Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Apr 2007, p. 20

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A20 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 3, 2007 SPjORTS SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail slebIanc@hatoflserch.com 1 ~ASHLEY CAMARA/SPECiAL TO THE CHAMPION TERRITORIAL DISPUTES: Milton Winterhawk Nick White looks ta negotiate his way past an Ancaster Avalanche apponent durtng additional entry pee- wee play at this past weekend's annual Aprîl Fools Classic at Milton Sports Centre. Miltan lns' the game 3-0. The hasts wound up wvith two champianships when ail was said and done. See page 21 for full resuîts on those tille victaries. Dawgs sink teeth "into OBA t"itie Major atomn girls deliver decLsive run to Division 5 crown Multons Under-12 major aîomn girls bas- keibali îeam ibrew a giani-size monkey wrench ia the provincial rankings recenily in London. Refusing ta merely keep things respectable or even settle for a lesser-grade medal, the fifîh-seeded Madd Dawgs struck goid in Onino's Division 5 with five sîraigbî victo- nies. In faci the lady' cagers didn'î jusi secure the title. but dîd sa, in commandîng fashion, with iheir unbiemished mun cemenîed witb a 37- 16 championship win over Welland. Milton scared the firsi 10 points in the final and neyer iooked back, leading by dou- hie digits îhroughoui the lasi îhree quarlers. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS: Miltons major atom girls celebrate their OBA Division 5 tille wvin over Welland. Thai was due to balanced scoring and stand- oui efforts tramn offensive sparkplugs Tessie Ecclesione and Mannta Funik, who also îook home iournameni MVP honours and an accompanyîng invite îo the Olympia Sports Camp. Natalie Samuels. Rachel Hollvwood and CAR TRUCK ing. while rock-solid def'nce vwas turnied in bv Danîile Vis asnd Havlev Scbrodcr. The Madd Dawgs enjoyed sirong pedformn- ances from up and dlown the lineup îhrough- out the weekend, with their onlv legitimate challenge coming in the semifinal, when tbev ouidistanced OakvNille 26-18 abter being tied ai half-iime. Their ihree round-robin vîctoones. includ- ing a tournameni-openiflg mout of top-ranked Peterborough, ail came in lopsided fashion. "The girls worked hard tbis season and it ail came together ai the provincials," said co- coach Kelly Hooper, who led ibis year's îeam alongside Chnis Bay and Brooke Johnson. Roundîng oui the championship squad were Sara Blay Robyn Gaeîan, Rachel Linguard and Amy Liniack. This marks the second sîraîghî year in wbîch the major amoms reigned supreme ai provincials, wîîh lasi seasons îeam doîng s0 ai the Division 4 ranks. installd fro RETURN TO WHERE THEY KNGW YOD BESI u., rd 5 -11 nst hw EXID TUE UFE OF YOURT11RES. complet algn, sel isidddi h rc fyu ieadorG xe HAVI AN AUGMUENT INSPECT10N As'nAdro for~ deU1 TH Wt~ EfiiySMG 1E oE»PA DONE TODAV. 2995'~ A~ i ~i ASK £811UtNI XLSVEG MPOTClNPA On a ro3li' Gymnast headed to Ontario cJ'ampionship with lots of momentum l-ligh-stakes success is ofien a malter af simply peaking ai the nighî lime. Wiîh thai in mnd, Keanu Nunes bas ta be feeling awfully good about the chances of mainiain- îng bis 'golden boy' sialus ai the Ontario gymnaslics champi- onsbips. Tbe 11I -year-old Miltonian already bas iwo provincial KenNne îîîies under bis bell, enNus and wîll look îa add îa îhaî haul nexi weekend in Oakville. if receni results are any indication, be should be rîghî in the îbick of îbings when it camres îa cantention for overaîl vîclory. Naw ai Ontanios Level 3 ranks - folloaing Level 1 and 2 champianshîp dnives aver the past îwo vears - Nunes bas bolsicred bis efforts îhraughauî this seasan and puncîuaîed bis îhree-evenî qualifying campaign wiîh all-around gald laie last monih ai Gvmalc Missîssauga. Tbnving in the fierceIN-conîcsîcd Level 3 1O-io-12-vcar aId bavs division, the Mîssîssauga Team Futures standaut was fîrsi on nings, flaor and the pommel horse en raute ta bis averali triumph. A silver on the parallel bars plus thîrd- place fînîshes on valit and the bîgh bar belped bîm upsiage hast club member Mark Syptak. fis golden sbowing in Mîssissauga falawed a silver-miedal performance ai the secand qualifying meet in Ottawa and a madesi fîh-place showing ai the senies apener in Burlîngion. Thai seasan-long improvemneni mir- rars lasi spning. wben - having jusi joined the 1l0-îo- 12-year-aid loap - he made a somewhai surpnising mun ta the Level 2 championsbip. The E.",\ Foster fîfîh graders resume also includes an impressive appearance ai january'sJurassic Classîc InNitationai in Calgary, where be helped Ontanio to îeam goid, and a successful qualifyig bid for the Rising Stars Program.

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