *Store Manager * PIT Fashion consultant (sales) Fax resume toi: 905-592-9494 available in ail departmesls, for ail xhifts înciudîng Cul Fisor, Dressing Floor, Packaging, Shipping and Sanitslixn, there are positions ready 10 xuit ail polenlîsi empisveeo. Are vos motivated, ready 10 be chalienged and are dniven to sacceed? Gel a fresh start wîth Mapie Leaf Fresh Foodo. Qualifications: - Must be commilted 10 sale work practices - Abiiity to work on, and ax part ofa leurs - Must possesx good communication and interpersonai skîlix -Abiiity to work in a tast-paced ensîrooment - Focaoed on quality and continuoux improsement - Prevîsus inidaxtriai / manufactoning plant esperience would be consîdered an asset If vos believe lIraI vos are wilîsg 10 xtep mbt a oea and eocîtîng career, pieuse jon us for ose of sur lob loirs ut: Monday April 101h Sheraton Motel 16 King St.W., HAMtLTON Centre Bail Roomn lOam-3pm Wednesday Aprit 1 Bth Trsvelodge on the Lake 2020 Lakeshore Rd., BURILINGTON Nelson Room 3, 1Oam-3pm -We look (or/lard to meeting FOU. Job Fair easosas Buriixgton us holding an Open Hotise bexceen xhe Iors ol 8:00 to 5:00 os Aprîi 12! Wie are rurrenrf y recîuîting Cor the foiixwinO positions us Iturtisoton ansi Oaksîfix: . Lîght ansi Heasy Labourer $9.50-$10.50 .Order Pîckers/Packers $10-$11 .Assemnblers $10-$11 " Shippxr/Receîeers $12-$14 " Cerbifiesi Forkiift Operators $13- $14 " Mast hase yoxr swn reliahie transportation *Piease bring in ysur ressmne andi 2 sapervssry references* 895 Brant St. #6 (Btrant ansi Fairview) ttsriungton ir rancistaci w.rnstdc oluuîns PLUMBING MART Retal Associate (Fuil-time) vil sre rxcruiting for our buxy retail kîtchen & bath boutique. Candidates shoulsi be a quick sludy for Ixchnical information, be comfortabix witIr comput- ers, hsse a flair for colour ansi design ansi have a frîxndiy disposition. Plumbîng Mort wiii train the right undisîduaix. Deign Consultant (Full-time) Plumbing Mort is addîng to sur Design Teamn Ideal candidates ohoulsi huve kîtchen ansi bath design esperience, a flair for colour, space use, accurate in home measure ansi presenlatîo skiiis. Piumbîng MarI wiii train the rîghl individuai on computerîzesi drawîngs, Tis us an eocîling opporlunily wîth a greal tears. ras reaume Kathy Dzagan 905-639-3581 Plambing Mari 3235 rai-nies St. Bartington, 7:00 arn to 3:00 prn $9.25 an hour 1 Long Term Assignments -sphe7-ion.>e- www spherîon.cam Foir work ils Oakvîie and Toroxto areas Automotive QC Itîspector for ail shifts Satcty boots/glasses reqsircd Fax:905 743-9921 Emnail: sewhire(@phoeoixquality.coxt lenefts Avalablel Retired Handyman Oakvîiie nariaus add lobs, piumbîng, paint- ing, carpentry. 20-30oas/oweek $11.50/fi. Fax resumne 905-815-0554 Sommer Emlment Fast Paced Recruitment Agency seeke resait oriented teamt player with professionai phone presence. Training provided. Cati 905-842-4262 Swîmming Pool Baîlders iaakisg for otrang, enthusîaslîc General Labourers Opportunily 10 graw ailIr campuny Competîtîve salary Fax: 905-338-1689 Cali 905-338-1887 Emplment ATTENTION Summer StudentS Wetcome Av $20+/hr viexkliy piecewxrk compensation Enamneration type .VIrk NO EXP NEEDED FREETRAINING Student schataraii pram ale To book an interview coul 905-525-5948 Tafalgar Oundas Exp. Assistant Manager! & Manager P/T & FIT Fa Ri ue HYUNDAt relquîreu Saturday General Shop Assistant $tOitir 9am-4pm Courtesyl Parts Driver $tt/hr Mus-Fi 7:3Oam-4:3Opm Apptyl by tax 9054633-8815 Phone 905-633-8811 Attention ian CollaIt (Service Manager) To service Women's Hand & Body Crears Producto in Local WaI-Mart. Gemo soperiesce an usel Approximately 5 hours per Osmo. Weekendu andi Holi- days, Regular work. flexible hours. Web accusa required. SSummer Emplyment M ESmmyent EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT SLOOKING FOR A STUDENT STO I1RE THIS SUMMER? Place your ad with: z ~CLASSIFIEDS April 2nd - June 29th O Under the classification: SUMMER EMPLGOYMENT Cri Special Rates!. Internet included!O Ph: 905-875-3300 2 cIassified@ miltonicanadianichampion .com. EM PL OYME NT EMPLOYMENT