The Cunadian Champion, Friday April 13, 2007 - 27 Houses ShrdSae oigEvents t= mng Events MU eah âU DetsDatsDa Fur FlRai Ac__ ac.mdaincomrmodation Odro n aluraiiy Orighi, e newiy aedalod & rers- iilei lower reni 10r- mentl Qiet 'r eigoio oîloiîih auripic pare- Ong Ciot o n al arrori, Opriaricro wli rhare, irrirr, c7 'loi ral'r s or en_ rfan, " Ocr 'l'O liirir 110 No p' Ara, aSir. Apii ,i t S900 rirth r harrO tirilies Ca,[ 905-592 1841 3-BEDROOM ivirose uppor floor Fresiy pairiod, 'rvato launry /drrreway, Clos le everytbmrg. For mors dotains rail 9050-877- 0009ý 3-BEDROOM somi. Georgetown Bouts, close ce scirools, CAC. caramîcs. 5-appiranceo. Aouilabia Jane tutL $1 ,47Slmuntb plus utîlîties Coul 900-877- ACTON bouse tor reot, 2-Sb e dr oo mus $OSOimontir plus atîlîtros. Roforonces and tirst/last. Avaiairia Immedratoiy. Call 905- 702-8945, century homo N. Ourlirs ton, 3000sqtt., 4-SOrm, 2 bath, 4 applianes. o/e, gos bout. Tom 905-332- SMLO 3-bedruom coutry CIA, aczIn 'r Aaiabie Mioei1s1y $1 ,300lmotincrluive. 905-73-222. ee messagese MILTON Mattarmy o gatrag or aaik i ta siois. $40-apir ulanctes 9051-tira. MAILE 3&drsd- Sreet. Iv. acusas. ceailable MyJrmedîati Hoadl Mails 90r45e 118 Laeioeaae- ments05-70-33 LAEdroom. ca orn +pgtrae. cort irume tl rro ls 4Olcepir nces $450mth 90+ oMO Oownom or Oror Lahoo Mature- mern pers87n-905 DOen &o HAEante LAGEo ne cultres ptroni oudntry comef taretd kcE-ma baehoosi MalOre ViCC @gmaiL40/eofl IRIGHT syaeics 1ouisl ni exenuiiro 010, 1 roi e ,oo on iii aird orrir rooni w, eiand tuiiOrisu,10 ',rnirate single" prro- es<,oral nrri.okmor frrrr TIiinipbor Scott0 MILTON oeali- to ,nirouoem Non- ým,-fk.r pnrIrrred $050/rr r ,ltlooS Araiahir May lsI 905 299-6577 OAKVILLE sharod ac commodation, Robes- caiRronte area. Shorr waik te lake, soparata entrance. Largo spa- cious room. ail utlirtres. $deOlmtir Avaiabie mmsdicteiy. 905-844- 8033, Mioi nila, riu-pila & ruraryrsool, 0000 mb ic hi-qyeed cabre, & ail rItiiies. roalur, per soli O' aso ail Yo.i nerO 5s 1,cr 905h 93- va A re v6eoiral LICE NSE O Homo Day Cure Spacos Avoulable Persorai Care. Pon;ce Seurry Check, Cire and Heathi Insyection, First Aid Certilîed Pieuse rail 416-877-5344 wccharrondaceau to plare yoar a on if ir OCanblair ClCikion raIl 905.878.23411 m BZih VAN RIET PAAP - Bora in Hong Kong Murcir 21, 2007 weîghing 7ibs 2uz, Austin Everett, aurpniacd hia parents Amanda and Jay-Jay by urrining 4 weeka euniy. Sîblingu Owen and Paîge and grundpurantu Alice and Ken Hartig and Shenan and Dan Sîmu are vary gratefai for hiu sale flight. Thanku f0 guod friand Knîutî for suppurtîng Amundu danîng her labout. Vieira - Melissa and Paul ara thniiad to annoanca tha birfh of thaîr firat son Jason Paul waîghîng 5urs, 4az. at Qakeilie Trafalgar Memoriai Houpital un Aprif 5fr, 2007. Jauon sarpriuad us ail by urrîeing eariy and ha uireudy fiiied our heurta îtir anugi love to laut a lîfatîma Andrew and Jaemjian MacLean ara dalîghtad to unneanca tira birth of thaîr 00n Matthew Khamn on Aprîl 2nd. 2007 weîghîng 81ibo, 5 tl2oz. Thunir you te the Obutatrîcai Doctorsanud Nurses ut MDH. Boy? or Gir F Tlet your fornTily -& f riercds with Birth Announ*-etnentS ~e~aiabîana io Intemnationally knowo n ~ ' Psychics, Auras. 