A22 - The canadian Champion, Friday, April 6, 2007 "Thne business that considers itself immune to the necessity forj Derby Brom Reading 1Writing 1 Math 1 Spelling 1Grammar 1 French 1 Study Skilis THE SUMMER CAMP THAT EXERCISES VOUR KID'S BRAIN Summer Brain Camps at Oxford Learning let kids explore, discover, create and learn. Who knew that kîds could have so much fun improving thetr maits, reading, writing, study and homework sklls-orjust learning how to learn? *Little Readers Camp (ages 3 to, b) *Reading/Wflting and Beat Math Camps (ages 6 to 16) *Get Ready for Grade One Camp For better grades this faîl, make sure you keep their minds active at Oxford Learnîng's Summer Brain Camp. Contact us today for complete details! ; si0j .j19s4 A better future for your cbild starts here! ~ RIG Contact us today for moire informationt. MII 1 miltn@oxfordIearlig.com Skiis for Success, Lessons for Lîfe. 071IIIIRDI905 693-9978 I WWW.OXFORDLEARNING.COM Business experience should help on g ridiron, says Ldsiey îl fmm MARAUDERS on page A20 lcOpporiOitity iii sec lîiw a a imsi rate I)ivmsion 1 college pro-f ram was run, and learnied a remendous amouni. I bat ended when he got njured in practicc. Ilc had the option of going the rehabilita- tion route, but knew îhat art was wbat he eventually wanted iii do wiîbi bis life anyway, so he came back and wcnî îo the Ontario College of Art. That cerlainly îumned out to be the rigbî decision. Among other îbings, be was tbe exclu- sive illusîrator of Tbe Flash, currently illustrales Team Titans comic books, and does ail the design art for G.I. Joe and Darîb Vader products for Lucas Films. 1-is job requires baim 10 travel exlensively, but aparl [rom one appearance in London, England, be's rearranged bis schedule to make football a pi ority, îuming clown seven or eigbî shows this summer. Being an exclusive arlisl bas ils perks, Lasbley says, and îbose compa- nies hes under conlract to are biout hîr o iaching the viarauders. Mmnd yiiu, Iley prîîbably .vouldn't want Ioi upsît him. Iwo years agii he was noinal- cd lîîr an lminmy i the lest Graphie Design i Spoirts ctiec giîry foir a f ltwic L ong spectal he illusiraied lttr Foîx TV t.ashley helmeves îhat his business experience will hclp' him as a fotball head coach. "One of the îbîngs 1 bning is a level of professionalism. I've been very successful mn my per- sonal hife and undersland wbat il takes îo be successful." He admits he makes mis- lakes, but ils fixing and dealing with îhemn îhaîs important. "The more serious il gels, the more mental breakdowms. 1 bave to be professional, but also have 10 keep il loose. 1 ltke 1o pause and take a look around - youve got to smell the roses from tme to lime. We're flot curing tbe common cold, we're playsng football. if iis flot fun tben wby do it" bis predeceissor, the fiers, demandi ng and ,uccessflul Fin' R ight 0(1w mr th e unkniiwn coach, said i.ashlcy When Blarry showed up here bc was the unknown coach lis thc same sitUattitfl 1 hcrc sý a loîng tsit 0f pla> crs whîî wec witlt Milton ast sea- son whui wîiI hc fîîllowing Emo t0 Oakvîlle. i-veryh<tdy bas their own critlena Of whal makes them ick. Some wdl follow Barry no malter whal," said Laishley, who added that he bas sone skilled players hes brrng- ing on board wnth Canadian universily expeflence. Even if be doesn't îhink it sbould be that way, companisons to Emo wsll be tnevahle. -Im flot hinking ils Emo agansl me. Thaîs the past and be's moved on. Hie left a greal legacy and hsory but 'm flot womed about fllng bis shoes." Lashley pauses and then laughs, 1 wear size 14, 1 thînk l'Il be okay." If you were involved in an adoption that is registered in Ontario, you should know that access to identifying information for adopted aduits and birth parents is changing. Changes to adoption information lawis in Ontario will allow most adopted aduits and birth parents to receive identifying information from original birth registrations and adoption orders. Changes also include the ability to register a no-contact notice and apply for an order prohibiting the disclosure of identifying information in order to prevent harm. In the past, non-identifying information may have been disclosed to adopted people or birth relatives. To learn more about these changes and how they might affect you or someone you know, please visit www.ontario.ca/adoptioliffo. This ad is paid for by the Government of Ontario. VOntario Milton Summer Soccer Camps July 2007 * al levels of experience welcome from first time players to aspiring Beckhams! a~ boys & girls between the ages of 5 and 15! Ses~ion date. Juiy i 6th - july 2Oth. 2007 ccop locoan Lions Park Thompsofl Road, Milton ,ww.yknottsoccercom Phoneý 905. 299.1266 or Email: pete@yknotftom Seeîng Beyond Numbers [A W. do ail klnds of Taxes Wl Reasnable Rates - Che*i us First ýe 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed 9054875-3726 Had Office: 1866-829-9433 Has Adoption Touched Your Life? visit www.ontario-ca/adoptioninfo TAXES ACCOUNTING RESP TRAINING