~ViteÎha s ap seaâson ith two April Fools championships AM midgets, AE-2 peewees capture tournament titles By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF The Winierhawks used equal parts drama and dominance to secure a double dose of gold thîs pasi weekend ai the annual April Fools Classic. Within the friendly confines of Milton Sports Centre, the additional entry midgets and AE2 peewees earnied division bragging righis - giving the hosts more ihan one title ai their sea- son-ending tournament for the fîrsi time in recent memory. The viciories couldn'i have come much dîfferently. Milion's AE2 peewees were fîrsi to ring the champîonship bell, and did s0 in especîally excîîing fashion - with Dylan Burkholder muscling bis way into the sloî and burying one pasi Hamilion's Rosedale Devîts goalie wîîh just 3.2 seconds remaîning in the sec- ond stage of overtîme. Giving the locals a 4-3 îriumph - and payback for a 4-I loss in round- robin play Friday nîght - the sudden death deposît was the second of the game for Burkholder. He finîshes oui the weekend with three mulîi-goal efforts. Kevin Pinard also îallied iwice in the finals, while contnibuîing îwo assîsîs each were joel Chudleigh and J.R. Sanderson. The Devîls forced overlîme wiîh under îwo-and-a-haîf minutes lefi bel-ore beîng vanc1uished in OT. Mîion's regulaton lime goals aIl camne inside a ihree-minuie span in the second peri- od. Where the AF2 peewee champion was in doubi until the bitter end, ihere was ut) such suspense in the tourna, ment-ending înîdgeî final - ai leasi nol after Ryan Cochrane made good on a sbortbanded rebound laie ti the mid- dle siauza. Wîîb the Winterbawks up 1 -0 ai te lume and goaliender Rhys Bels operai- ing ai peak efliciency, the insurance Now tha's flttîng ý The Wmnterhawks additional entry tournament has been renamned the Doug 'Bugsy' 1 Thomson Memorial Tournament, with an official ceremony ta, mark the change coming at Milton Sports Centre Saturday afternoon. Well known in local sporting circles, Thomson was a longtime volunteer in a number af sports who passed away frous Lau Gehrigs disease lasi year. With the name change announced this past weekend, per- haps it was only fittung that Thoînsons son Liaus scored the very first goal ai thse final April Fools Classie Thursday evening - doing so just 3:41 into his AE novices' 5-0 whitewash ni Flamhorough. Young Thomson taI- lied twice in the shutout victory Earlier this year the ieam was honoured by Hockey Canada as one of 13 winners in the third annual 'Future Team Canada' pro- gram - recognizing mincir hockey teams for the amounit of heart they show rather than tie amounit of wins they secure. No doubi striking a particularly strong chord with decision makers was how the young Winterhawks had rallied around thse Thomson iamily in the midst of its îragedy îally deflaied the (redît Valley Wolves and propelled ihe hosis to a 5- t oui. Cochrane would score once more down the sîreîch for bis tird Iwo-goal game of the weekend, xvhile Ryan Bauci- hiad a goal and an assisi and Bracl Mewbinney cournîed iwo belpers. Betîs caine cîp with somne big kîck saves whîle the verdict was stil1 in qîtes- tion and weaihered a nm siorîn in the finaîl few minutes 10 preserve the shutout. IThe nnidgeis' chatnpîonsbîp Whiute- svasbi Iollosed an ali-Mitîli seiiiiili..l howdown wîîh the local selects, who îad one last - and impromptu - ame aiter Almaguin pulled out, due to he suspension of its goalie. The selecis offered a credible chaI- enge hefore being nipped 4-3 on a laie vinner hy Brandon McDonald. While not quite able to join their older counîterparts in the championshîp Ninner's circle - getting