Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Apr 2007, p. 11

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The Canadieni ChamnPion, Tuesday, April 3, 2007 - J Mito" Snin Io-un ww, gMito '/ebc www.Milton Web.ca VISIT MILTONWEB TGDAY AND SURF MULTONIS ONLUNE COMMUNIY onsmunity ww.MiltonWVeb.ca T s omîng inont Milton's Otiline wIl celebrate 5 years sring tite Town of Milton Ufficially lduncited in May of 20(02 by long- tîme Milton resident Citris E wards tite goal of MiltonWeb was 10 provide Milton Poo residents, bot new and current, witit a Chnas Edwarda source of FREE online information about their town and community. Titis goal itas been realized witit more titan a itaîf a million itits every montit. Tite site (www.MiltonWeb.ca) --witicit fecatures beautiful local pictures. Town and Regional Services, Tourist Attractions, Resale Housing links, New Home Builders and a Business Directory containing over 1,500 businesses -- is constantly citanging. and current businesses (o the site. -Laurie has been an integral part of MiltoniWeb for thte past 63 montits' says Chtis. Site is our priman contact for business listings on the site." Wit'ile 500,00 itits per month is fantastic, the goal now is to reacit 1,000 000 by the end of 2007. In addition MiltonWeb is not only listing businesses but LINKINC directly to titeir email and website. Witit more titan 70% of Canadians accessing information via te internet Citris knows titat MiltonWeb needs to, contain information on ail businesses and services in town. "Witile our goal of becoming Multon's Online Community itas been acitieved we are now ensuring titat every business in Milton is listed AND linked; be it titrougit promote their business and establish an effective online presence titrough linking from MiltonWeb." MiltonWeb has, been fortunate enough tî be listed at or near tite top of virtually ail coogle searches related to, the Town of Milton. "Titis translates into a ituge benefit for our clients" explains Chits. "When searciting for their own business online, owners will find titemselves at the top in Google searches simply tbrougit their listing on MiltonWeb." Besides providing a comprehensive online source of local information, MiltonWeb also specializes in professional website design and itosting for small business. To list or link your business, bave ~U1 D1I N I Jtst keeping lte site up-to-date is a full email or their own website. ff'uwnvicu unefl yuux . ,~ chM time job" Citris explains. 'As new businesses A great deal of tite work now focuses on ask a question you can enial Chais at' continue te, open in Milton we must listing (and linking) new businesses. In Edwards@MiltonWeb.com or Laurie at: Chris Edwau'ds - OwAIflO constantly update tite site." Citris now addition Laurie also meets witit establisited Lawie@MiItonWeb.com edwards@MlUtonWeb.com employs local resident, Laurie 'Iascone, WIit businesses te, itelp tem promote titeir own lte sole purpose of meeting and adding new business and website. "We meet witit Our sr icpatio anid v acre cenic site for uforeeis Arrooiiiodiies tii telS1i0ipeople for dinnier. 120 for rccktail receptiivii andi irom IL)ta for m.leeeings. 'HALTON RECION MUSEUM ALTON -15iF 05-875-2200 eeo. 23 iiQlC a- 'eh' 1864iALSON it ShO 442-586h1 eut 7935/23 lYUSEJU k ww. i 'on eb. Mdo' SnieCm uit Celebrating 5 Vears Serving the Town of Milton! 500,000 Plus Hits Every Montli! *Business Direciory -Town and Regionai Services -Tourist Attractions *Resale Housing Links -New Hume Builders yod MUCH MUCH More' Is Vaur Business Linked? Listings@MiItoflWeb.com Improving your quality of life. Hear More. Say More. " Hearing Testing * Speech and Language * Hearinq Aids Assessiment fi rcsrption and ittig r *Individual and Group Therapy and lifetime serince] Articulation/Speech Seunds * FM Systems and Assistîse - Language Deveiupment t.istenirig Devices - Auditoey-Verbal Therapy * counseling and Aurai - Stattering Rehahiiitation - Voîce Therapy " WSIB, DVA. ACP Authorized Dispensari' * Autism/PDD * Auditory Processinig - Oral Muter Skilis and Apravia Testing - child and Parent Workshops 311 Commercial St., Suite 109, Miton Tel: (905) 875-3345 www.hearsay.ca 4R T::R:ýRtPhotography 0Weddings Posed ta Candid Journalism Style 4Engagement Prenatal New Born *Corporate Events Commercial w . s h o o t e r 4 h i r e c o m *IISt. John's- t1umKilmarnock SCH OOL 519-648-2183 %,\w'w'N.sjksci-oeil.iirg Electrolysis College of Canada Inc. LASER & COSMETIC CENTRE ~\ARTof LASE HAIR REMOVAL, RODERMABRASION SýK N R E N' ,VA L Let us persenalize Year Sereice te suit yeae needs, whether fee Anti Aging, Hypeepigmentatien, Rosacea, Acne, Sun, damage (brewn spets), ski, tags, Mila and fine lines. t3een0 ni and lerarint aw r Ir emoý R al Gt) NIain st. l".. 1,11il Nlilim i al \I uý 905-8G-1-0000

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