Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Apr 2007, p. 24

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24 -The Canadian Champion, Frtday Aprit 06, 2007 L~~AL~wJ o *V * - ** . .Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 e Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-878-3187 Emait: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.com e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 * HeIp Wanted 500-5k Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail cIassffied ads also appear on www.hakonsearch.comn: e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-5947 Ad nubmînssion by mail or in person. The Canadian Champion, 555 Inidustrial Drive, Side Door, 2nd Floor, Milton, 0f-JL9T 5Et Deadlines: Mon., il arn., for Taon, publication, Thurn, il arn. ,for Fn. publication. Special Feature & Hfoliday deadlinen may oary Paymemnt: We accept cash, cheque, lnterac, Vina, ManterCard. American Express. Ail adnl placed are non-refuedable and no credit wiII lie isnued. Bosinesn accoonto can be opened with an approoed credit application aoailable from ynur Salen Connu/tant. 1CHECK VOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS f0 enonre the information ns correct. Contact pour Sales Consultant within 24-Hourn if an error appearo. An error in a Fri. publication mont be reportent no later thani Mon., 1l a.m. lmFor ReniM iIwma..l. BIRTHDAY WOOD WO R KING sop, for rent. 1100 sq. hl. Same machinery in- cluded. Caîl: 905-878- 1615. Offceuiness OFFICE/COMMER- CIAL space for lease, 1600 sq. Milton Heîghts, $1 ,000/mth + utîlîties. Caîl 905- 854-1687. ppuniies BE YOUR OWN BOSS Commercial Cleaning Buniness. Earn $1.000 tc0 $10.000 per mnnth. lnoentment requirent. (905) 592-1413. Perfect Post HnIe f ranchine for mure thon 20 peurs nnw aalbefor sale for1ltn areao Great nopportunity' For tunther info 1-905-337-7773 JOB ait home. $467.68 Weeky. Assemble Pront- ado., Mail or Computer Work. Free Detaîls www.TopJobReview.com write CHAJobo: 372 Ri- deau St, #916, Ottawa ON. KIN 1G7 Ref# A15 1-800-351-5120 BIRTHDAY ~a Flts Fo j~ent PET tuners, do what pou MILTON large 1 & 2- love' Mufti-Menu, Free bdrm apartments, Home Detîvery of Pet ana/table May lost. Pond, Esc/us/ne Terrfory, Prom $880/mth + park- Support,& Trainînig, f45 ing. Cuit 416-723- Franchises, inw inneot- 4801. ment, www.multimenu .ca or 1-877-462-0056 MILTON Dowotown /uxurp 1 -bedroom apartmeot. Wood ~F 1PrIfesiionaI fouors, new cherrp kîtch- ircoy en, gas fîreplace, total/p upgraded, AnuitaS/e REMOVE pour crîmînat May tnst. $900/mth + records Fast. 64e do Par- ut/lties. Nîck 905-699- dons and US Waîners. 4266. Dont bu embarrassed. 1- ACTON Apurtmenfs. 800-298-5520 1 & 2-bedroumo gooernmenfpardlons.ca anai/abte Aprîl & Map. - Fnîdge & otove, laundry Mortgage, facîtîties. Prefer n lm Loans dogo 519-853-4374. Opn 7 days/week. Sume dup appronat. SSMONEY$$ Cossotîdute wwrasa. Debf s Mortgages to 100% _________ No income, bud credit DOWNTOWN MILTON OK! Ootarîuw/de Fînanciat MtlistdeTowers Corporation t1-888-307- 82 Mlilide Drive, 7799 Attractive quiet bai/d- ing. Spacîous brîght c/ean 1 &2 bedroom EZIAparlmeets & un/to wîth /uundry Flats or Rent taciiry and social roum on site. MILTON 2-bedroom. Regutur resîdent events lot tînor of huuse uvaîtabte Aprît lost. Open 7 deon $1 ,060/mth + uti/ities; & evenings t -bedroom, 2nd I/ont Cati 905-876-1249 uvaîtabte Map lost. www.realstar.ca $790/mIS ali-inclunîve. Relerencen. No, pets MILTON 2-hedroom preferrent. 