10 Palmists, Tarot Cards , Spiritual Communication ,i'J Crystal Bail, Raunes,, Numerology Lectures aud MUCH MORE.a Admission - 85.00 $2.00 off with this ad HOUOAY - EXPRESS 2750 MI PIEd DR., MMe 647-831-1357 GOLF CINICS LADIES' Series of 1File 1-Hour Lesson $120.0L Tuesday evenijfis, Wednesd ay eveniiigs or Saturday mornings Leai n hoze tea sirng proper> and have filn! St-arts week of May 8th To register e~all: 905-878-1818 or 905-876-7982 McLEAN, Jacalyn W. At Guelphr Canerai Houpital on Wednes- day April 11, 2007 uit the uge of 57. Jucalyn McLeun, duughtar of tire late Dunald (Donc) and Roaemary Tîmbaru. Wîfa ut Grant and mother uf Mîka and Jamea. Loving sîuter of Lynna and the iota Sandra. Siatar-in-law osf Terry, Joa, Cam, Randy and tho jette Bill Fanerai arrargements are prisate ut Juculynos requeut. If deurred, donations te the Carudian Cancer Socrety would ire apprecîated. Orine cundoiencea and donations may be made ut www.eurlyfa naraibuma cum. J.SCT-R1 Aller the dea11 of Iris reisoro aile ci 6h yeri Marguerite, romn peumroria or Februaro 18 A 200T Berr îos Iis onv Ile 2 ceres lsrer orf March 3, 2007 ei a calastoopo 0,0ecirai tire eNhfch do- sîrovel noeir loiorî lBe'- cri Ihi short oeni remo., Lss, Bert co,,i ruit rerri trai ri belorol Marg had lied oi days seore ail Je *ras 11'rclorr CoIýiclrY loir Irg aller hr osly !o Oc bold repeaolly -aird rach timne os i for Irp first riie lIrhai sho ri losl diel AI 88 Berr wor s1 i rry socarJ(l IV irdrd makirg, doore ii.v1rerr locked tie iîghls ofIl tho ,îaîîOis on d soil o ie Nr as un the grouri ooe arid hadt bol the house c 1lh seoCial iSOOriS o ic emerger y e91055, le coula ouîily haro oscapod '7I lire fIre Butl cher the alarm cool off. ho coke r, lira lIraI Marg cas sol in bed cilS hrm ard . c course, ho cruld roi lare lire house cîlhoul her. Consequerl ho oui iris ocr le rn a lumîly Iruge-. Y' dy of Shakespoarour proportiors colle leekîrg le,, rescue her. f-is cerderul Tîbelar curegreer, Son arn Tue. rîsked har owr lfe lrying 10 suce him bu cao bouter Sack by hat, scoe arîd flames. Sire iben rur 00cr the laoewuy te lire reîghbouro in her pyjamas, cuttîrg ber bure leel or the ice, i muko the 911 caIl ut uppreaimulely 4:15 o m. Tir Milton Fîre Dopurîment cere aclually in actior uith1e lire orly 7 63 mirutes luter. Tira firut lirefîgirtero or tir ucero iound the Iruuue ergulfed, but ulue rîuked Iheir lires ard breudired protocol by lsg-stramîrig tIroir ay ino taris bedroom - bat ire iud 9000 luekîng for Iris Murg and cas rot thero. Alîbougr ire cas Sor in Toront, Bortus parants asie both Nocfoundlundars br hi airier, Rocorend William Goddard Day of Gld Perlîcun. a Methodiot ard Iran United Cburch Mînistor, dîed rn 1919 aIrly airer Bort's Sier.h and iris mother, Leru Elizabeth Day (roe F0100t), was u scboolteuchor from Western Bay. She dîad wbon Bert cas 12 yearu old and Ire cas raîsea by hos strict, bel deootd aurl, Pumolu Arn Fullen, a borne mîoorerury for lIre Moîhodîiss Whirle ho Irad ro brethers or sioters hirmuef. his cousins from tIre otiror Day ard Loyu clans becume part of iris 0cr fumîly. Ho bocume close Irrords cîIrh Murgus ululer, Berrîce, and ber busburd, Kortir Hafi. and tiroir cirdror, ot Edmonton and luler, Denverr Abter marryrng Marguerite Cludys Brrckor on 1941 and gruduatirg f rom Poeslry Ergineering ut University of Torort, Bort sport