Sammer SmnrSme 0 YN! I Y F N T V N FP 1 lYNIE N T SLOOKING FOR A v STUDENT t ~'TOHIIRE THIS SUMMER? fil Place tyour ad with: April 2nd - June 29th Une h classification: SUMMER EMP6GYMENT Special Rates! internet included! Ph: 905-875-3300 cI oslelsdel SALLINUER b FORD LINCOLN Wk P/T EVENING RECEPTIONIST Computen & switchband esperence an asser. REQUIRED f Escefient castomen service abilla, gaad LICENSED arganîzationai siris. Musr be able tai maltî-task, wkh Ford same accoanting expenience neqaîned bar nar Vie affer $24.50 tai $26. necessary. Msnday ta, Thansday 'tpm - pm, an Ford Tecbnical Satandays 9am - 4pm. guaranîtee Pleasa fax or emfaif resumne to: If yau are interested p <905) 875-3676 or fax renumne ta 9 John Trebbfe Regaines pant-tîme office betp fon affernons, everringo and ceekenda- Castamen sereice and computer skiiis requined. pfeaae apply In person befween the hours of 9am & 5pm atr Milton Heighta Campground, 6690 Tremnalne Rd. , Milton ACCOUNTANTI The primaae reaponaibility of this position, reporting lt lit Accounting Superviaor, is foi maintain the financial accountfing records. Dattes & Responaibilîtres: Reaiecing and anatyoîsg maatbiy fimanciai sattements for severai asaîgned divisions, Variance analysia ta P & L, Preparafian of mantbip accaunt analyses, Preparrng and pasi- mng montbly journala. Asrst in meeting montb-end and yeur-aId deadiinea, Aaaîst tbe Accountrng Supervisars and Assistant Controiler in specîi as- signments or requesta as tbey arise Campeiencîes/Skifs & Eeperîence. Min, 2nd level OGA/OMA. Mia, 3-5yns accauntîng experierce. ex- cellent command ai the Engtisb language a imuai. advaricec analytîcai & computer skîlia. strang inter- peravral ard communication skiffs. knnwledge ai Lawaor accountîng software an aset. Please emaîl resume ard caver letter ta resumesfiî by Aprîl 8.,2007 We would lîke ta tbank ail applîcantS for their intereot in bras position. Pieaae note tfrat due ta the volume of apphcationa receîued. oniy hase candidates Who are veiected tai adrarce mn the application praceav ivii be -ontacted, No phrones catia pleaxe work6p ,cauI905 878-231' The Cunadian champton, Friday, Aprtl6,27-A7 Meîcal, Dental jjj oTical,55ntl ':cal, Dental M Ml:cal DeiUl jjj ïici. entl Ass't Manager NOW HIRING Ass't Manager Manager Manager Trainees Maurketing Customer Service Cati tttr. Errn CerP. aie-849-0026 IIMEOIATELY. TECHNICIAN experience 50 per fiat rate boul baed trning plus an baarty ta get atanted. lease cail 905-632-5671 05-e2-1876 attention Service Manager ta% FOR FOR gN iftsîb wrth a pleasant, I lac-sf reaa LTC Fa- Icliy located nearl IMisissauaavlxlel Iborder Paid orienta- Dental Group Practice requires DENTAL HYGIENIST Wrtb orfbadantrc exp. ta work wîtb Pseda apecralit. 2 daysfwk, 8-5pm Na exeninga an Sat. Repfyi in confidence ta Andrena Caf): 905-844-0872 6 KVoii' Miss the Veadlibme! T»uesday Trhursday Il 1Oam for Friday Ctassîbied i-ours Monday to Friday 9 arn f0 5 Pmn ! The Prime Care Family Health Team ls currentfy seeking a: Mental Health Counsellor far a FIT axe peur Lacum. We are sîtuated in Mii- ton, a pleasant, aie, tbrîuîng Haltar Cxmmurity Full support is prxvîded tram the sie famriy doctxrs, speciaiafs and aur ai lied beaf tb personnel. Qualifications and Experience: * Master ix Social Wank degree * Must bavesa minimum of 2 years experrence * Must be able ta prourde belp and suppxrt cîtb is- sues