Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Apr 2007, p. 7

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DEAR EDITOR: One again, 1 am in awc aI tbe resilicncy, caning spinit and generosiîy of our youîh and the qualiîy and dedication of tbeir teachers. And once again, 1 am remîndcd of tbe importance of comîng togeiber as a communi- îy wbcn îragedy sînikes. I am spcaking of tbe recent musical tribute 10 jeannette Wilson by ber current and for- mer studenîs andl colleagues. j Alîbougb billcd as a fundraîser tr help create a trust fund for Mr.Wilson's grandson, Caleb, il was s0 mucb more. ht was a wondcrful example of the care and mutual respect beîwccn students and a teacher, wbo bas inspired îhem and taugbt îhemn not only to love music, but to commit to some- îbing and 10 respect tbemrselves and others. Tbe event also sbowed aIl of us, young and old, bow one young person can encourage others t0 join îogetb- er t0 really make a difference. i wish t0 applaud KerylI Brown, a Grade 8 student ai Wl. Dîck, for baving the courage 10 transform an idea mbt a realiîy 1 wisb t0 congratulate Stepben Maule, a music teacher ai Milton District Higb Scbool, for invesîing bis lime and talent in pulling Mrs. Wilson's current and former students togetber for late nigbî practices in prepara- lion for tbe performance andl then, witb îbem, clelivering an incredible evening of music and comîng togeîber to sbow we care. Il was a very moving evening, growing out of îragedy, but evolving int communiîy Because my sont was fortu- nate 10 bave bad Mns. Wilson as a teacher, I bad the opporîuniîy to witness bier incredible way witb students. 1 marveled then bow sbe was able t0 quiet a rom full of noisy andl excited adolescents, eacb pracîising tbeir own instrument, witbout raîsing bier voice. Mrs. Wilson can get tbe attention of every student in tbe band with ]ust a smile. She can bold il witb tbe raise of an eye- brow lier laughîer and jump- ing' makes learning fun. Her studenîs responil andl engage. Sbe respects bier students and îbey respect ber back. I knew it tben, but it struck me witb sucb force at tbe per- (The following letter was addressed îo the Town of Milton, and a copy wasfiled with the Champion.) DEAR TOWN 0F MILTON: I requesi îhaî tbe lown of Milton sbould change its namne 10 'Maîtamy Village'. We mîgbî as well forget about our bisiory and tbe reason our name hs whaî il is because, afler aIl, we could use a litîle change in our iown. We shoulil embrace tbe ever-growing new population in Milton and bonour our new inhabitants. Now of course ibis seems drastic andl even a bit ridiculous, but ibat is exacîly wbaî you are doing lu members of your community By imposing sîreet namne changes on your citizens, you are cre- aîing more problemri for yourself. You say îbaî you wanî 10 make îbings casier for the emergency response sysîem, but bow cao you possibly caîl îbem improvements wben you rename sîreets? Some of these street namnes have remaineil the samne for decades, so whaî makes you think that il is s0 important toi change them now? formance whcn they came out in droves to play for ber. Wben they were donc playing, îbey lined up 10 îalk with ber. Tbcy necded lier to know tbey care. They necded 10 sec for îhem- selves that she is okay, as okay as anyone who bas suffered tbe loss of a cbild can be. Tbey wanîed to lci Caleb, Mrs. Wilson's 'litîle miracle', know bow special bis grandma 15 10 tbem and bow lucky bc îs lu bave ber in bis lîfe. Already, somte students are talking about holding an annual benefit concert. l'mi confident îbaî tbe students bave the com- mitmeni and tbe abiliîy 10 pull il off and that the adulis in ibeir lives will do wbat we can 10 lcnd our support. To Mrs. Wilson, tbank you for ail you bave donc for your studenîs and for us, tbeîr par- ents. To Caleb, tbank you for sharing your grandma wiîbi us. Pîcase know our tbougbts, our love and our appreciation arc witb you and your family. WENDY ROBERTS, PARENT 0F W.I. DICK GRADUATE AND MDHS STUDENT Ibere bas neyer seemed 10 bc a problem Mtb our sîreet namnes before in îerms of binderîng emergency response vebîcles, and one would îbink îbaî making new namnes would only lead tu more problems. Not only will we, tbe resîdents, bave 10 deal witb a learnîng curve of remiemt brance of the new namnes, wbicb will more tban lîkely create a backlogged postal system, but îbere will also bc the expensîve îask of cbangîng aIl of our identification, whicb 1 assume you will not be compensating us for. Perbaps tbe money îbaî you wtsb 10 spend on new maps and sîreet signs cao bc put 10 better use in upgrading tbe emergency response system. Or bow about the novel