Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Apr 2007, p. 9

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HIGHSCHOOLORT Megan Cheema Harbî Naft Caurtney Coulombe MILTON DISTRICT Hie SCHOOL Mustang Messenger (MM) Presents: an tnterview with Tîîpp Crime, featuring Jnhn Best Chaliuor 111 (JBC t MM: i i.an'i believe l'ut havîsg an interview wih al mitîber tri Mition's ows Topp Crnte. Yîîu puys are amna.îng' Whoî att is ii vour band, and Sîîw dîd yuu gel siacieut' aBC. Our band tîetîthers tuclude îîysett. Joîhn Besi ('hattittur and Scttl Camapbell (Soih studenis ai Miton District Hîgh Suhoît). Derek ('Satîspîtux îcurrentiy sîudyîng poltice titundations ai cuuitege), Kevis Vincent De Faut and Carl Steinhauser îbîîih studetîts ai Bishop Redîîîg Hîgh Schoîtl) MM: Huiv dtd you cole up ih tShe laitue 'Tîpp Crie"' IBC: lus a secret. OmIs the peuple iv tSe band andt Guîd knuîw uhai (ha( MM: Sut itr the unftîîunatc peuple viho i uussed sitar shtows ai tSe Fitl l'air, Cantada i)as' MD' s Talent Show anid'itîhers S teuils ait upcouutg ivet ai tite Reverb in Tortuoi tit April 191h. TcIl uts about ihis show, JBC. Our nesi shoi s un Tîtrtuut ai uSe Reirb tit April lOiS. Tickets are $12 il yuu Suy uhetut off of lite anîd $18 ai thi dour. We play, ai 8:3(0, su von could easity Se Sack ii Milton ,uruud ((put This show us pari t titiÉ Enuergenia festival. TSi tmals lake place un Germany auud end un unsuanianeous lame. vii vi need muany peoîple lu cutute and vtt for us. Just show up ai arîîuud 8:15 and ai 9pnu you ian suite tutu us. People wating lto buy tickets eau contact suy cell phoine au 9015-691- 6589. MM: Yîmu alsut played au Tirotvo's l Mîtiauno. Hîw did ut teel knowîng uhat bauds like TSe Roling Stives. 112 and the Potlice hase att ptayed iherei JBC: TSi 'Etatu' shouw was une tif my favotrite shotws tut play. il wav a tumout ut user 100 peoiple jusi for us. ter titan tSe tugit thai nue and a band maie Sud lui îry tut break up. il was a greai vîphi' MM: Ove ut your band metabeus us already un cutilege. and utos tut yuu will Se oifto1 unusersiy ur cîttege shorty. Do yu plan utn puiig tSe band on Sotd fou a while tir are you puys poing ta cointinue piayung*î JBC: We witl suit Se playivg Sere and there un weekevds. There iv not doubi that we wit stitl Se a band, Sut we wilt not Si togeiher as mach. Scout witi Se poing ta universîiy for a speciat music program uSai requires ptayîng tests ta Se acceptîd. i ani poing ta a privaie courege for Recordîvg Arts. I have Sien accepied ta ove vo far and am currevuiy doing tSe interview portion for tSe other cotteges. i hase Sien obsîssed with recordîvg for a few years uow aid can sec myseif doîng it vot oniy for fun but as a job. loci. MM: Sa. say any people in Sîgit positions iv lte music induss'y are vow îîîîcrested iv signîvg you -itow would tSey pet a hold of you? JBC. Thcy eau go lu our mnyspaci wehsiie ut www .myspace.com/toppcime tir cuitait me ai juîhvbestchalliivonti@Sotmait.com. Our myspace wehsitc alsut unctudes a fese ut uur sungs. if you wavi îo check uSent oui! MM: Guod tuck wih everytiîg boys. Miltotn supports yuîu ail the way'î *PREPAR FO THE RO~~AAE. Nextt ~ ues &CTurse:Al3( wEens SauMay & Suwend Nex T us CoTurse: April 3 (sweeks) ay t (2wends) YOUNG ® 6:OOpm to 9:i5pm 9:3Oam - 4:i5pm Kil 11>- www.youngdrivers.cofl i'I DuRIVERS 905.875.0-48%Q#0 1euainSrepý "DBATELI1NE DRURY"9 Ashley Carlisle Mîchelle Staples Stephen Jackson E.C. DRURY aigu SCHGGLZ The infarnous Drury 2054FM wakes us up every mnuring with sotneting ihat gues a ltUile tîke ihis.. Boy- Hey ..why is everybody taughing ai me?- hbackground taughter) Girl- "Maylîei's be.ause yuu Itîrgut youi pants? Hahaha" Boy- "Oh no 1 was su husy tryiug nul lu torgel about the literaiy test that 1 torgui lu put un iny piants. Oh yes, he.re ilcornes, aîîd there il weni, The Grade 10 Literacy lt'est touuk place un March 29th. Guod luck un ihuse test resuit. Grade (0s1. (Althiiigh as lonug as yiiu can read this. we arc sure you did fine.) A tfiie moure excited than uerviîus. ail 1)1our schuo)ltieams are kicktng up the dîri aud getiîng ready litr sorme sprng sports. Our succer aud rugby cealas hase umade a giiîd starO The senihor botys Suseer teant has atready hiadt soitte sticce ss ni iheir lîrsi tournatineut iu Oakvitle. They wvion a gainte 4-0,. with Atvin and ('lau sctiriig oue cach aud Rishawu scoriug twu. Thec Wresttîng teani enîted tlt the swasun wih success as