* * à * e : *Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 _______________________________________________ v Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-878-3187 Email: cIassified@mitoncanadialChampiofl.com e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. 10 Fri 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on w .haltonsearch.com: e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION caîl: 905-878-5947 Ad sobmissiun by mail or in persun: The Canadiani Champion, 555 induntriai Orve, Sîde Dont. 2nd Ploni, Milton, ON LOT 5Et Deadlines: Mont. il a.m. Paynneni: Wo accepi cash, choque, Interac. Visa, MasierCard, Amotîcan Express. Ail ads placed are non-retundabie anid no creuit wiii be issued. Boomn CHECK VOUR AD THE FîRST DAY IT RUNS to onouro tho information is correct, Contact y0110 Sales Consultant wîthrn 24-Houts il a ri ott appeats. Ane Arrmot & IlO 2fFft bedroom C BIRTHDAY ACTON Apariments. t & 2-bedrooms aviable April & May. Fnidge & stose. iaosdry laclites. Preten nu dogs 519-853-4374. Open 7 dapstweek. home day opprosa. wwa.nealstar.c DOWNTOWN MILTON Miit:ide Tosers 82 Milielde Drive. Antractive galet build- ing, Spacious hrîght dlean 1&2 bedroom unîts aîth taundry laciity and social room on site. Regutar resîdeot ev0010 Open 7 days & evesings Cail 905-876-1249 www.realstar.ca 1-BEDROOM suites on hîstorîc building in Rockaood, wîtO gas lîropiaces startîog aI $675 month plus utîtîties, Cati Elizabeth Dooti, Johnson Asso- dîates Revitor 905-877- 5165 ACTION t bedroom aparimeot. $650/month plus hydro fîrutasi, lnîdgelstose, Asaîlabie Apil ltI No pets. Cati 519-853-4721. ACTION 1 -bedroom. Ataitabie May lost. Pnidge. stove, otîlîties încladed. No pets Pinsbilasbnrelerenoes ne- goîred, Coul 519-853- 3877. The fan-lleo of Cieadlel Alison McCart and le 01 iri(iNa Shane Mahoney a ibiein , are pleased ta announce tineir V , 6 illilS. engagement on March 1 7, 2007. 'Wedding ta take place Novernber, 2007.' %1 usiessApartment:& Condos For Sale pptuies Fiats For Rent OAKVILLE, GIes Abbep. JOB aI home. $487.68 DOWNTOWN Milon 1- 1 Bedroonre Den, Newen Weekly. Assemble Prod- hdnm + 1 nSt hdrm. building. Neutrat Decor. ulx. Mail or Computer sewtO rnoxaled. bnight Lxw Fees. 805-469-4904 Work. Free Detaîts spacious. appo. 1000 www.mbrooks.com www.TopJobReview.com sqth., soci. beat & asite ÇHRJobs: 372 Ri- hydru. $ll9O/th, nu Inutil deau $t, #916, Ottawa pets prelerred, coti.SeiiON, KlN 107 Ref# A1h axailabe Apnîl 1tI 1-800-351-5120 9035-878-5326, WORKSHOP- North Bon- linglon losl sotuto Oenry Franchises BACHELOR apart- Rd. 2600sqft. keated. - -... ment Miton Main Tom 905-332-5858 PET loyers. do abat pou Stneebt5t Lise anea. ove! Molli-Mena, Free Single tenant, nu OicBunes Home Deliiery of Pet pets preterred. sae Food, Exclusive Terntlory, $850imîli + heat. -lSupport,& Training. 145 905-875 1150ý Franchises, tua insesi- OFFICEICOMMER- ment, amamutimeovi.va MILTON executîve t- CIAL space lot or 1-877-462-0056 bdrm apt. Kîtchen. lis- lease. 