Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Mar 2007, p. 10

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A10 - The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, March 27, 2007 Parents of gifted children invited to info session tonight An information session for Board students in grades 5,6 or 7 ness, tihe assessment/screenîng mation and to answer questions, D a tè lin e parents of gifîed children will be and pîîpîls an grade 4 wbo have pua-iceaS the next tepý and wba nIiigtt High Scisool. Tise meeting, wisich starts ait 7 p.m., is intended for parents of gifted Halton District Scisool gifted through tise screening sion about a child's identification process this yesr. and placement. Some of tise topi tiai will be A number of people will be on covered include: what Ès gifted- baud to assisi in providing infor- pnincipals and members of the board's Student Services and Scisool Program Services depari- menis. jNOw GETr $1000 WGRTH DP ON ALL '07 RANGER, F-1 50 AND MOST SUPER DUTY. PLUS THE ALL-NEW '08 SUPER DUT',' cusosm nRom mm'75 SENVII FORD ACCESUORIIB ENCLVDENU: CHROM CARGO CAGE/ TONNE0AU VEHICLE SPLASH CHROME BUG SHIEL WINDOW CHROME EHAUST TIP BED tXTtNDER COVtR SECURITY GUAROS OEFLECTOR RUNNING BOARDS PLUS REMOTE START SYSTEMS, SPORT UINER, TAIL LAMP SURROUND, MOBILE-EASE HANOS FREE PHONE SYSTEM, TOWING TRAILER IIITCM, SUIDINO REAR WINDOW, OVERHEAD RAIL LIFESTYLE KITS, BED HOOKS, BED RILS, AND MORE. WIrS OM FMoal a'E Larr aM r a 97ld itrv.nc 1of OnaGario Laalneq 2O7 Frad F 350 ASa'Cr taYITa 4x 20 t7 3pakag for 4Sy $ata' (ai a3,001s e" aa ioasaaSdde, e maoi aCa)e nea a' a rila', tale o 07 Tard ya a6 etotale aaa i tar arSeail qalf!na it 110Ver on anarai m rW e obiat ion n ne iraa $1' a 83 ir teai booaa ta is A 2a Srtiea a condrios araaiir a a srsha of 60 ir O aa rr arna 36 m o c a cha oo2 eaant s îo imer estrictTonalaa arre iluOsA aCyn a apo c a soae s $3,699 mm ai r aleit 3 9i "oemrar rarme O aa Sel00 ( lera t00 a StryNl t ie axe paya i rer n ul arairt wrcaiat pora 81129810 Sfe l raSdes lar l aîo e 298720V adminstaion fes a A tt appia ' t anes t aet $10 f Selece eu For a r a o ea IRrAirmI Lat the ras oarlame 2f 0Vt aaiaa 200 7 rm taff ra50ýcf in e CaradM -5 arma 81 350 maa S onar Du M F25,F0anc F 50Spermerds 'tara xcanalr ArIsa i Caat mra t els dalwari nr beofI l 320 aae pa orfer a foao t &Urn e inc ia may be catimeaI al aUni it ara noticer ne tir ay MM ao ia Sabaite Recia tion Proigra bar Deerr ta etails Ontai FDAPO B S20 , Ga &jre, ari E Notices for Dateline should be e- mailed 10 miltoned@haltonsearch.com. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tues4.ays edition and noon Wednesday for Fridays edition. Daîeline items aren'ît accepted by telephone. Wednesdlay Marcis 28 The Alzhseimer Society of Hamilton and Halton, together with the Continuing Gerontological Education Co-operative, hold a free public lecture on helping those with memory impair- ments entiîled 'Having a Gond Day What Families Wanî for their Loved Oues.' It takes place from 7 10 8:30 p. m. ai Royal Botanical Gardens. To reserve a spot, caîl (905), 339-2140 or (905) 529- 7030. The Learning Disabilities Association of Halton (LDAH) holds keyboarding classes for kids aged seven to 13 with learning disabilities and ADHD. They take place weekly f'or 10 weeks from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. (seven 10 10 years) and 6:45 10 7:45 p.m. (l1 to 13 years). The cosi is $120 for I -DAH members and $150 for non-members. To register, cali (905) 333-1977 or visit www.ldahaiton.ca. The Halton Womens Centre, suite 229.in Hopedale Mail, 1515 Rebecca St. in Oakville, holds its Abuse Support Croup [rom 5:30 to 8 p.m. For more information, cal] (905) 847-5520 or sit www.haltonwoinenscentre.org. Milton Distrnct Hospital holds a one- on-one breasîfeeding clinic with a cer- îified lactation consultant [romt 1:30 t0 3 p.m. For more information or 10 make an appoînîimeut, cail Jili Hicks ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Aduit drop-in volleyball takes place [rom 2 10 3 p.m. ai the Milton Leisure Centre on Main Street. The cosi is $3.50 for the hour. The Milton Safety Commiîîee meets ai 7 p.m. ai the Milton police sta- tion on Chîlds Drive. For more infor- mation, cali Jan Mowbray at (519) 853- 4492 or e-mail ]an@jaumowbray.ca. The Salvation Army/Khi Communiîy holds its Run Club ai 5:30 p.m. with a 30-minute mun. For meet- ing location and route, cali (905) 875- 1022. The Lighîhouse Program for Gnieving Cbildren, 82 Wilson St. in Oakvilie, holds its Sibs and Friends Peer Support Croup for children, teens and their families gnieving the death of a sibliug or close friend. It takes place at 6 p.m. To regîster or volunteer, cail (905) 337-2333 or e-mail lighîbouse- program@bellneî.ca. Haln Healîbcare Services and the Kîdney Foundation of Canada hold a free seminar entîtird Chrouic Kidney Disease: Prevention and Management ai 7 p.m. in the auditorium ai Oakvilie- Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. To reserve a seat, cali (905) 338-4379. A free public talk enîtîted 'The Waîer Eluoridation Debate' with Dr. Paul Conucît takes place ai 7:30 p.m. ai Oakville Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Rd. an the Trafalgar Room. Connetti k a tox- icologisi and chemîsi. Hc dîscusses questions includîng il theres a cancer/fluoride connecîton and why mosi of Western Europe bas rcjctcd waîer fluoridation. For more informa- tion, rail (905) 842-2540. iee more DATIEUNE on page A12 ..à

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