A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 6, 2007 Perfect crme Evtry day i Ontario millions ot lottery tickets are purî chased îhy customers with tht clear understanding the>y are taking part in a gamne oi chance andi that tht odcls are staukeil agamnst themn. However, those players aiso hand over thecir money witil tht beliel tht lotîcrico are being i un lairly While that belief liac beeni shaken carlier this yeai hy a CBC telévision exposé that inclicateil an unusu-ally highi number of retailers - and ihis dots flot mecan ALL ic'tailtrs -had won large piizes. 51 was altogether shatîered last wtels b> Omhudsman André Mann danining report on the Ontarto Lottery and Gaming (OLG) C orporation. Marin bluntly staîed that tht OLCa developed a 'coîporate culture of profit" and hasicaliy ahandoned ils three cote val- uts - integrîty responisibility and accounîtahility. Not only that, but tht OG, according 10 Marin, hecarne îoo close with ils retaîlers and turntd a blinil eye to ques- tionahît wînnings by tht very people whio seli tickets. From 1999 10 jctly 2006 about $100 million iii prîzes worîh more than $50.000 have been won hy reail owntrs and employées. Tht largest single case revealed b>' Manin took, place i Burlingion. Il involved $1 2.5 millicon paîd out 10 a womnan who signtd a déclaration staîing she did not have a brothier and was nul conntcttd to any retaîler. Tht OLG then dis- covered that she had tht samne last tiame as tht retaîler who had generated tht fret play ticket, and he confirmeil she -,as his sister. Confronted with this, she said she was trying lu protett lamily privacy. 'ýlntrdibIy, despîte ail thîs, tht corporation paîd hier tht $12.5 million..." staîed Marin's report. Even when these wins sttmed suspicious to Ol officiais nothing was dune. In fact, ousîed CEG Duncan Brown îoid an OLG officiai who complained, "Sometimes you hold your nuse..." Marin said tht OLG was also -rude and inept" when deal- ing wiîh tomplaints from customers whu felt cheated, In tht case of an 83-year-uld tancer survivur, who was cheaîed ont of a $250,000 winning ticket by a convenience store clerk, tht corporation spent millions fighting luim in court insttad of helping him get hîs nightful pnize. VJhile tht Province has taken steps tu resture trust in tht lotttry sysîem and vuws to implement ail of Marin's recoin- mendations - such as tougher rules, more enforcement, monitoring of retaiers and an independent oversight of tht corporation - theres nu escaping tht fact Ontario taxpayers have been tht vicîim of tht perfect crime. t tt taialia,,t'.t ha pio 555', _ýriijil tndusnalr 1Dr i Readers Wriote Send yotu letters toi miltonctl@haltonsearchcom. Great support for Daffodil Days DEAR EDITOR Duritng four days at tht end of March, tht Canadian Cancer Society ran the Daffodil Days sale of fresh flow- ers 10 support cancer research. Milton raised a record amount of mone> for thîs cause, more than $22,000, whtch has touched most familles. 1 would like te, thank local business- ts, tncluding A&P Tht Beer Stores, Canadian Tire, Cristelio's Market, Foodport, Home Hardware, tht i-CBO, Milton MaIl, Wai-Mart and Zak's space and a wan-n welcomne to their premises. As weli, ail 110 volunteers deserve a big hand for gtving their time and effort 10 seli the flowers. Fînail>, to the citizens of Milton, thank, you for your generosity both in purchases and donations. Every penny takes us closer to a cure. Milton is stîli a small town with a btg heart. JENNIFER MIROSOLIN, DAFFODIL DAYS CONVENER Milton, Ont. L9T 5EI 905-878-2341 Editonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax. 905-878-3187 Classified905-875-3300 Circulationý 905-878-5947 www.nmltoncanadianlchampionl.com Publisher Neti Oliver Advertising Director Wýl1n1y McNafb Managing Editor Kair Micr' 1i Production Manager Tim Colps Circulation Manager Ch.arleie Hall Office Manager ,eîCasas 'The Canadian Champion, published every Tueoday and Friday, is a division of Metrotand Media Groep Ltd. - Group Psiblisher tan Oliver. Adetsn saýp@ nt e oditinthai ,th'e event 0f tff fphc[ ri ttporin q f te ade,ýg spe occupied y the eot tem togemreoith wasae allale fosgna tueMIlt' on t caged fob th aa n c e Of thl,td .1 be band fot at the applicable rate The pubihee reseeshe ie glt to categotize ade teetao delline CCAB Audited ottatio Cattttatty CCN Nespapet Asocto Suuba esppr Upfront Clara a true testamen vt wo longevUy - wo say the least ltes tht type of story l'm only now starting toi truly appreciate. Ini tht March 27 Champion we got up close and personal with Clara Auckland, who was poised tu turn 100 - which she did on Monday - and by ahl actounts seema lu have as much, or more, zest for life as muat peuple haîf her age. In my younger reporting days 1 did at least îwo such profiles on Miltonans hitting tht century mark. At tht risk ut souniding too deîachtd or - Cod forhid - emotioniessa, lIl admit the sturies didn't realîx resonate with tnt aI thetîitne. They were nice and ail, but dîdut make a signifitant impact. Thats nul tht tase anymore, due in large part lu a reconnection wiîh my paternal grandiparents over tht past six years. Lifelong residents of a Maritime community that makea Milton seern like a metropolis, the two - like Clara - arè a testament to longevity, Grandpa celebraîed lits 901h birîh- day.hack in December and Grandma, who's just a big sweeîie, will. do likeN ,se about twu tnunths froîn now And toi say thty'vt both guI a little sîeam left in tht proverbial gas tank would he something of an uandtrstatement. Now in my grandparents' litîle nook of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, finding people w,,ho've pushiei thten crvlope of life - - txpectanty and are stîli vibrant îsn't exacîly difficuit. Tht reason for this - as my faîher and i bave distussed on noumer- ous occasions - has got t0 have something toi do with tht fact that dowÎî there literaliy everyone looks out for ont ancither. Milton tan t possibly boast that kind of lion thousands of times btgger. But what I've hecome quite proud toi real- ize in recent years is that our tomn- înunity - as much as any around - seema to truly tarie for, anti about, our eideriy residents. One nced oni> look at tht tnergy and dedication expended, in bringing Martmndait Gaardiens and Masian Courtyat d te, reahity to know theits hard enidence bo support And if a recent letter to the cdi- tor is any indication, those in tht twilighit of life tan expect a great deal of warmth andl compassion aI Allendale. lts great to stec anoîher Millonian juin tbe centenarian ranks, and with plenly of gusto to bout. Happy itJOth, Clara - ail the best. HaliHaithcde finIl Bell 'and UNITED PlAY 0F MILTON ., TV AUCTION YYMC1 A Si f1 .Mi' MILTON SANTA CAUS PARADE