The Canadian Champion, Fridlay, April 6, 2007 - A17 PIU5RIt'DP~~t Grahi Design'1 & TyEÀ .M~oupetiRng IL -w MDsgn rn (enr Full Colour Laser Copier I.Ca wwwescrpmetcontr.on.a 10 Npissng oad Wide Format Copier XT W A L ELCOME to the following Milton and area-based businesses as new Chamber members. jN ew M m bers We invite pou to participate in our monthty enent and encourage yOU ta take part in one or more of the Chamber committees. *Denotes Escarpment Country 1 lToorîsm Pantner BANKC OF MONTREAL - MAPLE AIE 1001 Mapie PAve ai Thsmpsos Miton, ON 97T OA5 Contact: Vidai Oamiakhas, Brande Manager Tri: 905878-4187 Faný 905-878-4524 Oue staff ai u naew iaocation, ara ier prvud ta bisnmi pari of the Miltvn cvimsniy, (lor iarn is invising iorrard iv buidisg lastiîng iiiainahipa ihrvngii excîpiionai coalumer service. Ai ihi nias locaion ase prosîde n oîda range of boiS Persona] and Commercial prodascis. Wr are opes asîtîl ii:OOpm Wîdveadaîy aid Thasrsday aid Sardas asni 3:0pm. THE FLOWER SHED 12336 Nas Eao. Townliiee, RROi Acive, ON L7i 2L7 Contact: Jui Spesk, Oaseir Tri- 905-870 1663 sirsa 1998, Jliii pes/h lhiivr Shed han creaird csrinm aruai haskets, pianiera and oandvw boxes, insinding tha onion Mlion isargîng haskets, Oser lise yeara, ber prvdsci lise has espandad iv iniude haruy anruais, segîrable planta, pîresa as and suis Tis saus the FTuner Ohed ouli open May i iib ai thear ira larger loacation, 12336 Nasa. Fin. Tvassiae, norih of Mlion ai 22 sidirsad. GEARHEAD 295 Mass St. E, Unit9 MitonON L9T IPI Bikes, bîhe accsssaiea, bike reposr, spinning cassrs, rociay mooviain bikrs, moniaie bîkrs. ttAtiMONY HOME STAGING Campheiioiiie, ON Contact: Kim Abirabam Tei: 905 89a 0-127 osas harmvnyiiomeiuaiee.sal Siagief profassriina 'vork witi thr hiimavaner ai rel sai ai gest iv pra,îarv the norme foir sale Oas goalis in mînîmîra the urne 900e preperil siays on the nmaire whir manînsiaing iis equity poieniai. LITERACY NORTH HMLTON 72 Mili Si. Sie 206, G'eordeteon ON 1,7G 2C9 Pal: 905-073-2200 i iracy Nortb -taitaîr as a svmmonaiy baîrd vrganiaion providinf individuaired ivivrang iv adula siodrîts. Wr rncourage communiiy support and promoir iaierasy awarnoiss SNUG AS A BUG CHILD CAR SEAT INSTALLATIONS INC. Campireiiaîiie, ON Contact. Biarry Kory, Prsideni Tri, 905 5854-6969 Snug as a BugChildCar Seaisallaionis îns a uiiing edgr, ioamr haird burineis creaird iv prooide marna, dada, and grandiparenas with sale and certified insalaion ni iheir hidi'a suriais, Tai: 905-864-0666 Contact: Dyna Drasai, Eaecasianr irîcive irvai babies iv bousiers. J IRenevval M ernberships iteprasents EscarpetCryTrism nirne A special thanks to the following busmnesses for their continued support A R Pvun aidnsaping [ne OAi Maden Cvimvtiin&iLaser Centre Aqiatoura Ouar Ovssivas CI, Arbaîr Cardais Ceavtre andirharsarv 0056 Peu Audav b assai Soluions Borrow Farnala Chirvpractias Baskets & Boiiaiisais 8ali Wiirid - WPCI - l ina al airSiiurii Crpoiraion sMO Bas6 of Mvireail Mlion Mail SBvb Bayrivn's Carpairy hCroisai Cabne issiT'Cvgacv Ciimpudreams Canada Inc SCopar Marketing ira. Oas Oee impnrrs Canada Lamid Fis Wiaeei Truck Stop ivrri 'kCarpentry ciidaiiiTbAmuinyCroup