Iris ar youro us o 00mb disposai uffîcer fer Army Intelligerce in chaurge of Westerr Canada ugaîrot tire Imporral Jupureso cumpuîgn, aiîci bsmbed Westerr NortIr Amorîcu frsm irgenîsas se- lur-poaorod bydrogon builooro. Tirose bot-arr type bullooro cors luuncbod rrto tire jet atream f rom Tokyo by tire Bacterial Wuduare Divisior of lire Jupanse Army, abo cors knoar te bave ussd gorm araro rn Cina Sy dropprrg buberrc plugue-îrfected lice ard flous te tIre rats of sereral major Ciîrso cîtios. Becousa of tIrs spyrrg cbîch procedsd Peurl Harbeur the Jupurse Balconr Theatre cas uuccouufuly kopt top secret eer theugIr Irunrds of Salloo lard tiroir Sembo)f bit Westerr Northr Amorîca from 1944 - 46. Gnly rormal oil bacteria from the Tokyo arsa cors fora tr tIrs balluot surdbugs and otiror purupherroîra bolt mode i acros tirs Pacîfîs. eut of reacb et ail aircruir of tirs day ard invisible 10 sonly radar Secous tirs balloors 000 ro motal structure. BerI culîsO this campurgr iris 'privais cor agurnot Jupon": 'prîvate" becue Ire 000 sort vut completoly on Iris ocn cîtir ariOso autbority from Brigadier Harvey on Ottawa te commandoor cirutaver trarsport or service or murpocer Ire raquirsa from 000 of our armod forces rn urder te carry ut iris missiror cribout oxplurutrue te uny hiîgbar rarks ever theugIr ho cas only o Lieuterart, For tbeue services 10 our country, Bort cas mode a Membor of tIrs British Empire wîirh o citation for Iris "initiative, rngonuity ard enOrgy rn rscovarîrg Jupunse Sulmrun and bombu frem eotromoly isoiated ard mout inaccessîble locations'. Pool- cor Japuneso publications corfrrm Ibat Tokyo nover dîd fr00 out tSar su many balîmonu Sud mode tirs flîgiri saccesfally. Airer tIrs cor Bort tuugbt Dendrulogy ard Sîlvacultare ut tirs University of Nec Brunswick unti tire Abitibi irrd hirm au a Loggîog Superîntondent. ard ire and Marg moved roteo abasir camp near Tîmmîrs cîtr 200 Cther mer. He oon opened iS ocn mînîng trmbsr business. cbîcr Ira uperuted rn Tîmmins arfîl 1967. Ho an0 Marg then Surît tire Mohacwk Ino in Cumpbsllviila cicb tirey ron togefirer untl 1974. Durrng tIre Mohawck yeara. Bert bocume an anique expert, wtb formidable knocledge of pire farnitare an0 ail colectors' liras of glassand0 chira. Luuîg tIrs home tbut tbey bud buîlt togetiror an0 turosd rno a muooum of Caradrunu antiqus meurs the loss of courtieus sntimentl trouourao. Spiritual cîtiroat beîrg rolîgious 0cr Bertrum cas evar tirs studeot sspscally of tIrs brstory of muokîrd. an0 of tirs uccuntubility of tira corld'o great religions. Ho would alue qoote ootesicey fromt tirs Bible and Shakespears e rî iluotruto a point, or lust te upprocrats tiroir beautful lurguag, an0 Ire could go about bru business ail day urngîng or cbîotlîrg 10 brmsef, Vory lac people ceuld play cards cîtb Bort bocauso. gîvor orrougir limte, ire would ulcupuwi arr utpoker or bridge, Ho bad otiror "supernaturuO' abîlîtîs au a fisirermun, and ou a coter cîtcb - arle 10 tell from un upple twig boa deep tire culer cao. boa muny gallons a minute, boa pure. an0 0000n And ire cas rayer aroogl Murg an0 Bort cors predeceassd by tiroir beut frîenso terta cr0 Kertir Stiring an0 Arr and Henry Kelreck, an0 bhey iuved tirs Stirling girls and tirs Koireck cirdror an0 tiroir fumîlies as tireir 0cr. Tbsy are