The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 6, 2007 - Al Savings program the'right thing to do' e from SCHOOL on page A10 School, was the site of the program's recent launch. Representatives of the regions four hydro distributors took part in an inter- active session, a workshop and a school tour. Alexanders is one of the new gener- ation of schools, with savings expected to be borne out of updated automated environmental control systems for things like heating and air condition- ing, and through the use of more ener- gy-efficient lighting. However, the attitude of consumers, as much as the new products them- selves, can have a positive impact on energy usage, said the Halton boards Facilities Superintendent Gerry Cullen, noting hes emphasizing the program's potential to change the attitude of school staff and students over any anticipated cost savings. "Its not really a dollars and cents issue as much as the right thing to do. We don't have a lot of big industrial (electrical) stuff. For us its lighting," Cullen said of the boards biggest source of electricity consumption. Ballentine said liglting accounts for about 15 per cent of electrical costs in a typical home but about 45 per cent in schools and board administrative offices. Lights and computer hardware are the prime culprits, items that students and staff can exercise some control over, he said. It's computer monitors and periph- erals, like printers, but mostly the mon- itor - it uses more energy than any other part of the computer." Heating and air-conditioning arc centrally controlled and the responsi- bility of the school/building custodian and may not end up as part of an ener- gy action plan. Each school will assemble an Eco Team. Comprised of an administrator - likely a principal - a teacher, custo- dian and several students, Ballentine said it will be akin to an environmental club. "We're changing the way of thinking about energy use. The caretaker team would walk around the school and note things that could be turned off. They would submit a report and then an action plan. "Perhaps most importantly, by reducing electricity consumption, school staff will be responding to the urgent need to reduce the health-dam- aging and costly effects of (coal-fired) electricity generation which Peter Love, chief energy conservation officer, Conservation Bureau - Division of Ontario Power Authority, has identified is responsible for the majority of the greenhouse gas emissions that are largely responsible for climate change," said Ballentine. Big icket Tues days! See any movie for only $49 per admission ticket at c a Ny E M A S Milton Log on to for show times Umited irne offer. Taxes inclusive. Some restrictions apply. Price change effective April 06, 2007. Vaiid only at participating Cineplex Entertainment theatre locations. Not valid with any other offer.® Cineplex Entertainment LP or used under license. i