28 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday April 03, 2007 MiSk~IeP. .j~ie l & Offic Heljj Alelt Meia, Dental cali~, Dental r ¶it~rff~ftt~ ~ f~TT4e Prime Cire rami!, HeathTeam .s Reqire FuIimfone ergfwofie Company has immediate opaning toi a quatiried ifequired ini Qakurite mental liealth Counrseîlor "IIIUWI Ari900 t3mouitofs 7 ROoedFl-im o ewGogtonofc candidate iînlerested in a varred rote inttading and Burtmngtan. Must for a F/T one year Locom. We are aituated in Mit- AGSIcia proordesc tandato &uoa 2e004oq abased datres aa assiafant ta Brench Manager and genera Work WeekendatHoti- fan, a pleaaant, aafe, thrraîng Hatan CommanitY. ASatrois Ifor ormeatti & coommerciat Ptea semr m et a sgprifr ce banch adminiratfion. deet candidafe wrtt be daya. Comparer & Futt aapport as praerded f rom the aie famîty dactora, ora"ztrn 'y cabnîn oapoesrnta95782rofesaîonia and ateam ptayer. Adminiatrative Castomer Service specarafa and oar ettîed freeith personnet. of data, teahotgy, peopte & services AGSt or faxý 0-7-60dte reqarre afrong orgenîzetianat skitta, attenfion Knowtedge an Asoar Qualifications and Expenience: s hwing for the foitamving positions ta detaît and accuacp, and beîng capabte of Fx9082809 Mater in Socra Work degree Daa O eatrs orkîng îndependenty Strong interperal E-etl Must haoe e minimam of 2 peara eoperîence Software Developer(s) s-Manager wîth basiness deoetopment, marketing. t-bh sueso f depîcoaron, stress management, anger re For eddîtîoat irnformatinr or for submîttîng Reqoîres pari rime office netp for alternoons, and custamar servrce octroîtrea. Excettent verbat ltitonshîp prabtemo, famrty breekdowno, ctironic or andmeeanns usimer ~ and written communication skîtta are importent for Ass't Manager debrltttng treatt conditions and griot counisettîng. yoar reskime/CV n-mait infa@agsi.ca, evenîngsandweed, Csonrsrie ti oe oehrwt rfcec nWrEcl-Ms eal opaognzadmng N Phn Cai lae ana comparer skiis raqere, fris roT. Teher wîath l m profiteioy n ord Eeco casetoad Pt ease apply in persan betweex competitioe satory commensurata eulh exerîenca. HIRING -Training in Smoking Cassation aoutd ne an the hours of 9am & Cpmn ut: Milt on Heights Please forward resume to the attention kp ii 1 , i' assai SIVRRE EVC ETE Campground, 8690 Tremnaine Rd., Milfton of the Branch Manager ai: ikY Forward resumes to 1400 Cornwatl Rxad, Suite t4. TracyRedden@primecarefht.Ca 770 00amt o5:0pm. 45norsper w e kl Thi i a alrypostin wthful bneilpackage. Rel nconfidence ta Grant Baker et. Reqatres a Futi Ttme Experienced Refrigera- lion Mechanle wrtfr a minimum 2pîs. Appren- rrcesfrip ana G2 Ges Lîcense + Crean dirters abstreart We ere iocaed in the Georgetown, Mltton, Mîsaraauega area. BURLINGTON HYUNDAI Dae ta enormoun Growth se currenly regaire a e Levking tar a bright taltute? Want aboe average inceme? Have yau hed th Meu Stabiîty' liidt l u? Fax 905-6e8-81 5 dasiud or ph: 905-633-8811t ".lOfiHlp Ofi ep IBennett Healtit Care Centre The Benett Heaith Cure Centre ta a 66 bed 0"' term cure faciîty in Georgetown. We are cuirtt ioekîng for a part lime Senior Accountrng CýIerk wilh 3 - 5 yeata experence. The sacceastut candi- date aiti be oeiy esperieniced in: *Accouaits Payable t Recerouble * Bank Reconciiialions * Generat Ledger Recanciiialiena * Payrtll * Eecei Spteadaheets iterested applîcanîs afreaid ferward Iheir resume sifa caner lterla.i bhcc@cgecesel IgALLINUER FORD LINCOLN P/T EVENINO RECEP77ONIST Computer & siubea il experience an ussa. Estellext custemer semasc skils, govil organizutienal skls. MasI be uble lx meC itaskx anme acceunting experience required but sol necessery. Msnday ell Tusday ilpm - pm, Sala days 9am -4pm. Pi.ase tas or eait resume te, (905) 875-3676 infoOgallliagerford.com Fuli-Time Receptionist An silice building locateil n Miltron ha an immearate opeaîng for a FIT reertlînist, Thre succesatul canididale wîi have nutless then 2-3 years evpsrrence. Must have excellent rnler-petsona akîtis ansd slrang computer akîis an varrous office pregrama. Plae e-mail nesurse ta: stepiten@afi-interIiationa.Com Only those requesled for interviews will ba contacîed. 