Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Apr 2007, p. 21

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 13, 2007 - A21 Sports Shorts Santos F.C. SoccerAcademy sets up shop in Milton mate frisbee. A [ree clinie to introduce prospective participants to the sport - wbich includes elements of soccer and foot- bail - is slated for Monday, May 28 at 8:30 p.m. at Lions Sports Park. A 14-week co-ed aduit summer league us Monday nigbts startingjune 4. The côst is $55 per player or $450 for a tram. Urban Sports Club will also bave beacb volîrybaîl and soccer leagues available tbis summer. Registration details for any of these sports are avail- able at www.urbansports.ca. Softball players nrrdrd The Burlington Ladies Softball League is still looking for players for tbe upcoming season. Open to womcn 19 years and over - of any skîll level - the leagur offers a 20-game scbedule fromt May to August. Tbe majority of games are playrd on Wednesday nigbts, wnbh just one double-brader set for June 16. A rating day will bc brld April 28 [rom 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Burlington's Skyway Park. To sigu up or for more information, caîl Donna as (905) 332-8336 or visit www.geocities.com/burlitgton- ladiessoftballîragur. Sucrer sign-up T1e Burlington Women's Rec Soccer I rague bas expandrd tbis season, and in doing su, is nuw louking for goalîrs and players in both its 30-sometbing ranks and open division, wbîcb competes in the Ontario Womrn's Soccer Leagur. The season begins next montlb and us until September. For more information or to regîster for ritlher divisiona, caîl (905) 632-4035 or vtsît www.bwrsl.com. it comres to tise form if tbe.,A N start il tise otttdoor season. Miltou-basrd Santos EC. Soccer Open to ail players five to 16 Acadrmy, tbe firat Ontario fran-( . years of age, the program will chise for the well-rrnownrd h, old tryouts next wrrkend, Apr. Brazilian program thats nrarly 21 and 22, as nearby Courtney 100 yrars old and launcbed soccer Park in Mississauga. lrgeud Prees carrer in the mid-1950s. Like otiser academies in the arra, Wbîle the acadrmy tecbnicaily Santos FC. provides elite-level training opeurd injanuary witb indoor instrue- and competition. And wbile open to DO YOUR PART Help Iiee our comiiiu- nlty clean bn foltowing Multon's local recycling guidelines, and recycle 1111e paper wlien you're flnielîed meading il! We dare you to compare your insurance rates. $1,O98-ty*a $4,513-1YO, You may be paying 4 times higher, over 300% more for the same thing. Instant(y compare mhat you're paying to over 30 other insurance company rates. InsuranceH'atline.cam arranges them by price, and gises you the 3 Laws.tý Rates betmeen insurance companies can sary by 100's, even 1.O00s of dollars. Jump an-tine and compare. Plus your quote miii be emailed ta you, instantty. Youll[ be shocked haw mach sasings yau'l find in less than a few minutes. N'tsstss,îuga ands1- lotonto -rssuglsly tbree quarters of overail enroliment thus far bas comne from local youtbs, wbo'll train at the soccer fields on Britannia Road. To sign up, or for more iuformation on Santos EC., eall Toni Marin at (905) 828-8366 or visît www.santosfcon- tario.ca. HALTON-PEEL BOUNDARY AREA TRANSPORTATION STUDY The Halton-Peel Boundary Area Transportation Study is a joint study between the Region of Peel, Halton Region, City of Brampton, Town of Caledon, and the Town of Halton His. The study has been initiated ta identify the long-term (2021 and 2031) transportation network required ta support provincial and inter-municipal planning goals, and ta serve future transportation demands mithin the Study Area (see map below). Specific goals and objectives of the Haiton-Peel Boundary Area Transportation Study are ta: " Support current and future municipal planning objectives by praviding transportation capacity ta accommadate future travel demands generated by planned growth in mest Brampton and Halton His. " Deveiop a coardinated interconnected roadmay network system along the Haltan/Peel baundary. " ldentify opportunities for transportation mode choices, including public transit, carpool inglva npool ing, and High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes acrats the study area. " ldentify solutions ta serve long-distance truck traffic travelling in the study area between Halton Region and Peel Region. " ldentify improvements that wiii serve inter-regional traffic inciuding longer-distance, cross-boundary traffie from Halton Region (and areas west of Halton Regioni, travelling tbraugh mest Brampton and southwest Caledon ta destinations ta the south and east in Peel Region, Yark Region, and Toronto. " Reviem potential ta imprave connections mith the existing Provincial 400 series highmay network and possible future Provincial transportation facilities including the GTA West Corridor Planning and fnvironmental Assessment Study in support of the Province's grawth objectives as set out in the Provincial Grawth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. " Explore opportunities ta reduce dependency on the automobile through Travel Demand Management (TDM>I transit supportive measures. This notice signais the commencement of the Halton-Peel Boundary Area Transportation Study. This joint study miii be carried out through an open public procets in accordante mith the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Clats fnvironmental Assessment (EA> process (MEA, 2000) which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act, sa that the study resuits can serve as direct input ta any subsequent [A studies that may be deemed appropriate. The Halton-Peel Boundaiy Area Transportation Study miii define problems and opportunities, cansider and evaluate alternative solutions, and identify an optimum transportation system aiong the Haiton/Peel boundary. A key component of the study will be consultation with bath stakeholders and the general public through stakeholder group morkshops and public information centres (PiCs). These miii be held at key points during the study and miii provide opportunities for input ino the study and the presentation of study findings ta date, by the Steering Committee. If you require additional information, mould like ta be piaced on the projeet mailing list, or if yas represent an agency, organization, ratepayers group, or special interest group and would like ta be added ta the Stakeholders Croup iist, please contact one of the indîviduals beiom: Wayne Chan Manager of Transportation Planning Region of Peel - 10 Peel Centre Drive, 6th Floor Brampton, Ontario L6T 4B0 Phone: 905-791-7800 est 4405 / Fax: 905791-7920 [mail: wvayne.chanPq-ipeel reg ion. ca Lina Zînkemîch Transportation Co-ordinator Halton Region -1151 Bronte Road Qakeille, Ontario L6M 3L1 Phone: 005-825-6000 ext. 7556 / Fax: 905-825-8822 [mail: lisa.zinkewvich@halton.ca Tyrane Gan, P. tng. iTRANS Consulting Ine. - 100 York Boulevard, Suite 300 Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1.18 Phone: 905-882-4100 / Fax: 905-882-1557 [mail: tgan@itransconssiting.com Please visit www.Haiton-PeeBATS.ca for additional information. 4IIIL TOWN OF CALEDON This Notice firot issued on April 11, 2007

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