A12 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 13, 2007 Miltonians asked to help dean up town next Friday Its tite once again lu niake tise town shine with the third annual Milton Makeuver Morning next Friday The Town is invîting everyone to comne together and pick up linter on streets, boulevards, surrounding grouids, parking lots, pal ks, grecît spaces and woodlots that muming. "Last year. over 4,300 people partie- ipated in the Milton Makeover," said Mayor Gord Krantz. "This year, as we celebrate 150 years of kceping Milton THE SUMMER CAMP THAT EXERCISES _-YOUR KID'"S BRAIN Sumimer Brain Camps at Oxford I earning let kids explore, discover, ci eate and learui. M'ho knew th.st kids could have so much fini împroving their matht, rcading, writing, study and hiomework skills-or just learniiig lio>w to learn? e Little Readers Camp (ages 3 t0 6) * Reading/Writing and Beat Math Camps (ages 6 to 16) e Cet Ready for Grade One Camp For better grades this faîl, inake sure vou keep their mninds active at Oxford Learning's Summiier Brain Camp. Contact us today for complete details! 11 Sne18 A better future for your cbild starts bere! Contact us toay for more information.LENIG milton@oxfordlearlig.com Skdlis for Success. Lessons for L4e, 917 NIPISSING RD 1 905.693-9978 1 WWW.OXFORDLEARNING.COM spring b mbs here! gardenshow April 12-15, 2007 RBG CENTRE, ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS 680 Plains Road West, BurlingtOn Thurs. & Fri. 10 -7 pm -Sat. 9 -7 pm -Sun. 9 - 6pm General admission $8 - RBG members $4 Senior days, Thurs. & Fni $4 - Children under 12 free Free parking & shuttie Fi in a ballot at The Hamilton Spectator booth and you could wîn a property makeover valued ai S5,000! '5,00 esimaied relaue M0e musi be couuupieied dunnig 2007 season. ABG members receive a 50% discount off general admission. To purchase or renew a membersliip visît www.rbg.ca www.ontariogardenshow.com 905.6M4.8003 x 321 SPONSORFO BY 9~~ge&W-g SRNTAm C clcii andcl gcetii, 1 i t is dlitl (i vii MIC people dedicated iii our ciiimuiiy will gather tii take part iii titis îîrîpîr- tant event." To promote salety during the dean- up initiative, the Vown is asking partîc- Buy Your Home For NO MONEY DOWN www.haitonnumoneydowl.Çom Here's your opportunity to save lives. Milton Blood Donor Clinie: Thursday April 19, 2007 Milton Sports Centre 605 Santa Maria Blvd i :3Opm - 8:OOpm Cali 1888 2 DNATE lo I hi uîtuitîr ipaliiy ip, al.si rnaliig fric garbage bags and gloves availahie foîr pît k up) 'artirig îîîday at the Milton Leisure ,entre, Spoirts t nrliiwi Hll Viictoria Park, Town Hall Aninex 555, Nipissiîig Rmiad wiirk.s yard and the Milton ( hamber ofi t irrirrî r lii ofi I hîis planning on iaktng part arc entciuraged tu sign up ai www.miltotn.ca su thai ihecir involvement cari he noted on the Town website. (.roups and organizatitins anticipaiing lîve or more bags of garbage should register their participation on-line or by calling (905) 878-7252, ext. 2189 hy no later than Wednesday to, arrange for special garbage pick-up. Informnation posters as well as posters for promoting school, group, urganization or business participation in the makeover are available for downloadtng on the Town web- site, along with litter dlean-up tips. The Town enforces litter bylaws with set fines that address depositing litter on pnivately owned land or land owned hy the municipality as well as larger issues such as dumping lit- ter on highway or road allowances. The Milton Makeover Mornitsg is being organized hy the Town, in partnershîp with the Milton C hamber of Commercce and Subway locations at 50 Market Dr., The Home Depul and 1290 Steeles Ave. I' There are several other upcuming anti-itter and decanup events, ini uding the Nassagawcya Rural Road C leait UpI Day on April 28, Good Neîghhuurs C oniuntty Day on May 5 and the Brookvtlie (iperations Yard Sprlng t. leanti-Jp Wck Irom May 22 to 26. For mure detatîs on the Milton Makeover Morning aod other dlean-up activities visit the aforementioned website, c- mail recreation@milton.ca or caîl the numhcr noted abovc Meeting on strategic plan Residents will have a chance to comment on the Regions proposed 2008 actions thatîIl form part of the new Strategic Plan at an open bouse Monday, Apr. 23. The session will run from 5:30 to, 7:30 p.m. at the Halton Regoonal Centre cafeteria, 1151 Bronte Rd., Oakville. Each new term, regional council develops a Strategic Plan that reflects its vision and priorities through themes and goals. Work on the 2007-10 Strategie Plan is currently in progress. To support council's priorities in the plan, staff estahlish- es a series of actions thatîl be undertaken. The draft actions for next year will he made available at the open bouse and ail feedback wdll hc reported hack to regional council for con- sideration while finalizing tht plan. For more information vîsit www.halton.ca/strategicplan or eall (905) 825-6000, ext. 7366. j2Program WEIGHT MANAGEMENT " Registered Nutnitional Consultant on staff " Lose weight eating real food " Boost metabolism, feel healthyand energized " Focusing on a lifestyle change " Maintenance programrs * No Enrolîment Fee TONING TREATMENTS " Reduce 12 10 30 inches in 5 weeks " Build muscle fone fast * Condense g hours of exercise int 40 minutes " Firm up those hard to tonte areas " ONE FREE TRIAL SESSION TREATMENTS " Reduce the appearance of cellulite " Smooth out dimpled legs and derniere " Noticeable inch losa in targeted ares " Enhance lymphatic drainage 155 ONTRI ST. S. UNT1 0 7-89 wwyubvryil.om