12:00Minght t 8 00a I S Suaday Nigh toTharsday Nigfrt ractadas Ptease apply in persan with reaume ta j I Best Western Inn on te Hill 36 ulhSreGogtw Mtrotiehelp requrred. Must be complut er lilerate anrth cualomer service experrence. Fax resuime wvith salary expectafions t0: 905-878-7676 ACCOUNTANTI Metoad BOOKKEEPER The primary responsibiity ef this position, reporting te, the Accounting Superviser, is te mai ntain lte financiaf accounting records. Outres & Responarbîlttes: Pleiewrng and enetyzîng monthty tînenicret stetements for severat assrgned divisions, Varance enatysîs ta P & L. Preperetron of manthty accounit anatyaes, Pneperrng and poat- ing manithtp joarnetsb, Aaarst in meeting manth-end and year-end deenines, Asret the Accountrng Supervisans and Assistant Controtter in epecat as- signments or requesta as flop arise. CompelenciestSkrtts & Experrence: Min. 2nd levet CGA/CMA, Min. 3-5yns accoantrng experience, ex- cettenit cammanid of the Engirah tlnguage e must, advanced anatytcat & computer skifles, atrang inter- pereoae and communication skiffs, knowledge of Lason accsantrng software an asset. Pieuse emrait reseme and caver letter tei resamea-finance@meraland.cam by April 8, 2007. 00e waatd lîke ta thank ail applîcants for their intereat in Ifris position. Pteaae note fIat due ta fIe volume of appticatios receiaed, oaiy those candidates whn are eiected te advaoce ta thre application proceea wtii be cotacted. Na phons catis pteae AutoPark Superstore-Burlilgtofl RECEPTIONIST Highty organized, sotidi computer skilîs and detailed-oriented- Previous deatership experiences an asset. Please e-mail resumne ta Richard,,benrnt@autopark.ca E-mail: dstone@dur Peqiurr FI CorOsy de ment ust haveo aus maril order depert- cettent cust. service skii, be computer lt- erae, mutti-tasket, eark self erth peers and under preasure. Inoles takrng or- niera, hetprng ceotom- ers, pickingtshipprag Resumes 10 tetine@renspets.comn or fax 905-257-4614. Manager Orainees 10 opýace your a in Martceeng Elî oîlbiîr Ltrsiqan Customer Sevtce al 905.878.2341 sales Help CallUieý 849 ,S eese . Hoe etuat l lRsarn àm ~ ~ ~ ~ e &igns 468902 D4 rs DeBsen's Farnîfene reqairea aleapeaple wîth nefaîl sales eoperîence for Misaîsauau locution. f sterrar design or fahion îndustry background reqaîred. Please app in person, 2255 Dundas St. West, Mississauga or e-mail ai: ighaznavi@deboers.COml A bout... -i*ý,ýï,ý MC Group ractice DENTAL tili HYGIENIST wOrkPi,,Wath Otthodsnlt exp. P-9 viýidrýiii, ta work wifth Puedo speciaiel. Emil -c vaer 2 dayatwk, 8-5pm coUo.c Ns esenrage or Sut. Reply in confidence 905.878,2341t nrn Htospitaen M irijý'a"De ea Cati: 905-844-0872 t ida &e ev 2 eek l o Wkxpolsfortlh $125.0 Accounts Payable Co-ordinator Procor Limiedis the leadsng Canadian lexeet af speciafized railcars and services. Procot Rail Services, a division af Procot Lrmrled, opertes a netwnrk of fiied, mo- bile and en cuxtomer site service cenlers. 