[311 phone service wiII start this summrrer nc vitce unit liatton hia'seexc a 'siairip af approval froin regisonat councit. Tht' document, wvtsch lays out details oI the service ttesigned ta sin ptiiy resitteis actess ta non-emer- gency lo9cal g(9vcrrnels servites, was endorsed by coucncit ait a recent Ineea îig. A report ironst Haltoîs C nmmunit Relations Direttor ( arleen C arroll tai countcil exptains 31 t ietiminaies the îîeed lor a calter ao tindersiand which tevet of govcrriielst provides whicb servict's andti hen ttetermint' xshich phoîne nutmhe for abat governmrrent IL ( 31 ) 9tiolWi ctiZc e So il st a service, carry oua transactionss or receive generat municipal infiorma- tion," the report notes. The sysaemri diers lrorn the 21t1 phone serveice mottel prevîousiy approved hy tounicît in tisai 211 is an info9rmaMtion anti referrai service on communîty informatio9n. Staff estlmates that the Actess Hatton cati centre wi reccîve an adci tionai 221,000 catis per year as a resuit ai 31il. The sysicin wîtt opeo aie between 7 arn. anti 9 p.m. oîn regniar business days. Adventurer to speak ait breakfast Adventurer]eii Mactnnms xiii bc thîs year's keynote speaker ai the Beli/Chairman's Breakfast ots the Enviroinment i-riday Apr. 20. The evena wîll bcefield at Rattiesnakc Posint Golf Club frnm 7 ta 9 an. Tisose who attend \vili gea t0 isear Macînnis' taies as the leader of tue first teamn au sait the Northxvest Passage, captain of a top 10 Eco-Challenge Team, a Worid Cup dowîshîli ski racer, best-seliing author and entrepreneur. Tickets casst $40 and tables of 10 are avaitabte for $400, wîîts hait of tse seats being tiooated to local studeosîs. Registration formns are avaitabie at wwsw.haiton.ca or by cathing (905) 825- (1000. The Ctîairmans Breakfast on the Enivîrouiment is supported by Bett Canada through aise Bell Communîity Devetopnscnt Funti and presented in partnership with the TD Friends oft he Environment Fouridatian. Recipients of the Haliont Youth Avaras for Envîroumeniai Excellence andti he Haiton Environimenial Scholarships Awards xsiti aiso be hbon- asured ai the breakfast. Seniors document called 'stunning' III from LOOK$NG on page A10 - ust ait absotutety stunnling document," lie said. Burlingion Councitior Carol D'Amelio asked if iheres a need for r etication it9r sensiors to teans isox 1(9 îake public transsit. -, Ward replied that what's reatly need- cd are intenltives stics ols betier tîglsîîng andt bencthes in sheiters, whîcts exist îîs other commtînîties, aosd reduced tares. (There are currenai rettuted rates lot 1O 0ticket books or isonthiy passes, but not single fares.) Milton Councîttaîr Colin Best added that conitractors shouid be encouraged to consider the aging population and iuiti-geiserati9n famsilles wxheis build- ing homnes. "There's siu much to be done if wx"re tn create a truc senior- fric iidiy ct9mnunits Ward concluded. Ste1,loati i Ihiesseîî tan ha' icattsed ai stissctensglrn iatOidiafltliatlpSA4i t)m. Lo fo Iou -o rsl le lait. Maybe you've been thinking about it for months or even yeors. We con answer your questions and concerns. Arn 1 a good candidate? What resuits can I expect? Is it sate? How do 1 select a surgeon? How is it done? D SRetRY of SurERy C 145 Qe0. Street Baist- Suite 400,. Brarmptan Phone; 905-451$-5855 Toit F40.: 1 -877-565-2737 inforNamponf9Ct84.COf www.beamptoscunnt.conn The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 13, 2007 - Al13 2 L M2i ton Orthoôoitics. Thîe Namte Maxi Hase Chianged, But The Quals'v 0f Service Has Not. Dr. Eva Berka Certified Speciahast in Orthodonties continues to provide more than great smiles in Milton. 