905 _878- apurtîit anar/ah/e 2737. Map lst. Uti/ities rn- c/uded. No dogo pre- ferred. 905-864-7336 3pm-9pm. BACHELOR upart- MILTON 2__ bedrooomn ment, M//ton Main upartmenî. prîvute en- Street/5th Lîne urea, trance. Close to, Down- Single tenant, no tomo. $950/mth pets preferred. utitities înc/uded. No $850/mth + heut. Smoking. 905-854- 905-875-1100. 6208. 1-BEDROOM suites in hîsturîc building in Rockwood, wîth gas f/replaces startîng uit $675/month plus utîlîtres. Ca/t Elizabeth Doeit, Johnson Asso- diates Rea/tor 905-877- 5165. ACTON 1-bedroom. Anar/ah/e Map lost. Frîdge, stone, uti/tres nc/adent. No pets. F/rstflast/references te- nattent. Cati 519-853- 3877. ACTON 1 -bedroom. Anaîtabte Map tnst. Frîdge, stove, ut/lties toc/adent. No pets. First/tast/referenices re- quirent Cuit 519-853- 3877. ACTON 2-bedroom upurîment March lot. 5870/montS otîlîtres in- cludent Quiet Building. No-pets. 192 Churchill Rount South. Ca/i 519- 853-1281 ACTON 3-bedrnnm, $850/month p/un utîtities. 1 -bedroon $500/montS p/ut utîlitres. Georgetown 1. bedronm, $700/mosiF p/un hydro. CulI 519. 853-5000 / 519-853 5352. ACTON, 2-bedroo nemi, large master large yard. 4-uppîr unces, ample park/sq no pets. $900/monti plus utîlîtren. Anaîtabîr Map lot. Ca/t 519-855 3223. AVAILABLE NOWI This one won't stl Bright spacinun, con- oenient/p lncated t - hedroom on Guelph Street. Adult onts. No pets/smoking. Cai 50w 416-570-6578. BEAUTIFUL country settîsg between Georgetown and Autos. Bright 2-bedroom base- ment upurtment. Separ- ute luundry rnom. lots of îndoor/outdoor 5101- age $900/month enery- thîng inctudent No pets. Cati 019-853-9743, BR-IGHT. -newlp 1000 oated t -bedroom apart- ment sn Acton, conen- iest Downtown locution. M inutes wa/k te, Fuîry Lake Park $890/month, ulilities inctaded. No pets/smoking. Ca/t Roneanne ut 416-710- 1160 CAMPBELLVILLE- Ideul for mature couple. Bright, spacious 3bdr upt. Prîoate yard, patio. gardens, drîoeway. 4Appliances, htdl tirs, CN, C/A, secunîfty 055- tem. Utîlîties inul $1500/month. No smok- ing/pets. Avait. May t Cati 905-699-2090 DOWNTOWN George- town oery large 1-bed- roum. Newly decorated. Nnn-smoker/no pets preferred. lmmedîately. Promn $790/montb. Cati 905-702-3301. GEORGETOWN t, 2 and 3-bedronnt aPart- ments $795/montb, $925/month and $995/month. Anaîlable îmmedîately. Indes heat/hydro/cable. Park- ing eotra. CaI 905-877- 6563. GEORGETOWN t, 2 and 3-bedroont upurt- ments $795/month, $925/month and $995/month. Avuilabte Augunt tsth. Inctudes heat/hydro/cabte. Park- ing entra. Cuti 905-873- 6284. GEORGETOWN Buche/or Busemeol uparîmest, cerumics. Excellent condition. Cleas, quiet neighbout- bood Separuto en- trasue. Parknsg uouîlubte. No pets/smoking. 