~j~a j7 ~The Canadion Champion, Fridoy Apnîl 13, 2007 - 29 Car_ _ _ _I)rv e r EW11.1I)ies U ral Help IHnal ep An ISO 90v1200vv Con)iy CYCLONE CONTRO LS spcahzsi i asu deviri iu ~~~r, ,ls i, ru manvfaco rng af econic vontas. As a team. os onsist l xv ovid tvhe xxxves nuvity pivaxcis r i iduct leooo inuocro 0e and services that exceed our cuv omers'expectations. I l us ut luig nurneo l LOCAL WORK products thot oare sold ocross the kîtchen ProjeEL Mau nager/ Cullux nom t:1-87794-KIDS Fiat hed and fable? Woe houe soles people who user] nLuaivea iv un enuvi nppvrlvnliiy employer. dry van positions. Min 2 to soul these produiies ond 00W typîcolly El c ra i es g e yearv expenience mck- Higlyefeciv asa usomr iaion yu il poduce quxtes, develsp schedules fvr productioand imiltoflc a aI afUlpIisp BBr, Me Cal9558_03 m emrorthn$80c'al>hn development and entiy areas vi mprovemen ao ptimze pr ec v loa. Yoa wi aso manage caovossing and 10 pponments we k internai and enternol resvurces to delîver prvîects mîthin budget and tîmelînes. Yvxr dlemxnstruted ~ otsVaiRyah596110 eapdnrenceehrne cuvier ordor oaeulacxavris vrsignr rardwr rerr and rirmwarandscomprehensîve binawldeeevfleHectrnnîcndesîgHelhardwarland tîrmoareaiv ca5p9emented08 tf you are prepared ta bonld upan aur great repvtxtrnn tvr prvducts and services, me meicome yax iv appiv nu: Humain Resources 3185 Dundas Street West Oakville, ON L6M 4J4 fax: (905) 827-9594 e-mail: aketelaars@cyclanecontrols.com1 1 -w Iw vwI Iun ro t nl .: Finding a greai job mas vo easy. Jusi open Mxase"iaut NXI Lctassified section is att tl took. Phone 90i5-978-2341 or errai.: ctassrfred@o miltoncanadianchampras com Canadian Tre <Fairsntew street, Bunttngton) has an opentng for an ASSISTANT STORE MANAGER Large volume, cuxtomer txcused retail store bas an opening for an experierced, nrativaied indi- vîdual wîth aspirations to advance their career. The successtal candidate oi have a retaîl store management background wbs ix Ixoking ta gain esperience in a taxi paced, high volume environ- ment. The candidate eutl have xtronig HR xkillx, a cuxtomer tocuxed attitude and escepinal work ethîc. The xelected individual wili have store man- agement vaperience in a xmaller bat ximilar envi- nomment. We pravîde a team enviranmeni, npparlunîtp ta ad- vance, greut wvrking conditions. competitive xaauy wîth banus, enceptinnai profit vhurîng package. benefls package wîth paîd tor EHT premîumv. Ptease torard your resmre f0: hildaline20l@yahoo.com . Wv would like oe thank all applcants for iheir inter- est hoseve, oniy thvve velvctvd for un? interview wi)'l be contvcted. Ne phonce calia piease, NATIONAL WIRELESS v texding supplier ot Bell producta and services iv hîrîxg txr the followîxg positions seithîn van Oakvilie based head office location: Accounts Receivable Analyst Minimum of 3 yearx espenience in fli cycle Ac- caunt Receivable, callectios and genenul husi- ness administration. Pratîcient in Mcrosoft Evcel and Oulaok Excellent organîzatîos skîlls. Senior Analyst Minimum of 3 years related analyticul and data esperience. Pralicient knowledge in Microsoft Ac- ceos, Excel ard Oulaok. Ability tai worfî with large volumes xl data, Excellent organisations and com- munications skil15 Corporate Account Sales Minimum of 3 yeors esperience in business to business sales. Esperience ix technology and/or aireleos solex ix preterred. The ouccestul candi- date wiii be responoihie for the expansion of exst- ing accounto and the deveiopment of new cuxtomn- ems cithin a delined geogrophic terrdtory. Theo aucceaslut candidates will jais a resuta focuaed envirasment that allers aboya average compensation, benetits, educattan training pragrama and excellent advascement opportunîties- Please tomward your reaume by emrait tacreer@natce.com OnIy succestul candidates wni be contactan. a*l i LÀ -: ia - Ilir a- JOB DONE! Ad Submissions Received b: Fax: 905-876-2364 Tel: 905-878-2341 Emal ciasoitied@miltoncaxadianchampisn.com Par ysur canarnience an accent 'xVA MvSnEvçvvO vMEeICsN EXPRESS, îsNTERc CxxH. CvEQvE Supervisor A large multi-dimensional organization in the Food Industry is seeking a Supervisor report ing to the Department Manager. Respon- sibilities will include, supervising and sched- uling the assigned department, production control, meeting production deadlines and continsous procedures to maximize yields and quality. You wiII ensure ail Satety proce- dures and policies are complied with and you will be responsibte to ensure regular mainte- nance of the area is carried out. As the ideal