Board fails to meet quorum By Tim Whitneli SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION lýoi tht Iii si tie iii 25 stairs, tht liaitun Ctihoii i sî jet Sthooi [toitd ti at xxc et a[iltci iii mecet q1uoru~m lot a st hetlttied menrg. A speetal meeting t0i tllt hcoartd stliccluitd for [ast 1iestias saxx oni> îhree i luitne elctteti schoiti trustets un attentiante. [One ofi tht ahsent elected oufi- ciais -Bttlntgton's B[oh Van de Vraride - adiuited he tiîdn't sec the point iii ai îenciîng tht tîtet- tng. Dîrecicîr cil Edtiaion Lti Piovesan toid tht Chamttpîitn that in is quarter teniturs as a senuior atriiistratot [te t oultiî t eall a sîniar situattion ii Ille hoarti laiitg Ioi iiît e t utim i lis1 u i misset orlet hoat t itit'eiig sUitc t i li àtt i i iitteiîtlnt mi 10us I~8l lie iciieti. lThe îîîtîîeîh' ch iîîi hoard mtîsi hase ai Icasi lise eleetedti rustecs prescrit iii tîrtet for quorutm tî hc mîet atitt ings. Onis hoard C hair AI [[ailes tif [[intgon aîîd Oaks'iiie trustees Alite Aitme LeMay ani Eti Viana îttetîted lasi [utesciav's meeting. AVe knesv ahotut a x tek tir issu agît that îx ci (ices) xxoultint he îlîere, stiti Pis escin. Ai tht iicci tut, a dti-t ti1i 'sas heil in puhlict h hoard legai c ounisel Boh) Keti on gen r- tu issues arounti a tîustees toit anti respotîsihilities. H(wc\str, a piarneti privat session ol inistees deaiing wtth tht hoard',- protes' on thetiwo-year uni- lorm pilot prtîjett - pianned for St. Gahriel eiementars in iiuriington anti Guandiari Angeis în Milion for 21007-[08 -and ant expetteti distusston item to he presineti hv hauts' i puhict reiated to the mnalter touid flot proteed due to the iack, of ttlistet represcrit:ttion ' Van de Vrande tolti tht Cliîuîttpioiît[e tiîd not set tue point iii atiettding iutsdax 's spe- tiai meeting. A propoitent cl tht pilot proîeti \anii de Viande saiti hie [[tiiex t tht' issute is iiot. \'t w\ant to trsou \Nith s alid hiîait dc(c iiiit c~ tan t tiet îsiiiis iliat hav e hie tmadeý i ti't t set aux point lorie htt- ing. i don11i set any point nr (resining) it. Otkx ilt' Anthonx' Danko anti Paulîre loulahan, Burlingtis Joanne Matters anti i laitonl His' Ruîsanna Palittîtri sheleix'toiti tht C lîcîtîîpîîtî? thes' had priot tominitients anti atis sd tht hoarcLI ii ihat un ads'ante od [ast ilucsdis s cet- îng. As ofi C lîuîtpiiiti ceatline, Il uste Rev. D[avid Vsilihelmi loi c omment on why lie mîissedi the meeting haxve gont' unreturnetl Piox csan wouldnit iast asper- siîons on thet iminng oi the iack fis- flot up tb tue 10 question; it 1s not up 10 mle 10 pass judg- [[ailes' \vho says he's not agaînst schooi uniformis just ihat hc wanits confirmation that propet hoard protess has heen hiilowcd, would like to have the suspended special mneeting con- tinue as soon as the next regu- larly scheduled hoard meeting on Aprîl i0. Iioxvever, Van de Vrande doe-sni' wtnt to have anything to do with Baiev s item, il il ix i tiaiv tii Ill [e Pilot pi olect I xxii hase no mîore interesi îtt ad s Illeth item dheui îhn i diii Niait i 2 7). i1 lit miioi u ol tiî Uits aie ending a sets' d e.îî sincge anti 1I is uIL hitu diaits iiit recette that mes- sage. \Vhile iiaiev says [ie tan't dîst uss spetilics ahbout xxhat item hie tanis Ici hring lîîrward iti puhlic ai tht spettalilmeeting xx hen îît resumnes, hie saîd hie is not. is lias heeni reported, iaunthling a legai challenge on tht schooi unîformns tssue. "i cani sav rnequixottiix thai an> otî who' savs ihat i matde a -see LETTER on page A5 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 3, 2007 -A3 1p.. iraautionai moi -J ici ot USA oo do 2IWI"99l Wlace£ 88%ý 88100 gr 009Sor SPECIALS I EFFECT FR000 TUESDAY, APRIL 3A0, REURSORE HO]R E eSM TO ARIL978 207 WILEOUATIIES ASTMon.-Ttiurn. 8:30 amn - 7 PmUR 327 Bronte Street S. * White Oaks PlaCzaJ Friday 8:30 arn-O 8PM Saturday 8:30 am - 6Pm Sunday 9:00 am - 5 Pm Lj &IL I-CwP 'ÀL Itallan Bakery and Deicatessen 0. o