Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Apr 2007, p. 25

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The Canadien Champion, Tueeday AprikO3,-2ffl - 26 Dets eth ado Tfhanks Ffhn ~ f or Sale ira~ ~Til T iI Do t. tttrvilai ai ijmpavilviiie an Sundah Aprîl t, 2007. Beloved mife and bes.t frîend of Bill (Freddîe) for 50+ heurs, sharîng a mondertul fle tîlled cilS lave, friendshîp and understandilg. rISertr. as she was knawn ta ail lier frîends and tamiih battled Siet second tîme wîth cancer, Suvîng survîved Hodgkin's diseuse 35 hears ugo. Lovîng and uiwahA scîpportîve mom, grandmu. mother-in-lac and speciaf famiiy frrvvd ta, Kathh (Chrîsi. Mark (Isabelile). Pam Pvq Megan (aohn). Matt Troy und Aluna. Ptedleceued by hCr patenta Wifrid aod Charlotte Greva- les She ce-il be remvmbvred iovîngly ay lier large faticily GerCes sttvngth acd detvrmînatîon weve remuikabie. Mîvcîng hec alrvudy iv hier spoiled' lîffle furry. fuîthfcrl caîcpunîon Missy She was a speciai persan who coaid accompiish utîth perfection anhthîno she set Set mitndi ta. froîtr vecng ta convtruction wark wîth liter side kick "Freddier in trac Greenlees style Se vcîoyed the cactdoors und had becatifîci gardiens thut she ioved ta sit and ucdrire. She had the patience of c suint. whîch imade hec the wonderccl veacher she usas for more tha 30 heurs. rrany of chicS were ut the Ontario Schooi for the Deal. and also wîth the Haiton Bourd of Education Oser the years she Sud aiso taught Sunday Scirool and mas lenown for Siet futcîî1ng cf achool chidren Gert chus c fnrmer active mvnrbvr cf the Curipbeill c ille District Lions Ciao Ladies Auciliiry ccnl She Miton Firetigttrs Ludies Auxîl- utar We al ivel blesved ta hase haO hier toacir aira atape car lîves Friends wiii bC ieceived ut tire J, SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME. 21 Juares St Milton ffl5 878-2669 on Weonesdah from 2 -4 & 7 -9 pic. A Fanerai Service wîii be hvld oit Tharsduy Aprîl 5 200 ut 2 a0 p m, froi KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Milton in lieu of flowers. donations fa tSe Huntsville Hospital Focîcoution ci Hospice Huntsville woald be upprecîcted by Sec fumîlh Ccnao- lences and donations anline c c w varlyunetaihanre com "Wten the rollf wa cafted Up yonder. she was there KOSEVIC: Linda Margarethe Peacefaifysvurrounded bv lier li yod frienos at Jaseph Brant Hospitai on Thursdav. Match 29ý 2007. LicOu Kosevîc at tSe uge of 53, Beloved spoase of Geoffteh Drapet Laving Mother if Chrîstopher Draper and hia girifriend Kori Baldwin. Farever remembered byhSet ex- tended famifh and lier many friendu. Friends wîll be receieed at the J SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 2t James Street. Milton. 905-878-2669 on Wednes- dah. Aprif 4th fromn t0 AM untif the imie of the Memorial Service et tit AM held tram the Fanerai Home Chepel In lieu of floc- ers, donations ta the Canadien Cancer Society, the Canadian Diabetes Asso- ciation or 4 East. Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital wouid be apprecîated by the tamifh. Onlîne condolencea may be made at earlfyuneralhomne.com La. Ivadeil Ella "Ivr(nee Rusk) - Pusseu uit uc peacefaiî\ 'i ner s eep ut !iC'le g cTa-tse C cc ri IcMnu Arrý 207 iY It te iüe c' S7 e cýe 0eC c' tie Mie Gvctge mo - ine, -f Bt a-r Lait nCt hsaauc P,cr .1 ù r -101 ci;' C Cý Jese SaC - eot trreduaý pr 5 200Y à:~tt JCrts tt [ctutet trA-C'C ho-ac îc O chut apuprectCc ii-c tri ex(icied rearti l anid tiincerc trikt tir cli teta tiade titis ccd and ditffruit linre scc àr irece tibalue tcr c bcîîrtui mite, mufliiier, duigico tter, t r l-lace arrd fiircrd. Si-ti- trrrir trierids n tici ighl-trrv ttrirl Ioii riirct ccoi t, vecer iv iliirii anid Biiteiitcl r irrgirîtci fondrîci llarcîîrrer Os1.iir i l l1t and icriir ckri île n 55 r cilicl utrilil c k îîîî c ri-- iii e tiitt r iii iii tt Nf-triil iiiirl-t tr tkee c. nid lîî cver, 2006 mode, Stiii ini crupper. Cosi Sf0900, Sacrifice $55500. Cai 905- 971-t777 LEATHERi 3 pîsce Italian ceti Sofa, laveseuf and chair. New. i-t plastic Cvst $6900l Oeil $2500 905-304-4873 POOL