00e have an immediale job opening ix aur Accounlixg Depertment for an Accaunts Payable Co-ordînatot, ixcated ut sur Wext Ouaville office. The principal responibilities in this position are as folices: *Rexponxible forthîe accurute and timefy ptocesarag ot innoicea wrlhîn agreed paymert lermsaund in accordace sîit establisfred Procors poficies and precedares. *Coding invorces and checkiag approvais. *Ptsesrn BanelOdersý *Aasx stprcang credîl carda espease reportsaend rnoenlony and othergenerat papables. *Metcbrng packing slips, F0., etc., wrth sapporting documentation. *Beck ap fat allers ta tle department. *Accruals *Scaanrng ot insorcea. *Asarat sîth the weekly cheque tanidirect sîay procxssing. -Joural Entriestbaeancragtreconcirag Accoants Payable, :Sort the mail accardrag vo sîop location to prepere for processîag. *Pratecta s aasrigned. Attributes/Fleqiuirements *Accarale andi trmely an raputtrng information *Exporrence an a tean business enorroameat eautd le an asser * oad communication and people akîtta *Teem prayer, proectroe. ranovatîve, seIlf starter, rouepeadeat thiaker *MusI meet requrreni deadîrnes * vtolrî kaowledge an asset. Soaod akîtta in Ecel, Accesa. Iterested parties are raorted ta subîilt ait reaume wrth a caserrrg tetrer oattliarg osperrence and seteal expectetroas hy Aprît r3, 2007 ta. E-mal: emptoyment@procor.com or fax loi 905-827-7735. Wtt tîaak att applîcanto for thein ratereet in Pracor Lîmiteni bat onty auccesafut cao- didates wîli le coatacteni for an interew. ['Requred Fut-Time i n Georgetown Office I Ptease fax feeseto: MAcclaimn Health Soiîttor?, for Co iîeaitr Care tas-sa Personal Support Workers (Day & Evening Shits) aeaiiable immediatey for Buriington, Qalceilie and Nontht Haillon We offer: -Flexible shifts *Competitine mages *Pension Plan Evenrng shit premiums *24 hour clrnical support *Pard compnehenisroe oentnation -Educaîron and Career Grosth oppastunilies -TransI nermbursemsnl Please apply to: Human Resourcea, Acclaim Health Fax (905) 827-5476 E-matil: humanretsurcen@acclainthealth.ca Osly those candidates selecfed for an interview wfIll be contacted. Fult Time Hygienist Requrred for t yeer Reguar or casat maternitti î,, ea e h ftwtateat ' s-tes LTC Fa- tvch office. t-2 years citity tacated near oxparreace raqurred, MissisoaagaOakrtte border. Perd orienao Cati Joan at: tran. tmmedratei 905-878-9882 or Emaitmai resues m: aifken@gmait.com fa 41 6 .4 Ail Staff Positioti Reqîired Barstaf - Waitsteff - Bosers - Barbecko Kîtchen - Coalcheck - Security Pieese catt Dantet et 905-702-7677 Manday - Pnidap 9:00an 5:ggpm 0DR « Dishwasher Haee lte lime of Kitchen pour lite this ssmmert HeIp We are accepting 905-825-6000 applications for lthe ext. 7222 fottowisg: Emal -SERVERS * lewisfoods@ (Emma's & Water St t region.hlaton.on.ca * HOSTS il 151 Bronte Rd., Caceille * COOKS * Ask for cafeteria appy in perses: £%bmA*S Arnold's Sporsar BACKPORCH NW HIRING Emma's Backporch Fuît Tîme 2084 Old Lakeehore Rd. Bartenders Bunlington &Servers Full-Time Part/Full Time Kitchen Staff Positions Apply in person at Availabte utI 485 Morden Rd., poputun downtown Oaceille Mioretaurant Coo- ssrOed" Cati: 90"-75-3305 IMolday to Fnlday Fax: 9054875-305 9am1 5p Voueers M y3neer Calling Ail ý41_1f ;î_%ý esidents! 'SerS H.itr hd..d F..niry Crrrrirrnrt Ceerre The Fumrly Place, a non profil child cane centre, nequrres: Volunteers for their Board of Drectors Candidates muaI lice in Milton or Oakvilf s. Ptease xubmit a lelter of inlerest by mail: The Family Place, Biahop Redding High School, 1120 Main St. E., Milton ON IL9T 6A7 or eamait: fempt@hatmail.com Deadllne: April 141h FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS We are tookîng tan Cenîng tadrorduata who sant ta feet connecteil ta ather people ra out community. 0ur extenase treanng pragrem sutl hatp ou ratp thase sho are distresaed. tonety or thiakrng ut sui- Fot mata information contact 905-877-0655 n Î-dn r-sirI vîcy 'inina ripai o v0ga, Iactasicd stioni aitf ii toriL mslsoncaa'ýadiasr.hansplýýiirsarrir j