A22 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 30, 2007 BgepfiLaii ]Be[1vl[yance Classes REGISTRATION US NOW OPEN às~ APL 3 Locations to chose from and we ofter from beginner level to advanced including AIS Tribal Style. STUDENT RECITAL: Su.nday, May 2lth. Showasin stuentsfrom ailcass Belydan cstumes ro accessor ses sl. Ontario Energy Board Commission de l'énergie de l'Ontario Ontarioa EB-2007-0094 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION AND NOTICE 0F WRITTEN HEARING AS FRANCHISE FOR THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON Union Gas Limited (the "Applîcant") has filed an application dated March 15, 2007 with the Ontario Energy Board (the "Board") under the Municipal Franchises Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.55 for an order of the Board approving the terma and conditions uapon which and the period for which the Corporation of the Town of Mitton ix, by by-law to grant to the Applicant the night 50 construct and operate worlss for the distribution of gas, and thle night to extend and add to the works in the Town of Milton. The Applicant has a190 applied for an order of the Board declaring and directing that the assent of the electors of the Town of Milton to the by-law is flot necessary. The Board has assigned file number EB-2007-0094 50 the application. The Applicant is presently serving the Corporation under the authority of a Certîficate of Public Convenience and Necessity (F.BC, 42, F.B.C. 43 and F.B.C. 324), and has a franchise agreement, <EBA. 225), which expires on November 7, 2007. The application 90111 be decided by the Manager, Facilîties Applications, who has been delegated this authority pursuant 50 section 6 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c.15 (Schedule B). The Manager, Facilities Applications does not intend to provide for an award oaf costa when deciding this application, Copies of the application are available for inspection at the Board's office, the Applicant's head office, the Applicant's regiona office and the office of the Corporation of the Towon of Milton, at the addresxes indîcated betow. The Board intenda to proceed with the application by way of a wnitten heaning unless a party satiafies the Board that there ix a good reason for not holding a written hearing. If you object 50 the Board holding a written hearing in this matter, you must proRide writ- ten reasons why an oral hearing ix necesary. Any submnixsions objecting 50 a enritten hearing must be received by the Board wîthin 7 days of the publication date of this Notice. If you wish 50 participate in the written hearing, you must forward three copies of your written submissions to the Assistant Secretary of the Board and one copy to the appli- cant at the addresaes beloxo. AIl submissions must be receivedi no laser than 14 days after the publication date of this Notice, If the Applicant wishes to respond to the writ- ten submiasions, xuch responae must be receîved by the Board no laser than 21 days after the publication date of this Notice. Att submixsionx must quote file no. EB-2007- 0094, clearly stase the senders name and address, and be received by the Board Secretary by 4:45 p.m. on the required dates. IF YOU DO NOT FILE A WRITTEN SUBMISSION OBJECTING TO A WRITTEN HEARING OR DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE HEARING BY FILING WRITTEN SUB- MISSIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS NOTICE, THE BOARD MAY PROCEED WITHOUT VOUR PARTICIPATION AND YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO FUR- THER NOTICE IN TH-IS PROCEEDING. DATED at Toronto March 23, 2007 ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD Oniginally signed by Pefer H. ODeRl Asassant Board Secretar lTe business that ifinaune to the niecessity for advenising soonier or later fids Wtéon ilmmune to busin, Derby Brotvn * from KONKLE on page A20 Wbile Konkie basn't exactiy been on fire since what head coach Jason Fîtzsimmons described as his coming out party, be has recorded an assîss in three of the last four games to help aid the 34-24-4-5 Stingrays' ongoing play- off bid. And the eight goals and 13 helpers he has overall this season - in 50 games - is far from sbabby for an ECHL rookie. "Right away this season 1 was play- ing on the top fine and gettnng a lot of powerplay time, And recently I've been used in some shoot-outs," noted Konkle, "Coach Fitzsimmons says be likes what be sees from me offensively, and thats been a big confidence boost- er And