sarcîcsd by tirres cirdron and rire grundcirildrsr. airs strîve 10 attaîn tire igi standards Marg and Bort sel lirroagb fhir 0w0 attitudes and achrevemonts. Peggy Hlirburtor and ber huband, Michael. of Milton, and tiroir cil- drer, Jernîfor, Bath an0 Cbrrutupbe: William Day ar0 iris cris. Stopirurîs, of Toronto, and tiroir cbîldrer. Am- ber and Lacoy, an0 Richaurd Day an0 iris crie, Karen, of Miton, and tiroir chidrer, Peter, Foula. Robert ar0 Tranru. A fourtb chirld. MarIons Anne Day dîsO from bloo0 dîsordor rn Fredericton sllertly cirer ber birfin rn 1946 Berl Day cas lire firot porso te loue ms firein a lire rn Mlter rn mors thon 30 yoaru an0 tirs Pire Deparîmeri regrets tirat tbey cors urubie 10 ours hm But te tIrs Dopurîmoot and tinose brave young fîrefîgirters cire rîuked tiroir lices for semeone tirey bcd lever mot (Acting Captaîr Paol Holliîgsireud Fîrofîgirter Trm Bruon Fîrefîgirter Gord Harse) pieuse romoember tiraI you ceald rot haro sursd hrm. Tirrs no 00ay ho cas isucrrg artirsut Murg. We saluts yeu cîtir our Ibuoko and admiration for rrskîrg yecr lires for hm 10 il 008 conuolation to kroc trot be (along artir ail utber votorarsi ehern rrsked iris lifs fcr peu - cn0 ycur parents -de- fusrrg unti-peroonrel Sombo darîrg lIre arte deferd our caues? Ws are gruioful Ibat our parentso iîed long ara frurllul lirvs ar0 teuired s mary people in se muny cayu. Ose of Bers luvoarîto oupîngo sums i uli up for us 'heour moIrer ru tire Seul bing tiraI eer irappersd te me. Pieuse jor us fer a celobratîono0f Borts file and a lîgirt lunch or Sunday Aprl 22, from 12:00 -3:00 p.m. iRe- mombrurcos ut t:00 p m.) ut tire Gambrel Barn, Country Herîtugo Park. 8560 Trenmaine oa0 Milton (905) 878-8151 (noot to Kolso Ski an0 Conservation Area - ust rertb of Murg an0 Berls). Anyone crobrrg 10 mako a contribution in Murg or Bort's msmory is rovîlsd te cenorder tire Alzhiromer Society of Canada, 20 Eglîntor Avenue West, Suite 1200. Toronto, GOrtarro M4R 1 K8, cwalzieroca. Sa eo a h a in... i L inbm C Ipilpo C -Osife GesRs PSYCHUC FAIR Sut. APril 21 - Noon - Opm Sun. April 22 - Noon - lpm CRUCEFIX, Albert Edward (Ted) it is wîtir great sudneos tirut tira fumîly of Ted Crocofis unnoancos iris pussîog un Marchr 29, 2007. A Fligir Sergeant in tire RAF, Ted wrii ira mîssd ip iris wife Mil- OrsO and cildren Lîndu (Don). Michael (Put) and Brion (Sharon), grandciîdran and great-grundcindren. Donations to tire Alzhreimer Society or Ailendule Long Termn Cure Facilîty ors approciuted in lies of flucers. Letters of cordoienco may ire laS uat J. Scvo Euniy Funrru Home or on- lins ut 1SCOTTEAR.Y MALCOLM, Donald Ian April 18, 1930 - March 23, 2007 Son of tire lofe Thromas and Amy Eleanur Malcolm. Donald cas a ratired lumyer and saccesoful business mon. He cao tire husirund of Judithr Malcolm, flainer 0f Nîcholus (Kutirleen Donnaily) an0 Micheline Daberurdîne (Roger), grundfuther to Unu. Wyliîe and Finn Malcolm and James. Maggîe and Roirert Deberardîre. Ha \Niro a friend an0 companron to tIre ltoe Leonre Cousins. Pnîvate fumriy cremation. A gutberrng wii tubs place ut 184 Main Street East, Miltor or Aprîl 14. 2007 from tpm ta 4pmý Directions con ire recarosd by cuilisg 905- 876-3033. Flocons are grutefciIy deciînad rat donations tu tire Salvatron Army woald ira apprecîufsd.