ut depresaron, stress management argen, te- fatronsbîp probiema, iamrlp bre3kdacna. cbranre or debifîtating beaftb conditionsaund grief coanseing * Must be able ta plan, organize. and manage a caaelaad - Training in Smoking Cessation would 0e an usset. Forward resumes to TracyRedden@primeCarefht-ca Fax #905.878.7857 tra iiiployee, Mat~e your ad ie ï ýnadiaRjni~o I~fd Arnold' Sportsbar NOW HIRING Full i Tme Bartenders &Servers Fuif-Tîme Kitchen Staff ,Apply in persan at 485 Morden Rd., Oakville 0 Voffeers ILTON GARAGE SALE Saturday Aprîl 71, 2007 9am -Noon 19 Barton Street Househola itemns, eiectnanrcs. scanner, smai1 appirances & mare. Proceeds fa Miton Super Cîrres Walk for MS SOE IiHc l Resauant Irish Pub Is Growing! Naw hiring fan: ALL POSITIONS Cooksusp fai $t5ftr + benefta. Fax resumne 80: 905-864-6797 Quaifîed and Experienced MONTESSORI TEACHER requined fon a new pnîvate schsooi n Miton. E-mail Renume: jackr@foray grou pcool or Fax. 905-859-5696 Volnteers Love your job as much as we love ours. Opportufllty awalts at Bell Right now, Bell la Iooking for Retail Teamn members with a passion for helping people. Working for Bell means you'll be a part of an energetic team that delivers the latest technology, products and services to Canadians coast-to-coast. Who are we looking for? We are currently seeking motivated and enthusiaatic individuais toi fi the following positions: * Sales Consultants How do 1 apply? Toi apply to our Retail Team: Go to, select Walker's Line from the dropdown list and f111 out an application. Is looking for indivatuals who enica corkîng rn a fan errxironlmerrt witb many others wf s share the samne gals.Wve are carrently seeki EXPERIENCED KITCHEN MANAGER pieas vappvrnperson Sc "a BOSTON PIZZA 319 Gaelphr Street, Georgetownl DISTRESS CENTRE NORTH HALTON SNOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR NEWVOLUNTEERS Wc aie iom rrg for Carry indrorduais Wrro warl r teel connecied io other peopre in our commrinity Our extensive trairrirg prograrr wli heip ofu rrelp tfcs who are diîsres'sed lvrrvl or rerrbreg of e.ui cirle Fr mûfý informratio r erar 905-877-0655 A to a c .-... n egio 115 Bone oad O kvll, N LM Ll Fx:I0582-432 mee the aevidedrcateds arrg cirnttoase reroaland foaurh cotoibio o n envrasment wbere the nesrdeati s at the ceaire of cane aad castamer servrce is a :ommrtmeat, cansîden îaoraig aan Services fan Senirs team. The Vifllages of Haitoa are curnl eriig fo h olwig pasitionsý RN - ALLENDALE (MIuL) Patni nghts (Compotton #SS- 115-07) RN, RPN & PSW - CREEKWAY VILLAGE (BURLINGTON) Patrme nîghts (Competition #SS 116-07) RNs - POST INN VILLAGE (OAKVILLE) Full-lime days (Competition #SS-117-07) Full-lime and part-limne eaeeîngs (Competition #SS-118-07) Part-rime aîghts (Competition #SS-119-07) Nuraing Students wbo have campleted ut ieast the 2nd year of a narsing pnagrami are also ravrted ta tain us tbis summer. (Competition #SS-36-07) For funther ifratnara an these positions and aur homes, pieuse arsit aur website ut Pieuse tarward yoan carrent caver ltger and resamne, quoting the appropriate competition number, bp Aprif 13, 2007, taý Human Resource Services. Appiicants wîill be consîdered based an the infarmation pnaeîded. We Shaab ail caadraates far their ratereat. i-fwever, oaly thase selected for aa interview wîill be contacted. Required FulTime in GeorgetownOffice I Please fax resumnes ta: 1 a c