905-873- 968. GEORGETOWN Dnwntown 1 -bedroom apartmest. Anailuble May Itt Cati 905-873- 0207. For Rent ACTON 7-room house r3-bedrooms, 1-1/1 buat b r oom s Frîdge/stooe încluded Fîrst/tast. St ,100/mostt ri p/un uftities. Nc e pets/smoking. Immedi ately. Cati 519-853 0656. roomn townbuuses anaîlabte îmmed/atetp through Ju/y lost. 4 upp/i- asces, Hopedale Mat/ orna. Lukeshore Maniage- ment 905-876-3336 LARGE room, n0w car- petîng, cuntry home. Sharent kîtches and buthrnom, Mule pre- terrent 401/Ouetph Lise. $450/mth 905- 854-0359. MILTON -Ideal for sun-smoking protes- sînnai couple. Large 1 - bdrm naturalty brîghf, newty updated & reno- oated lower level apuot- ment. Quiet seîghbor- bond wîth amp/e park- îig. Coe f0ail umesîtie.s Applianiesý witb shared laundry. Separute side en- france. Very dlean. www.viewit.thru here.net. No pets. Anaîlable Aprîl lot. $900,/mth + sbured utilîties. Cati 905-592- 1841t MILTON 3-bedroom, townhome. Newly- renovaIent. tesceci gui- des. new washer/dryer, dîshwusher, C/A. lamîty compten. $1 ,300/stth inctudes water. 905- 864-911t1 EXECUTIVE style home, 2960 sq. il Map 1 Sf CuIt Amy 905- 678-6232. MILTON 3-bdrm bun- galow,' c/ose f0 schois, mature urea, HW- floors. upduted kîtches. $t200/+ 60% utîtîties. 416-697-9226. MILTON Heîgbts Large 3-bedruum bause, 2- baths, large yard/gar- des, 5-appliances, tuwnt water, naturat gus, C/A. $1 ,600/mth + utîtîties. Ana/table îmmedîatetp. 905-854-1687. MILTON Need extra cash? Hune a bnuse/ronm f0 test? Need a bo.use/rOom t. tentt Cati Renters So- lution 416-779-4899. 3-BEDROOM nemi, Georgetown Soutb, c/ose 10, schools, CAC, ceramîco, 5-uppliances. Ana/table Jase tnt $1,475/month. Ca/i 905-877-1246. GEORGETOWN 2- bedrnom apartment. 2nd floor. Parking for t - car, walk to GO. Anaîlable îmmedîate/y. No pets/smoking. Fîrot/tunt. $680/mosth inclusive. Ca/t Amnie 905-873-8331 t For Rent MILTON Mattamny 3- bedroom, 2-car + gar- age. Short watk 10 suhools. 0-appliances. $1 ,425/mth + utîlîties. -905-510-1116. GEORGETOWN4 3- bedroom, 2 1/2 bath. 1,700 59 5t. townbousel $t .00/mosth plus uti/ities. AnuitaS/e dune 1tst. Preler nc pets/smokers. Cati Re. beccu Lînton, Sales Representatine 905. 877-8262. PIEODIE/MOORE -Jack ns encîted 10 intruduce his new liffle brotber ADAM GRAYSON PEDOIE. Adam was harnoan Junuary 31, 2007 and wveighed in ut 7/bn isozo and stand ta/t ut 21. Adam w/lt Se toved by bis enlormous entendent famîtp and many friendo. Thunko tn Dr. St. James, ber staff. and fhe feam ut Oukoîlle Trafalgar wha ensured a safe and 5651f hy det/oerp. CHALLENGER - Kevin, Loanno and big brothor Caleb are thritled ta annaunce the salle arr/ouf of Matthow James Sorn Match 18, 2007 ut 2:llam weighing 8/bn 1loz. Praunt g randiparentn are James (Barry) and Paf DeGruchy of Miltoan, Joyce and Ron Challenger of Huntsville and great grandmother Edith DeGrachp af Milton. Wefcumed bp many esc/ted aunto, greut aunfu, unclen, great ancien andu cous/no. Thunk pou ta the amai nursing staff ut M//tan District Hospifal, especutfy nurses Leunne and Donna und ta Dr. Rajusingham. Coinu Evnt CiegEngents e Bail anbd 13ai- 4 on 4 bail Hockey & L_ 11 '- e Ofl9n99 " Mixecf 3 Fitch - Junie 1-3 " Mixeud 3 Pitch July 27-29 " Mixe6l 3 Fitch - Augurt 17-19 Ail ini HiIIlIurofi, ON t'/eaee contact: Jaek Phonoe: 905-691-51554 . Email:- joehpechkhotmaît uom W tope ana al958 .24 Acomodaion MILTON Lnokîng for te- maie non-omoker to, share nemi. $450/mth + atîlîtien. Avaîlable May lot. 905-299- 6577. Suples NEED TO SELL 1998 CHRIS CRAFT STINGER 26 fi. Twin 30 engînes, 540 hours, trim labo, recently rehaut Cobra out drioes. Port a pofty & sîok. Needo TLC, $22.000. 060. FOUNDI 2-4 pi. nid Tan Cocker Spasiel X wîth red co/lar, fousd Thompson Rd Cati Oakoîlle -lumane So- ciety. 900-845-1051 Pion ea 8ont o1r

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