blaîîked 2-0 by the Stoney Creek Jr. Warriors in the finals - the Wînîerhawks' AE atoms provîded what was arguably ihe most exhilerating moment of the tourna- ment. Wîth overtime practically solidified, Jacob Pyrah notched the only marker of the semnifinals just as the final hom sounded io eclîpse Ancasicr. Thc fact ihai the Hamihton-area iearn had beat Milton hy an identical score two days earlîer made the buzzcr heater goal - set up by Michael Bergman and (onor Fisher - aIl the sweeier. While nul advancing wo champi- onship play four of Milions other six i urnamcni entries won ai Icasi one Umpîres needed The Ontario Sports Administration (OSA) is oce a1,ain in necd of new sofîbaîl and basebaîl umpires for the 2007 scason. I bose ablc wo officiate league gaines and lournaments thîs sprîng and sum- mer in such neighhouring communiiies as Gcorgetown, Bramnpton and Mîssîssauga arc in greai demand, and wi1l hc provîded wviih training as need- cd. bo regîsier. or for mnore informnation,. caîl OSA Prcsidcntii C otrdI at (905) 791-0280 or visii the OSA wcbsie at Ontario-umiptres CiDsy'inpalito.ta. www.arenapro.com YOUTH-BOYS/GIRLS DUR\ 7 TO17 YRS. OLD 111H 2 4 5 & 6YR. 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A social, relaxed, fun W recreationai atmosphere ashawa, Pickering, Brampton, Milton, Mississauga, Wtndsor, Guelph, Hamilton, Burlingtori, aakville, Richmond Hitl, Aurora, Bradford, arangeville COED Hockey Schaols Alsa Available- -Pawer Skating w - Shaating - Puck Handling ' . - Passing - Deking and Backward Skating HALTrON SPORTSMEN'S ASSOCATrION HAM SitOOT Ail Shooters Welcomel Good Friday y April 6th, 9 am tol1pm ' Clubhouse @ 5155 Steeles Ave. 9054$5442641 :uol 1-80-05-27 Cali 1-800-905-0270 www. russe 1 lhockey. ce . - : - r - 7 7 _- - -, ' _ , _,- ý ' ýj _-. ý 7 ý-ý 7 : - ý - ýý -. 7 ' - _ý .- - - ' : : - - - . . The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 3, 2007 - A21 ,ris' ~ytforOH r A lengthy playoff run just wasn't in the cards for ý4ilton's OHLers. Both Elgin Reid's Owen Sound Attack and Josh Brittain's Kingston Frontenacs were banished in first- round play, with only the Frontenacs able to avoid the sweep against sophomore sensation John Tavares and the Oshawa Generals. That was courtesy of Thursdays 8-2 desperation romt in their must-win game four - that saw freshman winger Britiain back in the lineup for the iirst time since the senies opener. He'd return to the sidelines the iollowing nîght, when Kingston was eliminated with a 4-2 decision. Oshawa broke a 2-2 tie midway through the third and sealed the deal w%ýith an empty netter by Tavares, a former Milton iceilawk, who finished round one wuîh ibrer goals and nine assists. The biggest hearthreak of the series for the Frontenacs came in game îwo, when they squandered a 6-2 lead with il minutes remainîng and wound up losing 7-6 in over- time. Meanwhile, Reid and Owen Sound were ousted in four straight by the regular season champion London Knights, who like Oshawa have an ex-lceHawk in their ranks - in the form of offensive standout Sam Gagner. Gagner had a goal and 10 helpers in the first-round sweep, which was punctuated with Thursdays 8-5 win over the Atîack. A rogged fourîh-year defenceman, Reid had a goal and an assist in the season-ending loss to finish the series with four points - aIl comîng on the powcrplay. If you haýve lll Seasonal Allergies, yau may be eligible ta participate in a clinical research treatment with grass pollen vaccine. E e u i e, OSSO ea e - 9 Hole Executive Course - Par 30 18 Hole Miniature Golf Course On Real Grass RATES: Monday to Friday - $16 reg./$14 senior Saturday & Sunday - $18 reg./$6sno Lïïïï- $1 seio