A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, Aprit 3, 2007 Rift widening Failure 10 altain a quo- rum for a recent special meeting is the latest indica- tion of a widening rift among elected trustees of the Halton Cathoiic District Scisool Board. While the hastily called March 27 meeting was short on agenda details, all nine school board trustees were sent notice of the meeting at ieast four days in advance. The special meeting was called by board Chair AI Bailey (Burlington), who wanted fellow trustees to receive a legai review of their rotes and responsibil- ities. Bailey believes a recent board decisson regarding the controversiai pilot scisool uniform project may have violated thse boards own policies. Four of the other five absent trustees - Oakviile's Anthony Danko and Pauline Houlahan, Burlington's _joanne Matters and Haiton His' Rosanna Palmieri - îoid the Champion they had prior comrnttments, while Multon's Rev. David Wilhelm neyer reîumed a reporter's catis. Regardless of their dif- fering points of view, trustees owe il to students, parents and feiiow trustees to attend meetings - if oniy to upbold their posi- tion. Considening the boards pedfect record of 25 years wîîhout faiiiug to meet quorum. the sudden absence of two-thirds of the boards elected officiais seems suspiciotis. OF COURSE WM'E CONCERNED A1~UT T.. T~ATSPI t P P ~~ir1 prçi Write E-mail your letters to rmtned@batofsearcb em. Escarpment now threatened (Thse following lettes was adicressed to Thse Niagara Escarpment Niagara Escarpment Commission manag- Commission, as the governing body and le Ken W/hiîhsead, and a copv was filed guardian of the escarpment, is no douhî with thse Champion.) keeping a watchful cye and is prepared DEAR MR. WHITBREAD* to act shouid it be tbreatened. At 71.4 per cent over thse past five 1 don't believe developers have a con- years, Mitonl has the dubious distinc- science, and our so-caiied administra- toofbigthe fastest growing comn- tors can't seem 10 put down their munity in Canada. APPROVED rubiser stamp, so the hur- This sprawl has reacbed the foot of den of preserving a beautiful part of the escarpment, and it would be appre- Canada rests entirely on your sisouiders. ciated if you would advise me wbaî safe- Regulated growth in any community guards are in place to ensure protection sepcdbthexloiegwh fromencoachentont theescrp-Milton bas suffered wili have far-reacis- ment. Thse wiidlife, trees, vegetation and ncosqee frya tcm. water on this speciai place must be pro- Ong coeuencesl fo yeas 10 on;es tecteilDrivl lti onasgn;pes We have an obligation to keep safe ail don't aliow thse escarpment to bc anoth- fis natural treasures and preserve tise er vîctint ecologicai benefits it provides. Future ELIZABETH HARRISON generations have a nigbî t the saine. MACARTHUR DRIVE Scholol's warmth was much appreciated DEAR EDITOR: \Ve bave hived in Milton for a few years. ",Ae inoved an Noventher and our eidren bad to change schools and go 10 Martin Street School. Unfortunately we are now moving out of town and wi be Ieavîng Martin Street, but we really wanted to let Mrs. Taylor, tlice scbool's secretary, know bo\v iucb we bave appreciated everytbîng sise bas donc. From the fîrst day of scbool there she bas donc everthing 10 make us feel wel- corne and 10 belp our tbree cbîldren adjiust, front rententerîng everyone's namne 10 going out of bier way 10 inake sure tbey aiways had a great day ,ise has also lightened thse istress loai of our move tremendously hy gettîng tice kids not jusi regisîtered ai thear nev scbool, but seutang up husiisg loi tisin as weli. Our oldest son bas had troubles in tble past with everything front adjusîing to making friends t0 passîng bis classes. but bis wbole attitude has changed mnl five montbs. He is making better cboic- es in lriends and bus grades have improved greatiy. So we just wanted to tbank ai of tbe teacbers ai Martin Street, and especîally Mrs. Taylor, lot everytbtng tbey do everyday. We wll iimiss thent a lot. THE DEFOREST FAMILY FORMER MILTONIANS Patients' bad attitudes add to E.R. wait times DEAR EDITOR: 1 amn reporiug on two recent experiences wilis our hospital and medical system. The first was twoyears ago when i had two visats to the Oakville isospital for cataract surgery. My expie- rience on both occasionis was tQ receive excellent care, on tine and hy a very pleasant and professional team of doctors and nurses. On M~arch 14 at 5:30 arn., 1 was admitted tol Milton District Hospital because 1 was suffering frorn exîreme cist pain, along with pain in my sisoulders and arrns. 1 was immediateiy whisked mbt E.R., put into a robe and admirnstered oxygen and isooked up to, a blood pressure monitor and E.C.G. At least five very pole, cheerful nurses, aiong witis Dr. Toorning, were present for the first three hours. During the nine hours at tise hospital, 1 isad about ftve E.C.G.s, two sets of x-rays and tisree sets of blood tests. Dr. Sawisney was tise specialisl on duty andl aîîended to tise diagnosis. At about 2:30 p.m., il was discovered tisrough tise second set of x-rays tisat I had pneumonia - fortunately not iseart problerns. During tise day, rny own doctor, Dr. Koslowski, was monitor- ing tise resuits. A special tisanks goes out to everyone. 1 arn sonry 1 did not gel nurses and îechnicians' turnes, but îhey wiii know wso, tisey are. 1 was rnoved ter tise recovery area, where monitor- ing continued- This is also wbere day surgery patients are adrnitted. Since 1 was rigist next to this station, 1 could flot heip but overisear andl wimess boorisis behaviour from a number of patients, most of wbo caused extra work for tise staff. As a resuit, 1 have lit- tde sympatisy for those cornplaining about waiting limes lin E.R., wisen many bave no respect for tise added costs brougisî to tise sysîern by tiseir beisaviour. JOHN FOWLER CAMPBELLVILLE OPINIONnban~»mpo Rec.ogilized fot exçelleisee bY 9 pa Ottarie Cotmont &o a NencpaprsbAssociation Catadiat Comttity uCNA Nenopapete ssociatiot U S Csrebat Nenstapeo Si o Atteeca Thie (.'aiiadian Charmpiaxa is a proucut ocedfia 'opansot for: cigle Bel Fond iOa t MILTON ~AN -SANTA UNITED WAY PAAD 0F MILTON TV saCtION PRD IYMCA Showcase Milienl isards Milton's Community Newspaper Sirce 1860 555 Industriai Dr., Milton, Ont. 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