1600 sc.h îngroom aîth tîrepiaco. Miton Hoîghts, Prolssionai oan tauodty & parhing. $1,200 mrith r Z Dr(,etr S800 mth utitities nct utîiîtîesý Cati 905- 905-878-8806 alter 854-1687 REMOVE pou. crimîrai 6pm, records hast We do Par- dons yod US maîvoîs MILTON Doantoan Business Don't 0e embairassnd 1- iuxury t bedroom' pptUiiS 800-298-5520 apatment. Wood gooermentardos a ois, oea cherry kîtlh BE Yu3UR OWN BOSS on. gas lîrepiace. îotatiy Commercial Cieanîog tgge upgraded. Avaîtabie Business haro $1.000 Mj mojj ntsa May tsi. $900 mth lu $10,000 pen nront u......e Nck 905-69 isovestillest requîred. $SMONEY$S Coosotîdate 4266, (905) 592 1413. Debîs MunIgages lu 100% No inome. had credît DOWNTOWN Miltton 2- OK! Ontanuawide Pînanciai bedroom apaflmeot. Corporation 1-888-307- 4-appliances.' $900imth eno.pporialmty!U 7799 + heat h hydro. Pe~a Pas Haie Aparimeot: & 905-858-8723. I anc seol mure Flat: For Reot ATN t-eru thon 208 MILTON ore o&2 AxaTabi Ma lutrorr naalablefob sale MITNlre1&2 viae My 1st for Mifton aies 80 dnm apanrnments. Pnidge. st05e. atîtîtbes Grai opetniml axaîlable May 1tst. încioded. Nu pets. Fan luniser ia: F unr $8801mth + park- FirsilosVreferencesnte- 140-3 i73 ng. CatI 416-723- qorred. Cail 519-853- partment Match lst C 870imooth utîtîties in a iuded. Quiet Building N 10 petsý 192 Churchîi 0 toad South. Cati 519- 53-1281. îCON 3 edroom, c 850 monili Plus i tîtîties. t liednoom .500/mosth plus iîtties. Georgetown t îedîoom, S700,mooth lus hydro. Cati 519- 153-5080 519-853- 1352 ACTON. 2-bedroom t emi, large master, arge yard. 4-apipli t ances, ample parking. no pets. $900/moolith plus utîtîties. Avaîtahie May lst. Cati 519-855- 3223. AVAILABLE NOW' This ans wanl . t est Bright spaclous. con- vettientiy loc ate d t hedroom on Guelph Street. Adaits onty. No pets/smoking. Cati 5015 416-570-6578ý DALLINAFAO. heauti- lui t hbedroom main linor apartment os os- taie propernp Prteate entrance wîth satellite c on ne c l i on , $800tmonth utîlîties sn- ciuded. No smoking. Singles oni. no dogu Coul 905-877-7000 t0 BEAUTIFUL country setting hetwees Georgetown and Adtos Bnight 2-hedrnom hase- ment apantment. Separ- aIe iaundry monm, lots of îndoorîoaldoot stor- age. $900/montk eoenp- thîng inciuded. No pets. Coul 519-853-9743. BRIGHT, newtp neno- vated t -hednoom apart- ment in Acton. conven- Oent Doantoan location. Minutes alli t0 Fairy iLake Park S890imoolli utîtîties inctuded. No petssmokîog. Cati Roseanne al 416-710- 1180 GEORGETOWN t 2 and 3-bedroon apant monts S795 moolli S925i monîli and S995i moolli Avaîtabte August 1tih Ioctudes heatihydroctable Park- ing eetra. Cati 905-873- 6284 GEORGETOWN t yod 3-bedîoom apat- menis 5795;monthý 5925 moolli and $995!montE. Avaîlahie îmmedîatey. Inctudes heat/hydro' cahie. Park- ing extra. Cati 905-877- 656-3. GEORGETOWN t- bedroom EnîgEt rno- vated unit Storage, No pets prelerred. Axaiabte May tnt. $715/montS pion hydro. Cali 416-896-5300. lot Tues, publication, i lias, il a.m . fr tri. pubicatin. apeciai roature & Hoiduay aeaaiines îiay ueoy ess accounits caoi he opened ailS an approoed cr0411 application aoailaitle front your Sales Conisultant trot on a Eti, publicatin mrust ho repotted no lert ilin Mooi. il a.m m FasFor Rent EORGETOWN iowntowO t hedroom b partment. Avaiahie t loy lot. Cal 905-873- 207. E ARGE, Bright 2 bedroom asemesi apantmeot. leparate entrasce, park- ng.