B2 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 30, 2007 il Costly Home Inspection Grandmothers to Grandmothers campaign Iaunched Pittalis Free Report Visit: In the next three years, the number of The foundation works to case the pain of The evening -co-sponsored by the w«w.ha Iton humei nuectçiqunpifleI. com 1 il mta o' plFa i n vficý s ulr,, l \ I -r -i Airc- (1Î,t -éý -le, os.i lis.tsc o)1 t0Oa5t5 soi thos chlil ies ni the hiands of their Afnican grandmothers elderly women who scrape together enougli food and money to ensure they have enough to eat and a chance to go to school. Few know the plight of Af rican grand- mothers better thon Stephen Lewis, chair of the Stephen Lewis Foundation and tine former United Nations Speciai Envoy for HIV/AIDS. frosot-lsoc grours. The foundation recently iaunchied ats Grandmothers to Grandmothers campaign tue raise awareness and mobilize support in Canada for Africas grandmothers. On May 10, Lewis xviii speak in Oakvîiie ahout the challenges of the HIV/AIDS pan- demic. The event wttl take place ai 7:30 p.m. at Appiehy Coilege, 540 Lakeshore Rd. W Volunteer captains needed to Iead Mom Club stroller walks Calling ail moms who are tîred of feeling sociaily isolat- ed and physicaliy inactive. The Mom Club is expand- ing into the Milton area, and is in need of several waiking captaîns in order to start regu- lar stroller walks in April. For more information or to volunteer, cail Tracy Bezeau at (905) 929-5535 or e-mail hot- mum79@hotmaii.coin. The clubs website is at groups.msn.com/THFMOM- CLUB. organizcd by thc 0onstna (grandtssoiliers helping grandmothers) group in Oakvilie. Lewis will highiight the impact grandmoth- ers across Canada are having on African grandmothers and the orphans in their care. The event xviii teature Afnican nmusic with the seven-member group Soul Influence. Oomama is one of 145 grandmother groups across Canada thats raîsîng fonds. Tickets to the event are availahie for a sug- gested donation of $50, wîth ail proceeds goîng to the foundation. Chantable receîpts will he provided. For tickets, cail Kathy at (905) 849-7075 or Donna at (905) 945-8915. For more informa- tion, visit www.oomama.org. BLADES 0F GLORY No Passes Fri. 4:15,7:15, 10:15 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 1: 15,4:15,7:15,10:15 Mon. - Thu. 7:15,10:15 BLADES 0F GLORY No Passes Tue. 1 P.M. Stars and Strollers MEET THE ROBINSONS No Passes Fni. 4,7, 9:40 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 1,4,7,9:40 Mon. - Thu. 7,9.40 TMVNT(PG) Aismn LmiteciaWCOand DVSe Fri. 3:45.6:45,9:45 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 12:45,3:45,6:45,9:45 Mon. - Thu. 6:45,9:45 SHOOTER (14A) Fi. 4.05,7.05,10:05 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 1:05,4:05,7:05,10:05 Mon. - Thu. 7:05,10:05 THE LAST MIMZY (G) Fr. 3:50,6:50,9:50 P.M Sut. & Son. 12:50,3150,6.50,9:50 Mon. - Wed, 6:50,9.50 Thu. 7:10 THE LAST MIMZY(G)Tue. 1 P.M. Stars and Strollers WILD HOGS (PG) Fr 4:20,7:20.10:20F PM. Sut. & Sun. 1:20,4:20,7:20,10:20 Mon. - Tho. 7.20,10:20 PREMONITION < PG ) Fri. 3:55,6:55,9:55 P.M. Sot. & Son. 12:55,155,6:55,9:55 Mon - Thu. 6:55,9.55 300<(18A)>Fr. 4.10,7:1. 10 10 OP.M. Sut. & Sun. 1:10,4.10.7 10,10.10 Mon. Wed. 7: 10,10:10 Tho. 10:10 THE REAPINGThu. 6:50,9:50 P.M. It's a no«manr. IEAR A HELMET!I Sports injuries oe preventable, and weorng a holmet can help, especially when in-lne skating, biking or climbing. HARMON lA Why should 1 study Classical Pilates? Pilates, thought by many 10 be simply a series of regimented exercîses for core strengîth is, in tact, s0 mucti more. Classical Pilates is a system of learning ta grow inlQ ourselves. tl teaches us f0 live consciausly and without pain in ail we do. Devised sametime araund 1914. Joseph Pilates called his holistic appraach ta health: "Cantrolology". He designed Ibis system ta build total body strength and flexibility and to faster impraved postural awareness. Classical Pilates teaches awareness of breath and alignment, promating bal- ance and support for the spine. This frequently prevents and alleviates back pain and muscle tension. Classical Pilates continues f0 evalve, incarparat- ing newly discavered and sophisticated knawledge of biamechanics and the human body as a wfiole. The repertoire of classical exercises can he creatively modified ta support any individual's needs and level of fitness. Regular Pilates practice reaps many benefils, including increased lung capacity, improved circu- lation, heightened Kymi body awareness German body image, Gertified Pilates e n h a n c e d Instructor strength, flexibili- ty and ca-ordina- tion, inlury reha- bilitation, better joint integrity, higher bane density and relief from stress. As the papularity of Pilates graws. many different "Pilates-style' classes are appearing. Unfortunately, many are mediacre versions of Jaseph's camplex system of lifestyle improvement. When shopping for the right Pilates class, look for a reputable studio with highly trained, certified and experienced teach- ers. Do nat hesitate ta ask questions regarding an instructar's training, phi- lasophy and level of expertise. Are they able ta handle special needs, injuries and rehabilitatian? Regular Pilates practice with the right teacher can greatly imprave your quality of lite, no matter who you are or what goals and issues you have. Let Classical Pilates take you ta a deeper understand- ing 0f your body and your lite. Give yaurself the gift of total health and self. Upcomng %ing Workàhopý: SPRINO SESSION STARTS TUESDAY, APRIL 10OTH * Hand drumming circle *Yoga and/or Nia for couples - date night Meditation and breathing class " Yoga Workshop with Helen Duquette "Aikido workshop with Master Marlo Hundertajlo Pilates for runners Dance, Ot Fit, Have Fun And Inspire Your Spirit! àmusic! Group classes for ail levels * Pri va met equipi e reformer nen! sessions. Hatha and F classes for ait levels. ow Massage Therapy, ÏReiki & Reflexology and more! Visit aur website for upcoming events & workshops. eoo a~ii