idea of puîîing more money îoward our bospital, wbicb is being bombarded wiib our massive population growîh. One would tbink îbaî tbe town bas greaier îbings 10 worry about iban implemenîing unnec- essary cbanges. KENDRIE RICHARDSON MILTON The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 6, 2007-A7 Quick work of fire brigade , 1 dîîlà îILLL % V i Li Ï1 ' ï Tlime Capsules' are gemts of infor- mation extracted fromt past issues of lThe Champion and other publications in order to provide a window int Miltons past. Explanatory comment is sometimes provided to place the situa- tion in context. August 1909, Between 1 and 2 o'clock this morning Agent McBride, of the Farmers' Bank, heard a crash like breaking glass, but could not locate it. He lay awake and after some lime smelled smoke. He got up but could find nothing wrong. He got up agam, looked out about .3 arn. and saw smoke issuing fromn Messrs. A. & A. Winn's storehouse, the building for- merly occupied by the laie WH. Lindsay as a general store. He fired four shots fromn a revolver and ran 10 the town hall to ring the fis-e bell. At fis-st the fis-e did not seem to amount to much. It appeared to be principal- ly in the basement, but Chief Fan, of the fire brigade, who entered the building as soon as hie reached il says hie found a big fire on the fis-st floor, where il was hidden by piles of boxes of shoes reaching nearly to the ceil- ing. He thinka il smoldered there for some time, ftnally working îhrough the floor and a mass of bumning mat- ter ds-opped down. In a short lime the flames got into the upper stos-ey and then îbs-ough the roof. The smoke was so dense that the firemen could flot work fromn the ladders and had to ths-ow the water up fs-om the gs-ound. They did splendid work, had plenty of wae- îbs-ee sts-eaxns of it, with ample pressuire, and managed to confine the l'ire to the storehouse, though it stood in a solid block of stores with wooden buildings in rear. Fortunately there was no wind. The building was cornpletely guîîed and none of its contents were saved. Messrs. A. & A. Wînn compute their loss on stock at $22,000 with $17,000 insurance. lThe loss on the building is about $2,000, insurance $1,400. The origin of the fis-e is unknown, bot as Mr. MèBs-ide heard the crash and as the iron grating above one of the front cella- win- dows was found to have been removed and leit on the pavement, it aTin 4Capsulles 'O, îs Possible that burglars may have been at work and may have acciden- tally or purposely started the fis-e. The memnbers of the firm of A. & A. Winn are Alfred and Miss Winn. They as-e wholesale dealers in shoes of al kinda, made in Milton and elsewhere. An Ontario Act forbids the employmnent of women or girls- in shops after 6 o'clock in the everatlg of ail days except Saturdays and the days before holidays. On Saturday evenung John Widwell was sun sts-uck on Pearl Street as hie was on bis way from the brick works to bis boarding bouse, A.B. Chisholmns. People who saw him reeling on the street carried him to the house where bie died within an hour. He was a powerful man, about 35 years of age. He wore two shirts, one a heavy woolen one, two coats and a tweed cap and thse physician who attended hixn says that his unseasonable clothing may have been the cause of his death. He came from Toronto lasi week and had worked three days for the Milton Pressed Brick Co. A man who came with bim, worked aud boarded with hian did flot know bis namne, but it was found in the books ait thse brick works. Widwell was a native of Whitehaven, Northumberland, England. As he had said that hie had a brother travelling with Bar-num & Bailey's circus, a telegram was sent to thse mianagers of the show August 1909 E.D. Martin aud H.M. Belcher will represent Winnipeg at thse Congress of thse Chambers of Commerce of thse Empire, which will open at Sydney, Australia, in September. This material is assembledi on belualf of the Milton H-istoricai Society ly Jili Dîlls, who can be reached at jdils@ïdi- rect.corm. *Hoemc * Outon III Have you been injured in a car accident? We can helpl aOOUO On» *, CUStOI Km lBBiSOO We are a fully integrated, mufti-disciplinary clinic Ihat e 111111rm n IXI ap oflers a wide variety of solutions for ail your healthcare lotis.needs. We specialize in car accident inîury rehabilitation. p ibrapy e FO & TENS Iherapy We directly bill your car insurance company and wiIl handie ail the paperwork related to your treatment. P"iN de . * Exorcise Pogam s Chiropractic and 7 IACT Rehabilitation Centre j T 1. Ll o-l8T 1T1 Care and generosity displayed Changing street names flot necessary

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