wett!!! Conugratultaions iii Atau Mîtîfai tir wiuniug 2nd place lu hîs divisiuon ai Naittîtats. We heard sotite inipressive sturtes abot a huge lip lin une tif hîs tipponients. and ihanks tir the replay Mîîfiai We are alsu too.king fiîrward iii seeînp how Kevîn lwasa-Madge dîtes nlu ture iuurnanienis. And the' suceess isut tiser yeî totks. We have une mitre fotr yiiul Nul îînty are we wînîng in the aihletu. departinlenis Sut we are hraîny 11101 Our uIneriediate Reach Teani desirîîyed is tîppoînenis in a Tîtumament held in Hanmtiton. IS was an iniellecinat BEAT DOWNIIî They weni undefeaird. Congratultiouns iii Ryan Baieman. Surah Vitisun. Kîînrad Hittenaur, and the teain captaîn 1-tura Lt. We are att very pruud vif yiiur hraîns! lu the drama fietd, we have au updaie on the up and cîîînng play "Corme Whaî May". The casting is ctmnplete. and reheiarsats have Sepun (tir this musical cîîmedy. The play us based arîîuud a taie nîphi enteriatument establishment lmuch like the Moulin Rouget. The tead acis iv the show. Sehasiien (played hy Mati Brown) and Chritiane îplayed hy Bianca Snmith), are struggling iii teave the indnviry in a fiphi worihy uf vhow husiness. And, perhaps the inosi encîting news of att. thîs year's annuai Technical Skîtlv Competition vs Seing held on Aprit Itlh nighi here ai E.C. Drnry! Secondary school vîudcntv from ait over Halton widl vhowcave their iech skitts. uanging fromt Sakîng, lu weh page deviguung. to carpeniry. Succevstul sîndenis in the compeition wîll gît on lu repreveni their schoot ai the Ontaaio Skîllv Competition and ihen lte Canadian Skîtls Competitton. If you have a vavu, tecituical skilt and wouid lîke la show il off, contact Mr. Druiven or Mr. Lave for more detaîls. Yet Another huvy week ai Drury! We hope we've covered everythîng' lits been wîld sînce Match Break!!! Keep il un Spartans' Remînder lu att graduaies' Dîtut torget tu hand in your Grad Profites ASAP! For more information lin ihis go se Guidance! ""UEROALREPORT" Erin Hetheninglon Lindsay.Johnsion Julia Riddel DISHGP REDINS Rion SCUGOL Spring is here Bishop Redîng, and alung wîth ut comes many exciting new thivgs. There are new sports, new events and new fundraisers. This Inside Source has the scoop on everyîhing you need lu know about spring at BR. Fîrst cîsîe the new sports. Buth junior and senior badminton are in full swing. ihe juniors had their fîrst tourvament last week, and through their hnstle and commîiment, mnade Bîshop Redîng proud. The seniors îraveled iii Waterloo last l'rîday, where they sbowed what they were made of and had an excellent start li the season. Anoîber sport starlivg up quile soon is soccer. Already we have girls' avd boys' indoor soccer teams put together. aîîending tournaments in preparatton for the uutdîîor soccer season. The sports don't stop there: we hase favîastic sotbaîl and basebaîl teams. And, for the fîrsi lime in Bishop Reding bitlury, we have a girls' rugby îeam. There is vo shortage of activtty. su if you arc ivterested in any of these leams listen 10 announcemenis for îry-ovîs and be part of something! Also ibis week marked the end of our spring food drive. Students were encouraged to brîng iv non-perishables for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. As ai ibis lime of Easier and lent, we shonld be thînkîvg of others. However, if you forgot to brivg in your food ibis week, then we also have a clotiîg drive coming up vext week. Clean out your closets because for eacb pouvd of clothes we bring in, 5 e will be donated to breasi cancer research. Sindeni govervmevt will also be sellivg breasi cancer bracelets avd pivk ribbons iv support of tbis greai cause. Avother thivg that Bisbop Redivg is doing to support the uvderprivileged iv our anvual think fast. Last Friday students fasied for 25 hours in order to raise money for those iv need. Lasi but vol least, veut week, Tbursday the l9th is Bisbop Redingus day at the Rogers Center. Everyone bas the chavce to go sec the Jays versus the Boston Red Sox. AIl you have to do iv pick up a permission formu from the main office and then bring iv 30 dollars to buy your ticket and. You can get sut of class to go to a great gamhe at noon. Transportation by bus will be provided avd it is sure to be a greai day for aIl. So catch spring fever and get ivvolved. Look for our report next week for more information about what you can do.

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