The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 27, 2007 - A7 Update on uniform issue is expected tomorrow Peodplee ros 1-take firstaid ii liclS \\ il, il Iii ,i1 ý1 L 1, ,, 1, 51ll. k ' 1 1 11 Or)iOle. ( posiponing paient information nights related to the school unit orm pilot pro]ect. The information sessions had heen scheduled for lasi night in Milton and tomorrow evening in Burlingion. "This action has become necessary as the board bas become aware of a legal challenge that witl be presented tor the board regarding the implementa- tion of the schoot uniform pilot proj- et," said the notice. Signed by Halton Cathotic board Superintendent Larry Cli fford and Assistant Superintendent John Langi, the note was sent home wfth students Friday Clifford confirmed the public infor- mation meetings were cancelled and that an update on the uniform issue will be f orthcoming tomorrow after a scheduled private meeting of trustees and board administrative staff tonight. He said the development is based on "Inew legal information.., challenges can be information, information bnings many challenges." Baitey refused to comment untîl after the meeting. On the agenda of tonight's special meeting is a public presentati on by the board's legal counsel on matiers related ta the rote and responsibilities of trustees. Trustees witl go inter private session sbortly tbereafter. After that, Bailey Is listed as bninging forward an "action item" related ta that evening's private session. At a February 6 board meeting, where the pilot project was discussed, Bailey unsuccessfully argued tbat 75 per cent of trustees needed tar vote in favour of a reconsideration af board policy He feit the vote would be a vfio- lation af board pohicy Duning the meeting the board chair issued a wamning tai bis fellow trustees. "If you're doing that, we've got poli- cies that you can ignore anytime. There are rules of order there for the purpos- es of runming meetings, and if you're flot even going tai follow themn when you have the ability to change them, on another night, we might as well flot have them. "The other issue is what wîll the minisîry do if we decide that we're just going tar mn this board without follow- ing any policy The ministry is gaing tar decide one day that this board can't aperate like that and they're going ta corne in and take it over," Bailey said. In the end, bis posftion was defeated by a 5-4 vote. Trustees then voted 6-3 in favour of praceeding with the uniform pilot prajeet this faIt. Burhington Trustee Bob Van dE Vrande, who wants ta see the pilot prai- et go forward, told The Chamnpior Friday he initially wasn't aware th( public information meetings had beer cancelled because of a legal challenge. He believes the board bas followec its policies. '[rhe chairs inierpretation is tha we're noi following the nîles. li's th, :omiiities and the înajority ot thi trustees' opinions that we are uit goinj oulisidc of our policy whatsoever,- hi said il the loehniary 6 hoard meeting. -The policy is very explio.ît ihat Ifl scilool community wishcs t0 inîtiat uniforms there is a process to be fol lowed. This is not the school commu t1t111g il so tO l(' cO o flit. po tritoi t the chair is referring tar arc sîmply nio applicable." Howard Parker, a parent with tniplet boys in Grade 6 French immersion at St. Gabriel, has heen a vocal opponient titltiit CLi. He said hie consulted a lawyer and wanted ta pursue a challenge around the hoard's operati on but cannot afford ta, do it. He wss glad tar hear there may be a legal challenge ta the process. The integrity of the school board is in question. This goes way beyond a sehool uniform issue, it has become an issue of the functianality of the board." - Withfilesfrom David Lea injuries by up to CANADA S BEST SELLINO COMPACT SUVt IUSI 001 BETTER. -i OOMUKn OUa -R IVRM U LAMI~ &m -M fSpl @~ IIWW -W uumg.n Um lI h buI a~~~ fl ~ ~ ~ ~ I Mili l lm 2 nmmmi Me zolor -td Mui.I** frhwh aamai *MW z MORNY, THU lIEST SELLINB COMPACT SUV IH CANADA US WAITINI v. 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