Tabte, Froiessiacai Set vs Soio Wvod t1hicîr. Ali A ceseviies New hil i occO Cvct Sh 200 Sei 1950 005- 30e aaaa tui iicfr dicl are in uppit iti SAUNA, 2,cl prton in-E I fni tre ild lc irc iftfîr t home. vod O payer and r îîhts Neyer ated Coci Sintere thariks - the tlcr.Nabtî 1 eau et S5500. Oeil S2750 905 5 anrd VaI-ttnîili. -30oa7775 Aries ated HAVE A USED CAR e1rîed oJru a -iaic TO SELL? tircîrik \oic l hi tri""' L-0 Q K Let the Canadian Champion Irrrîi tr h-tcniBETuSFaili Ji-/e/a i v C clos assifîeds help get the word out. rrand illcrr. t iprît, I - Oearvi 0ass Potera Georgetown/Acton for $40 + GST . . t Estal -pecýa!ses ro Cas Cal ccin or Milton, Burlington and OakvilIe Fffl!Nannies Articles Tc 905-331241- for just $59 + GST TRISHA R-tre wI o- asi, 500 Cac 905- rfli FIREWaOOD e a 87, -,5 101 fo sa DAYCARE F ore ced Sa-ettn fuharein Quiified Tcher erel. ectroneln oerenoied teuher irOl tecrat t uona -50ve msar v-1 c' d au - aeine tache M re taCar POOLE ta-e :a, ESiX Drcn co accees- -,cec oarcr-eae i- ra C1-te $hXrC -uic 1eset KerSC 9e2OS REE 1-itte hmeL t-ý c ,b or raom eve a message Eciertolir cvii-t D ratC JDtieta , < CI 5ores ci s-t 00 F varnice S260e 9C f A K:10 F cvi co Mul- --te-s Se* Nev% - Ptue S1tr Cos 1 0 - Il fo ALERTI S~irfîe cr-t -retc - Dont -eplace ce- ta-se c-tc-eiv F-uer or -tce cci il teplacement' BED. Amuzinui burgeor qvee-t arttapedic r'-- rnwlop set. -te in plias- tic. warrants S250 905- 567-40~42 i cli vee BEDROOM hrt- Woad, Bea ru Dovetal Canrettct-on Nec-et opéeO CuarS 58000 Sac--ice $r 900 905-,6C-40a2 CARPET i have feveru- -,000 vards of -rew Sta-t Master & t00 O' rio car- rer Wil 0 v ieg room a ta- lot $389 ncluves cairet pa & instalirtont 30ad,% Stece 905S CAPPET a- cou Muster & 0 -tral Oc 3- 'a-Ce --I 0 FREE Estimaies Gsi wobby chairs. irred iooking wood finrshes? Fields Castoms Wood Retrnishrng anid Furnrture Repairs. 949 905-6-32-909W HOTt7 Si - 5e--r- 1 AI: c-aac sn-es -vSc -a- urars u a l-- Cati 905-864-80423 Pets Supplies EGISTEREO ru'e 'es lias li 9c5 rUREBRED Germa, inepher rans a-et-rt- pectea. firt s ote 0f Nrmed Fate-tc or, ,le Reucc Io G-r Ancý me cas05-02754 = Caers,SaleI 1998 Motvi ra a iz S3 5N0 Fr-rt Cai 905- 1995 Crevr Cacalier $500 cao ac is Calr 905-702-t44 ariu Ext 2006 \VA aetta, icaved - t 0OOurs Lea a-tic- en Lice new Balance ceeue Cuii 905-877- vEs ýZ lDrv 1999 Windstar can Gooc -r0oniir Av -s S1600 Pieese oui, 905-8e78-4W HOUSECLEANING aune -Ipat as v' ikeý irrcues crosets & zae- aae Lelie D, Dia-ru 90hh98 Clmre Smrerricc 5u Easy Up Doors 905-873i-9f887 1-87-JUNK-TWO-GO - e ,- --rnCC0t ac rS r;gf 1' IScom CWFO I, Ea munlzz I ~~ZIL Com :it LiigNrhHlo 1 apc JOB FctipApIe Sup or t l 0550r ,rpo l ia o Apri 3r r 10 00aro to 2 Mpm 725 ManStree East Miti SlepConryCaad s and S dn pcALStatrs rtailer Currentiy cie have opportunities ta loin aur Burlington team ars a fuil-tme commiss!onedJ SALES ASSOCIATE We are oc cg for hghI c motivated, compelt ae sales professionais nho have a successilu track recrd nr closing big-ticket commission sales A tcorough kncowlecige of suies aiang with a strong customer service ore ectaror. are ktey fac,s ;n aur reqaîrements. With our powerlui assortmen: of brardi name products, consistent advertrsing suprt and unparaiîeied customer service, you have an eaming nDotertial n eecess of S60,000 hearih We visa offer a comatehensve benefit plan As a growth anented company we provide angoîng, professional training, hf you teeî hou can contrîbute ta aur success. piease subrrit haut resume taý Email: jobs@ sleepcoufltry.oa rFax: 416-242-4260 CMEReS IN GOLF IAMM3A0ff< rJiONEDIE RISE .JlS OOPdECT *PRORLE CHARLOTTE EMPEY O DIGIAL LITERACY TH E SEIKE CANADA STORY TUNE DEAL CWd REAL ESTATE GAR5* AAESM! *HUMBER EraW ffl reqaest tY ca cesmeqruiudOmn 's moreW fr yOuatIH*ii Z =-,-: k ý7_ in the Skilied Trades? FREE Information Session! 905-333-3499, ExL 121 www.thecentre.on.ca irhe Centre Ze Skiffs Development &,rraining Ask UUbout.. r.d* à -î,ý 125. workâp- cau 905-8 78-2341 M Careers Careers ssified@mihntanc anc cmpionxorrf 1

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