the fact that South Carolîna remaîns in the post-season hunt with just a handful of games remaining - ina iudîng last nights trip to Gwinnett - makes this spring more enjoyable. "Sure I had more persontal success last year, but it doesn't mean as much when a teams going nowbere," be recalled of a 2005/06 campaign with Elmira that ended with a disappointing 27-42-7 record - and no playoff berth. AFFORDABLE HOMES UN YOUR PRICE RANGE & AREA Visit. www. haitonbestbuys. com T-11,,,,,i h Cent-,, Relty B,.keag- www.orenapro.com YOUTH-BOYS/GIRLS aUR\ iTOiiyos.Uio 'mi 11 TH /4à 5&OYR.OLD YEAR IINSTRUCTIONAL OUR 905-451-9275 35H> MEN'S YER TEAIMSI100IVIDUAL 905-840-7370 SUMMER HOCKEY BEGINS CorneinW ond see our 9PRINC 9PECIALQ Elegant Unger le And Exotfic Evening Wear 0Ujr pric%ý! eDVD's YoUi *Boks *Games * Novelty Items .& Much More! *Mus stytos avouabl "Individual productton ils great, but the important tbing is tbat you're winntng. The Stingrays wull have to do some more of that over the next etght days, as heading tnto last night they sat tn a tbree-way tie for the fourth and fanal playoff spot in the ECHIs South Division. Meanwhile, Miltons other fuIl-time ECHL - Trenton Tttans captaint Scott Bertoli - is now back among the league's top scorers, sittîng tied for I 4tb place witb 25 goals and 44 assists in 59 gamnes. The 30-year-olds Titans sit fourtb in the Nortb at 33-29-1-4. Witb bis suttcases receiving as mucb of a workout as be bas this season, fiel- low Miltonian ion Gleed bas been bouncing between the American Hockey Leagues Hamilton Bulldogs and tbe ECHEs Cincinnati Cyclones. The 23-year-old defenceman bas tbree goals and six assists with Cincinnati, witb the latest helper comn- ang in Tuesdays 3-1 loss to johnstown - less than 24 hours after bis latest reassignment. Assuming be sticks wvitb the Cyclones for tbe remainder of tbe sea- son, Gleed as the only local player pret- ty mucb guaranteed to see playofl action rsgbt now - wstb Cincinnati currently second in the Nortb at 35-26- 3-2 and needing just one more wtn to solidify post-season entry. Mariai Kuga, Jack Nasarzesoi, amWes seay LiiMnox 9542275 2-4 fie, t57 Cook@ Crus., $394,0111 Chns LittIloo, Royal LaPaga Meailowtoene Rraty, 905-87t-8101 2-4 lam, 1538 Tîrti Sdrd., $M0,900 Pa HRiton, Royal LePage Meadoxtiene Reay905 979 tOtO 2-4 par, 10 Momoeli Si., Eden Miliii $539,90 Ctrole tadwoldt, Royal LePage Medoxtowne Really, 905-t78-8101 2-4 fini, 732 Seritiser Cm., $509M Jidi Lei, Royal Leait Meadieliene Rely 905-978-t101 2-4 pis. 157 Cotok Ceos., $394,900 Lino Lighffml. Roya LePagt Meadioon Rialty, 905-878-8101 2-4 pet, 004 tuittd Dr., M,000 Lana Harvey, Royal LîPage Mtadoenoxne Realty, 905-878-8101 2-4 fini, 260 Rmndait Crm., 1470.000 Paui Jackson, Royal LePage Mtadowlowet ReIOty, 905-878-8101 2-4 Inin, 270 Randi Cris., $449,900 taS LaFircha, Royal LePage Meadowline Reaty 905-87t t101 2-4 lir, ta3 Mi St., 95%0,500 Laroit taleoil., Royal LtPage Meadowlowe Realy. 905-878-8101 2-4 pil, $41 Etitit Crus., $M5,9011 Gai BRIn, Royal LaPage Meadoalownt Rely 905-87980801 2-4 pot, 732 Sli Cros,, 9900 Jodi Lei, Royal LaPaga Meadotowot Reaty, 905-t7t-8101 2-4 pire, 17 Siens Jackie Roligrooki, ReMax Real Bilat CenIre 905-70289250 2-4 pet, 7174 MeNite Rid. Gary tibmas ReMa Rea Estala Crntre 905-878-77T7 2-4 pur, 1016 Sentit Uae BarS King, ReMax Rea Etait Cennt 905-878-777 2-4 pis, 1032 Dîeite Cru., $359,90 Craio Hacheribroxli. ReMa Real Etate Centre 9058979-7777 DO YOUR PART Help keep our COmmunity dlean by tollowing Milton's local recycling guidelines, and recycle this papier when youîre finished 90xbr ,YsVur Futre reading it! 878-2341 ns, 212 oen Ose T»Weekend' ECHL rookie seeing fair amount oif pIlying, timp ADDRESSES OntaioEneW Bord Alcan P0. Box 2319 Union Oas Lîmited 2300 Yonge Street, 218h Floor P0. Box 2001, 50 Keil Drive North Toronto ON M4P 1 E4 Chatham ON N7M 5M1 Attn: Peter 0'Oell Attn: Mr Patricka MnMahon Assistant Board Secmetary Manager, Regulatory Research Tel1: 1-877-632-6273 (toit fre) and Records Fax: 416-440-7656 Tel: 519-436-5325 Email: Boxrdsec@oeb.gov.on.ca Fax: 519-436-4641 Mitniçip-ii Union's Re ioni O.ffiçe The Corporation of the Town of Milton Union Oas Limited 43 Brown Street 4450 Paletta Court Milton ON L9T 5H2 Burlisgton ON L5L 5R2 Atns: M r. Troy McHarg At: Mr. Frank Varga Clers Operations Manager, Heltos Tel: 905-878-7252 Tel: 905-335-7348 Fax: 905-878-6995 Fax: 905-335-7354 Ment ,,gil op n Houses i SATURBAY MARCH 31 2-4 pet, 147 Centre Cros., $4111il,8111111 1 -