B6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 23, 2007 Two free 'Green' seminars being held y ~ ~ ' i tva dridet I n Iaii r bo t v o adr oi d Io rcidns ým The free event wiii run [rom 7 Ioi 9 p.m. at the Haiton Regional Centre, 1151 Brome Rd., Oakville. 1t'11 feature Denis Flanagan [rom HGTV's 'One Garden, Two Looks' and Ken Pavely [rom Landscape Ontanio. Both xviii share dance about eartb-lriendly ways to caîr lior their lawns and gardens. Registration isn't required. A second seminar bas been scheduled for May 9 at Hugh Eoster Hall. *from DATEUNE on page 5 Monday March 26 A speech-language pathologist is on site at the Milton Community Resource Cen tre/Ontanio Early Years Centre (410 Bronte St. S.) to, provide haif-hour con- sultations regarding your childas speech and language for kids up to fîve years old. For an appointment, cati (905) 876-1244, ext. 10. The Salvation ArmylKhi Community holds ots Run Club at 5:30 p.m. with a 30-minute mun. For meet- ing location and route, cali (905) 875- 1022. The Lightbouse Program for Grieving Chiidren in Oakville bolds its peer support group [rom 6 to 7:30 p.m. for children and teens aged three to 18 who've lost a parent or sibling. For more information or to register, cati (905) 337-2333 or e-mail ligbtbouse- programn@bellnet.ca. Milton District Hospital bolds a one- on-one breastfeeding clinie witb a cer- tified lactation consultant [rom 1:30 to 3 p.m. For more information or to make an appointment, calI Jili Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Tlie Haiton Womens Centre, suite 229 iii [opedale Mail, 1515 Rehecca St. in Oakvtlie, holds is free Income Tax Clinie [rom 10 a.m. to noon. [For more information, catI (905) 847-5520 or visit www.haltonwomenscentre.org. The Town of Milton presents a sem- inar entîtled Iron for Women at 7 p.m. ai the Milton Leisure Centre on Main St. The seminar is [ree for centre mem- bers and $5 for non-members. To regis- ter, catI Tracy Hassel[eldt at (905) 878- 7946, ext. 2706. The Halton HuIs Quilters Guild meets at the Halton Hilîs Cultural Centre, 9 Cburcb St., in Georgetown at 7:15 p.m. witb speaker Rosemary Makban. New members are welcome. For more information, catI Ann Totten at (905) 877-6038. Tuesday March 27 The Salvation Army/Kbi Community bolds ils Busy Hands, Creative Minds group for preseboolers and tbeir caregivers [rom 9:30 to Il a.m. at 100 Nipissing Rd., unit 3, witb erafls, songs and a play area. It also bolds ils free Ladies Nigbt Out [rom 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. witb a clotbing exebange. For more information, cati (905) 875-1022. HeIp [or Parents, a Halton parent support group, meels in tbe evening in tbe basement of St. Fiizabetb's Cburcb, 5324 Bromley Rd., in Burlingion. Tbis non-denomi national self-support group belps parents of cbiidren wbo are in trouble at bome, at scbool or wîîb tbe iaw or wbo are abusive or taking drugs. Tbe group is a member of tbe Association of Parent Support Groupa in Ontario. For more information, cati see more DATELINE on page B8 With naturai gas, you'Ii save over 500/% when compared to electric. That means over [lie average 13 year tifespan of your water heater, you can save up to $2,457 on your water heatig energy bill. And your family xviii alan enjoy an abundan[ suppiy of hot water because a naturai gas water heater ha 2 times faster at heating water compared to eiectric water heaters. 10 Lniongças A Spectra Energy Company *Janua.y 2007 rtsfo nato,-o gas and eectro.ko Bae nafu esnhueod Dosninclude mooty fixed charges for au gasoo anood eletricty. OUno, Gas Loo5td 2007 03/2007