Haîr Studaio 1ii 1liton Cvmpaaa The lialiien Oay btablas Ovaveo Iis rine Jirolsa Iigbrvad Computers Hosdîn & Oasart tedendeni Livarg liaivin ifsiasav Caierasg & Ci-ans Design usner Oariumn ouga Studao Key Centres Li. Martiadale Cardîens Rtiremeîi Rîsadessa Miairn Windows V Mlone Inurai ourdis lasser I- Poimora Deign 'laralan Canada Parisera te Pions Plasquaiinii cuir & iapaid LegalSer RBc Royal tank Robiert Lounis Mis SM.Mecaia SW. anig Congratulations to aur 2006 Award Recipients --qqf Lifetime Achievement Award: The Honorurable James & Barbara Snow Citze of the Year. wr & Mose Oxford # Presidefltrs Award (2): Nasci Job & Tarah Cherwonsak and Len Lee Chamber Volunteer of the Year: Gloria Francis, Padgelt Business Services Business of the Yser (26 emptoyees or more): Çhudleigh's Business of the Year (25 employees or lass): A Country Mile # Business Person of thse Yser Angelo DeMedcs - Milton Home Hardware Buarum cente ails h Oeds ce gansu ina. TSi Mec vhialîa Services [tic. arnaisv l'allas Studiois Tashviasir EOuvipiasin Tiss.l-raa Totai iaivlispisiensntiernaionasl n niais iv In i\Flash alis niasSalisCnr uie lc rin harns saîhars iving iing JamesOrni'arkuai Oindruh Stabe T0t. haniaa Ina. wiraivii paradigmrs itd. lTO) fw enre March Business After Hours More then 70 Chamber members and guests enjoyed the BAH- meeting at Advantage Physio also co-hosted by Andrews Scenic Acres/Scotch Block Winery. Al who attended the event had an excellent time and enjoyed a sampling of light refreshments and Scotch Bîock's 2006 Award Winning Wines. Members who came to the event were encouraged to interact and meet other business owners by a networking game which chaîîenged memberor knowledge of both hosting businesses. wVatei Beau ai, Lauraine londie anu mmçc nen axi te FLOWERS eSHRUBS & TREES te GARDEN DECOR SOIuS te LANDSCAPE DESIGN ~. & MAINTENANCE Right at the east end of Main Street -~ 7429 Fifth Lune, Milton lr 905-876-4100 Milton, Ontario L91 (Behind Milton Mal 2Tel: -C 0d 51Fax: 905-876-1100 FREE PICKUP & DEUIVERY ROBERT (PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGENCY u - oIMt - AniÉsstl - RM - LIfU - P8- hSld" Ftum <M.SJ.L> - III c ~ Cdutoiitg 32 geai6,~ i(no Tsi." Esiin 245 Commercial St. Milton LUT 2J3 -OFFICE 878-5786 FAX: 878-3692 M MWTM $MW uoeuurnNA Cali Steve Boers 706 Main Street, East Milton, ON (mi Mie- SKD) COMPANY 375 Wheelabrator Way, Milton (905) 875-1427 (416) 798-7099 M Iltowne SINSURANCE AGENCY INC. ULULEworking for you HEALTH DENTAL AND DISABILItY INSURtANCE Available for as few as one persan on Group Rates Featuring -' Assrd' Preearnptiofl Card Group Life & Health Spedalis____ p.O. Box 152. MilIton, ON L9T 4N 9 Rager Lauzon 905-878-1633 Fax 905-878-1671 Tqwiss L ants Wt. Family 0w mà ince 17 IRVINGI77 32 Steeles Ave. Unit 15, Milton, Ontario L9T 5A1 ftftOO6QO7PROUDLY CANADIAN I1'I 90 5- 87 8, É>on.Fax: 905-87886198 ILTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERS ANi) THEIR [mi lIn ti-s Save up to 55%1- on ,Auto (-,i( Home Insurance! 24 Hr CIaims Assistance 1A-775 Main St E. Phone 905-876-4607 INGÎ-OVEX or Fax 905-876-1001 IN~ ciel e'à Open --à Elavne Tanner & Associates ne. Milton Cleaners