85 Main St. E., Milton 905-878-8865 Complimentary Initial Consultation No Referral Necessary www.miltonorthodontics.ca 1W 20OTrvelSemninars: nnaleieninterin e s ( anbe Win Vacation: Plus Iota of Otloe &"olPI EvL 0 W Show Exdusive Deals: Save on liavel 10 ome of th worId.s mosl popsiar destinations bîoughl tooyoo by (anadas Iaading 100I companîes ps ..Gk0s97i Don'tPlan aTrip rna l îeneuîrles8l0-,5ýIn'Aie On, - tfleualeeny i 50-- A dnen 8 158leoî 8 le APRIL 20 -22, 2007 - INTER914TOA CENTRBO 6900 AIRPORT RD., MI557SSA006 - FREE PARKING - l-"". ju -= MKMUR l"8Ko Jake 128eIcý ReMax Performance Rûâlly 'nC 905-270 2000 2-4 111 53 Dawson. $264,904 Argel Lions, Royal LnPae Meadonlowne Renir 90b-8a8-8101 2-4 pot, 8 MarcS. GUELPH. $287.082 Srîel Maisnait %oal LePage kleadewi,4e Rali, 907 8101lO 2-4m Il147 Coke Cers-.$,900 Marnak a.go jackiasa'îewsaî Go Wet Anai 905-542 2145 2-4 pm, 688 Irving Tenrace, $3576900 Bob Pror ReaAiy SaIteo'iv Plus 90056937 55 2-4 pur 1075 Mctaurag $320.900 Ali, Casale Mii Coin Sûruiono 905-812-1100 2-4 Iln 1687 #onei Cercle, $49,900 iie,'sa c eaSMan Rnal EsIain Centre 490 777 2-4 roi. 64 brllnt Or. $W8.900 84 L I rsa ' 'Age SAaonîm Reallna5 90-788101 1-3 Arn. 1102 Ocwring Cru. Mark Kagâaý, iasarzuna Gro West APari, 905 542 2745 13 par, 1101 B8wdn Cnos. Maik Kian a'k 84Mi7in52,k Wo8e Ana, 905-542-2745 2-4 DA pes. 1 15pe n Myina logan AnOan Spniia8rs905 5828-4 2- one, $01 Trudea Or. $424,00 Darne 4e Wiamse Royal nePagn Meade Peut A05 0871582 2-4pma 46 Anne1e Bd.8$34900« ,ni Scoroyl eage Meadoanle Re847, 975987 1 2-4m.n 17 situent Ore, $325,N ;acîe Hlroi ReMaaAn P eraîneRalt I 905 27 20 2-4 nis 61 Main Si., $579.90 ihn Mînlarr Tnan, 918e Ana, Esiain Centre 9059 8187 2-4pm. 53 D2awson. $264.904 817el in Po Le.age MaeayAun Anai 905 878-8101 2-4 Ien 8 Manoh Cro. GUEL. $287,80 A9elia Marshall Aoyal reearue ladolenlneae 909-879 871 2-4 cis 422 Bondit On., $M9011 Sen S e-'40 1nnra 905 878-91 M 2-4 port 258 Caves Cri .ldMoore 5.leax rai te- 5eý, 05 8;897 2-4 JIs 1016 londen une $292.8988 aeo King Anfan Ana, Escane Cente 909-878 7777 2-4 pri 7586 SidhLine. $589.008 2- Om 600 Irveng Ternal, $357.904 Boit Prdham 9nats Exenîatias Plus 905 69389575 2-4 mis 10$ Colablestoene Place, R0C4W002, $599.000 i,aena- I eRoal nAPage Mealonlon Seul, 90591 71 2-4 pri. 1075 McCae, 8379,900 Anne.îasI Min 9 Coin Soluions 905-812-11171 2-4 si 1632lDempsey Cros. CfaI geackenAiîk AnMa e Faal e Centel 905 878 777 2-4 mi, 1016 Bonden Lana Sarb in 2,a R 'M eAal Sîrtai Centre 905-887 50 7' 2-4 pm.r 1687 Nonnes Cibcle. $439 808 PI! ý,, ryiMe8al -e'5ret '8.7 2-4 plu,1408 Mcderno24ay. $2900 M cril ne ' ReAl 2 înage Meaanleele Ricaly 805-878 8101 2-4pIn, 6941biaireOr.$51111900 'g Aya'nePagne adoene îîea'ý 905 878810i 1-3 Il 1102 Bowling Cnru. aeaor1o Wes!'Pai 875542828'5 1-2 pri 1701 Bowsing Cnri ýà,,2ewsa'1.taal, er7i90554 2'-, 2-4 Ien 30080 odard Ave Gieinu masax Real [stars Centre 905 878 77