$9hOlmo. + hydro. t irsi and last requîred 905) 878-4565 MILTON oew 4-hdrm tome. 2 t 2-batEs upper iauodry nover yoed or S17TOSt mi utilîties. Cal Alison @ 647-668-4361. MILTON 3-hdrm bun- galow, clone lu schouls mature area, HW_ honrs, updated kîtches. $12001-r 60'. utilîties. 416-697-9226ý MILTON Heights Large 3-hedroom hoase. 2- batns, large pardigar- den, 5-appliances. town aater. saturai gan. C/A. St .SOOtmth +. utjiItiesý Aoaiahie Aprîl t st. 905-854 t1687, 3-BEDROOM bouse. apper ueor. Freshiy paînted, psuvate iaasdry idrîoewap. Close to eoenythisg. For more detaîls cail 905-877- 6659. 3000SQIFT. coustry home nonSh of Burlinglon tunt soutE of Derny Rd. 4- hdnm, 2 bath, tabouinas view ut Mount Nemo & Ratflessake Point. Tom 905-322-5858 CHARACTER 3-hed- noum nemi in olde parsý area. Asaîlahie Map ltt 2,000 sq. St. main iloor taundry, 2-bath. hii- e5ficieocy lurnace and ACý St 375,monlh plus utîtriies Cati 647-220- 8546, GEORGETOWN upper tevet of house, 4 led- room Ai applîvocos in- ciuded. aaslioi dryer. Garage li tOC m oth plus 2 31 utititiot No petsý Aprît tsIt 9i05- 877-4967 MILTON Chids, Onta- rio, 3-bedîoom. 2- baths. 5-appliances. lamînate Itoons fli basement St ,350/mth r+ utîilies. May 1t. George 905-828-1122. MILTON Large, dean 3-bedroom townhouse. Beautfl 010w. parking. A/C, iaandny. appli- asces. Avaîlahie îm- medîateip. St SOlmIE. 915-878-7056 AI Ttownhouses 3- th ir don. availabie Jurne st, 5-appt. S1400/rith - utîlities. No ets/smokers. refer- roces, 416-346 06088 'Qîce deai triesdiy. MIiLTON 4-bedroom ownhouse near Mail], 6-appliances, AiC hratdw oodicetra mi Cs Fest/Last. $1350/mth. Aoaîiabie May 1t. 905-691-4325, GEORGETOWN 3- bedroom, 2 1,2 bath. t.700 sq . M toanhouse' St 600îmosth plus utîlîties. Aoaiiabie .iune 1tSI Proete no pets;smoiets. Lait Re- becca Lioton, Saies Reptesentatine 905- 877-8262, GEORGETOWN.3 Auailable Aptîl 151 $1.300/month pls atilîties. Fîrsbia.si, tel eteoces, credit check. No smokiogipets. Mar- tha Summets 905-877- 5165, RoisFor Rent Wated LARGE noom, new cat- peting, coantry home. Shared kîtchen and balhnoom. Maie pre- tenned. dOtiGaeiph LUne. $4501m1h 905- 854-0359. NEED TO SELL i1998 CHRIS C RAF Y STINGER 26 ht Twio 350 engines, 540 hours, ttîm tabs, teceotly tehuili Cobra out drives, Porta pofty & sîtrk loteds TLC S22,000 060 Cuti (""rP 2z ý- âHàIadEA imCtaffploh,-T0é§d'Atit 03. 2007 ENGAGEMENT Big brother Michael woutd lîke to mInro- duce kms hahp, Leah bo the wontd, Proud paronts Nathan and Cheryl are exiled 10 add a daughter 10 thei tamilp. Thank pou's go ouI lu Lisa Aonlîe Bonnie. Dn. Cvetic and aIl the nurses. ComigEets omn EgE ets BALLROOM DANCING LESS ONS Milton St. PauI's Church on Main St. Starting April 5th, 2007 Beginning at 8:00 PM 10 weeks $1 40.00 per couple (,Il Bill <905)318-9381 Carol (905)876-4558 OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHU RCH Pleose join us... FRIDAY, APRIL 6th, 2007 Annual Pancake Breakfast 9am to 1Oam Followed by Good Friday Service i 0:3Oam SUNDAY, APRIL gth, 2007 Easter Sunday Service 11 arn Everyone is Welcome!! On Britannia Rd., West of Thompson Rd. Rev. Shawn Croil 905-875-2804