Thé Canadian Champion, Friday, April 6, 2007 -'Ml1 fCaIfnadiani Red Craiss OMHA payback deaitl yamt utcby hren underr19 to novice Hi Welland exfas revenget in bronze-medal clasht Haltons AAA novices would have much preferred to finish last weekend's OMHA championships in victory than begin it with one. Unable to wnite a favourable ending to the five-team showcase in Markham, the Hurricanes were upstaged 'tRI 5-3 by the Welland Tîgers in Sunday morng's battie for bronze. The fact that Halton had beaten themt by an identîcal score ]ust two earlier no doubt made the medal loss even more dîfficult to swaltow Sportîng fîve Mîtton-area players thîs season, the Hurrcanes used their lone round-robin of tIhe Tîgers to reach Sign up now for Halton field hockey Registration is now underway for the spring and summer i-lton field hockey leagues. League competition runs from early May until the late Augusi, and players are still needed for the followving age groups: e Under 14 girls - Saturday momn- ings from 10 a.m. to noon (no long weekends). Introduction to field hock- cy skill sessions and games - junior (Under 18 girls) - Monday and Wednesday evenings for a 12 to 14- garne schedule. No experience neces- sary *Womens (18 and over) - Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings, one game per week from mid-May to end of August Coaches and umpires are also being sought for the Under-14 and junior leagues. To sign up or for more information, cati Diane at (905) 632-7522 or visit ww.haltonfieldhockeycom. Smoke Dom Alarma WEE It's The Lawi TheC)taro 2003 Honda A Finq 4 cyl, leather, rt-equ res thîat 100,000km teve3ry hýome9 wocrking smcoke iegtahl them rit yotJr cott>ge e delivered some impressive wrcstling urricanes career debuts recently at the Hagersville Age Group Festival. he tirdplac shwdow, ad one 1 Followmng in his brothers' foot- hetrpae s hoe oalwd eonds adr on ste Ps, Colin Moffat struck gotd in the hermde sored go aseod a art 2-n novice division, while bronze medals he idde sanz toerae a ealy -0 were secured by fellow newcomers leficit. Drew Campbell, Luke Campbell and Unfortunately, Halton didn't have Bga aya aeRbrsfnse nuch left in the sconing well and was foudFrth a. aeRbrsfnhd )utdistanced hy its payback-minded Meanwhite in the older ranks, the adversaries. Dynamos' national championship Chris Pelow - one of etismd h oto hi ia the local lads on this years tune-up. Milton enjoyed a medal squad, which booked pas- sweep in the 63-kilogram juvenile sag e to .the OMHswt class, with Kevin lwasa-Madge, Nick series wins over Niagara Ronan and Mac Fillman taking the Falls and Brampton - was top three spots. between the pipes for the second haîf Unfortunately an elbow injury of the bronze-medal clash, after solid whlheadteedoniscoo showmngs in games two and four. and club-mate cost Roman the gotd Fellow Miltonian Brett Mclnall an olkephm utfte fueled Haltons only win of the week- adcodkep im utfth end, lighting the lamp twice in the ini- w w ae a r.o tial tilt with Welland. Brother Zachary w ien pro and blueline counterparts Rylee Buckle and Ricky Bicchierai - also from town YOUTH-BOYSIGIRLS - combined for some solid defence to 7 iTO 17 YRS. 010 keep the team's goals-against average to 11 )4 & 5 &6 YR. 010 a respectable 3.2. Wb§# ,ER NTH UTO While unable to come away with a 4 YAý ISRCIU medal, the Hurricanes certainly proved j UR905-451-9275 they belonged among the OMHAs OUR N' innermost sanctum. in addition to their 3T E' two-game split with the Tigers, they YEAR, TEAMS/INOIVIDUAL tied the host Waxers 3-3 and lost by 905-840-7370 just a single deposit to both the eventu- ai champion Clanington Torus (3-2) I and silver medalist Richmond Hill Stars SM E OKYBGN (2-1). SM E OKYBGN Grand iý G LF C NTERForneris Haiton Hille IDCtolfAcaderM FREE 2 FOR 1 BUCKET CARD ($50 VALUE) Upon prientaion of hceu£OM. GO0f@o Wse. Visit our webslte: 7801 #5 Side Roadl (300 yards West of Hwy 25) Milton 905.878.3290 Hours: DaiIy 9:00 arn till dusk vb, hrot & Ilear Air. f4.000km $8,995 ext. 141 Among the cadets, Bobby Fitîman TOUr a Red Cross ctaimed his I Oth goîd of the season, fe am Cam., 'M place honours. Apprentie< Wante Become a professional rooferI joint programi with DeLuca Roc The Centre for Skills Developn We are looking for 20 individuà interested in training for careeî with DeLuca Roofing Inc. Trhis ft-ba.ed program featu * 8 weeks in-cass/hands-on * 12 weeks ofmofltored andp * An offer of permanent, full-I with DeLuca Roofing for su Do it Righi ..Cal the Proj For more information, cati go' ext. 121 or visit www.thecentî *TeCentre through this )ting and ient & Training. ss who are rtracc positions training aid work placement ime employmenit ccessful grads rsionals! 333-349- , Mc. to the winners of the RESTAURANT PORSA S NOWBOARD CONTEST Winners of the Boston Pizza (if I Could Be A Pizza Topping What I Would Be) Snowboard (ontest are photographed with their brand new snowboards courtesy of Boston Pizza. Congratulations to Joshua Foremnan and Joshua Gamble pictured here with Boston Pizza Marketing Manager, Cathy Buttrum. Thank you to everyofle Çhnncnrpd hv- who entered! Burlington Post sflic Manchisi's KLV SPECUALS, uài dotu hbes smè1a1 M*iluI roof, auto. $18,995 ýý_ 11 l'!. ý ý MiessS, rizz-a -3--y 1