A14 - The Canadian Ch~ampion, Frida, April 6, 2007, PerIorming arts school being proposed for Region Arts centres have been long sought after in Halton se, why flot a performing arts scbooi in the region? That's the question a parent of an artistie child posed to, herself and then toi a senior adîninistrator with the Haiton District Scbooi Board - and now she wants to find out how many other parents fel the way she does. "We have been residents of Burlington for about 15 years and our i 2-year-oid daughter is an avid dancer and actress. For ber to pursue ballet and acting and also tbrive academi- caliy wouid be ber dream," said Ksenija Melling. "Upon mucb investigation of this topie, we bave found tbat neigbbouring schooi boards bave sucb a program, ie. Peel and (west) Toronto (Etobicoke School of the Arts), but tbey are so popular," adde Melimg, a grade 10 Level pianîsi wbo also taught piano and once piayed ciarinet in the Hamilton Concert Band. Her daugbter Cbioe, the youngest of five kids, bas been dancing since she was three and studies ballet and jazz dance with the Burlington Dance Company. A brief correspondence and discussion she said sbe bad with Halton board Acting Associate Director Rutb Peden convinced Melling to forge abead with plans to take a survey of parents to, gauge interest in potentialiy establisbing a regionai arts program (RAP) witbin the board. "Upon discussion witb members of tbe Halton District Scbooi Board, we were led to believe tbat we are certainiy (eligibie) to present a proposai for sucb a scbool program," families to add their names to ni order that we may have strengtb in numbers wben we present our case to a board meeting at the Haiton District Scbooi Board." Tbe interest is tbere, sbe believes. "We certainly know many otber families witb cbiidren who are strong in an arts capacity'and have no specialty pro- gram to wbicb tbey can appiy "We are very passionate about tbis and feel that it would be a mucb-needed adjunct to the educational and arts com- munity in Haiton, sbe added. "Furtbermore, if students from Haiton want to pursue the arts at a post-secondary level, tbey migbt flot bave tbe same advantage as someone applying from an arts bîgh scbooi. Melling said her cursory taiks witb Halton public board officiais eiicited an expected responise of wby an arts program doesn't exist bere. "Of course, tbe usual 'iack of iunding' was cited as being one reason for tbe absence of sucb a program bere in Haiton, but wby can tbe otber boards maniage it, especiaiiy wben Halton is perceived as an affluent community,- sbe won- dered. Peden encouraged her to look immt tbe issue. "h (arts programming) did becomne an issue bere in the car>' 1 990s but we neyer pursued it. Part of tbe reason, 1 believe, is tlie whoie phiiosopiiy of offering ail prograris ini ail commnunities. You knovv, bhai whoie notion of sebool community and kids going tc, thecir home sclhool.« Trustees and staff are willing to listeni to the public on any issue, she said. Cails to, several neigbbounnrg scbooi boards show Peel bas titree regional arts programs betweeni its public and Catholic boards while the Halton and Hamilton-Wentwortb public and Catholie boards bave none. For more information, send an e-mail to Ksenija-mellhng@yahoo.com. YOUR PARTr cbvdlion The secret is out! Quality Furniture from Ieading hotels at incredibly low prices Visit our showroom today and discover why our store is becoming the place to shop for professional decorators and home owners alike Specialists in Used Fine Hotel Furnishings 'LI UIDATI04 482 South Service Road East East of Trafalgar South of theQRW 905.815.1333 www.movellnelquldations.com 4&AquaStone 7Ai;o S C AP 1 N . Spem6zig in Swnewu& Water Feaum and Out" 14fing INTERLOCKING STONE WATER FFATURES Patlo 's and Walkway'. Eco -Friendly Ponds Driýeway'ý P.ndless Watertails Retaining Walis StSarns là B.bbles LAND CAPING GARDEN STRUCTURES Concept Designs Custom Pergola's Natural Stone Work P-acy Scire-, Flagstone Custom Decks Garden Installations Fýnces La ndscape Lighting ,We are Vour authonzed Borrowed Spaces dealeO Cali or vsit our website to arrange Vour free rstmate. 905-208-1732 -..aqua.t-lmdýpJnq.ý