candidate you will be avoulable toi wonk flexible shifts, quickly adapt f0 van- oas production departments demands, able to adapt to a hands on approach in a union- ized envinrnment, have related supervisory experience in a food processîng Company and be familiar with HACCP food require- ments. An ability fo multî-task and motînate people is an asset, We oller a competitîve salary and benefîts package alsng with the opportunity Io wons with a great team in a very rva'ardîng envi- ranment. Entait resume to: careers@maptelodgetarms.com & ' "' -eei EE i Euxp4e dteIa IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Van Drivers Erb provîdes quality temperature-controlied espedite and dedicated coarier services. We have severai opportunîties for Van Drivers based ouf of either our Baden or Mississau- ga terminais. Candidates must have a dlean G license. We hire team playens with positive attitudes and excellent costomer service skilis. We can assist those who wish f0 be owner-xperators, as celi as cxmpany drivers, Send Resumé and driver abstract ta: ErbTranspartation Solutions Inc. 290 Hamilton Road, New Hamburg, Ontario N3A 1 A2 or Fax 519-662-9499. You can also apply anline aI:. www.erbgroup.com CHLESES UL ADRIVER Itequred todeiven petriem prduts E Must hase petroleum esperierîce *Fax reoumne to: On emaît toý adminOchaimerofueix ca LABOURER Joîn nar Waste Management Services team in Miltas, ta asrst wîith container station operations, directrng castonners tv the correct hies, inspectisx ixads for acceptable and anacceptabie materials, marntaîning the site, and operatîng iîgbt eqvîpment. These duties reqaîre the abiiity ta xnderstand wrîtten and verbal cvmmunicativns, and prxvîde custvnner service in a pisasant. heipîxi cnanner, Experîvace in deaing wrth the public and workîng oxtdovrs is preferred. You hoid a vaid driver's licence, can lift xp to 20 kg, and are abie tv, merk Saturdays and in inciement meather conditions and chaiiengîng terrain Isteep. slippery siveesi, Knvmiedge of MS Office Suie, a mechanîcal aptitude and Grade t12 Cbemnistry are assets Please forward vaur cornent cuver lexter and resumne, qavting Competitian #PP-130-07, by April 20, 2007, toý Human Resource Services. Applîcants wiii he consîdered hased on the information provided. We tirank ail candidates loi tbeîr rîrieresi However, oniy tiiose ueiected for an interaiewî wîil ae corîtacted. 111 r n .a, O.kile ON -6 -l Fa:9582-02 TOn-dyApil. 1? 2007 C.WHEEL 2 7prnr --------40 Chashnzrtrn D r i vunM Isalt<Drrn-------- I -Co>oks r~~r 'Servers ~1 Janitornat /Maintenance Dishwashers Restaurant Cashier/Hostens - »Store Cterks TravelSales Consulan tis 'M Flrgho Centre is sceing iaientcd peoplei who wani no Ovin thetr passion for sales and iravei into a revaarornv career vViOh oui- ongorng expansion, ave have a nvmbcr of open ngs rn the western Gi cater-Toronio Orrea. Svocessfvi candrdates amit have pirven custorrer serce and vales skls, soird aror hrsOor y a otrovg academir vackground, an itrntonltrve xprenewe f ariLI H CoptriE arywtuNTapdeREi LANCAPE1 ITREE SERVICEI STUDENTS WELCOMEU * Fa lTme p1sition avalah e, transportation required, no exp needed. Miasse cati. 905-876-1264 Leave message FIT Car Detaller & Maintenance required. Must have a valid driver slcense & be a hard worker. FULL-TIME GENERAL LABOURER wanted Requirex somne heavy lifting and Valîd Driver's Licence. Stant immediatey. 905-876-0928 1 aller 6pm Locutnd in Georgetown, Ontarion ls cuîîvntiy recruîtîng for the lllawng positionv %setvnx requvrd tv work on an alteînvvn nuil, Soit hc.ars run lîvnî Mvnday ta Thusday lion, 30 pm nI o 2:00 a m Shift prvmium ivs xpplîvd to aftvrnvon shîft and overtîme iv nvrmaliv avaîlahîx. rpl t teaetixl h u ma eoarcex" n by eî l e ai r Coamod7irptvii p ea Lodction. p Fu0h TieBntt a vae Forkiitt licencehv d experiexce mlvrgt eferr e d ,buo mît i trakin F a eoot p ced, wet extatîhe can Fax qeresuoacm tax:90554-58708 Sf èr anrtc dedbers taldean j or byemai Loartisjamtonvov.e e. vvhere teamwork succeeds l MM At Haltan, we velue our employees, es il is only through their efforts that we are able toi meet the evoiving needs of our custonners, Se recognized for your contribution to Haltons successes. Providing services in public heaith. social and community services, and planning and public works, Haiton Region is a dynamic organization in an ever- changing and growing community, located in the western Greater Toronto Area. Ro *i', www.hai experience with Protel or Orcad, Solid Works or CAD, MS rroject, C, -, v., an . SO w- ýý