Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Mar 2007, p. 3

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Geared-to-seniors apartment building proposed Dy eVIile Hennessey is ot1aîl sellioi-. apat tittcitt building lias heen pi oposed lor land necar the corner of Pine and Ontario streets. Plans for a six-unit structure went beforc the Towns adlministration and planning commîutee Monday night for a pblic meeting. Tihe building, which would be butît by local developer David Curk ai 426 Pine St. would offer rentaI unîts that are Ward 2 byellection date set for June 14 June 14 will be voting day for those living in Ward 2 as the Town looks to, fdll the councillor seat recently vacated by Mark Curtis. Town Clerk Troy McHarg set the date and presented an rupdate report on the topic to the administration and plan- ning commitîee this week. Voting hours will run fromt 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Eligible elec- ts in Ward 2 can expect to receive voter notification cards A Myay to establisb May 26 as the advantc voting day will go before town counicîl Monday The bylaw would also set votiîsg hours at Martindale Gardens for uts residents from 3 to 4:30 p.m. In addition, counicîl is expected to officîally declare a byclection at its Monday session. Those weshing to run for the spot can file nomination papers sîartîng Tuesday tîntîl nomination day, whicb is Apnil 30. Furik running for spot Anoiher polîtical veteran has declared - bis intentions to run ti te \\ard 2 bvelec- tion. Former councîllor Ron i tinik, wbo sait ots counicti for 15 Necars and rcprecnred Ward 2 for nine of those ycars, announced \\vednesdav that be plans te, run for the vacant seat injunie. Eunik saîd that as a property owner in Ron Furik Ward 2, bes concernied about tbe issues tbat impact every individual in bis area. He also pointed out tbat be bas worked successfuliy wvtb current Ward 2 Councîllor Mîke Bougbton on counicil and in tbe communit>. Etîrîk is going up against fellow fonner councîlior Jobn Cbailinor and past council candidates Peter Haigbt and Greg Nelsotn for tbe spot. AUTO BODY (ROYAL ATLANTIC) INC. gcared id seniors. 'Rigbt now, parking on Pîne Street is bccoming a nîgbî- mare,' sbe told the commîttee. "People are parking at tbe end of my driveway" Director of Planning and Deveiopment Mel lovio saîd tbat tbe Town would make sure adequate off-street parking is provided for the building. Wbîle ('urk concurred that parking on Pine Street bas become an issue, fie saîd tbat sbouldn't be taken as an exam- pie of wbat residents wouid see from bis project. lie aiso pointed te, tbe otber seniors' building be previ- ously construcied at 87 Ontario St., noting ibat given ils; proximity to amenities lîke sbopping, it became advant-a- geous for tbose living there to gîve up their cars altogetber. The 2007 Toyota Tondra ts btgger in every way - under the hood, in the cab and out bock te the bed. Wtth 16 atm body and drivetrain configuations, the campletety redesigned Tondra allers everythîng a truck guy ceuld ask for: aggressive looks, tmpresatve power aed eatraordinrton capobldty. See hem the new Tondra con wonfe for yoa: - New powertrain options match the impreastve proportons. Choose the standard 4.6L i-Force V8 or step up ta the avoulable all-new 5.7L 381 hp t-Force V8 engiite with 6-speed automatic. -Btgger beds are mode te fit your mark, yoarq play, yoar lite. Wit tht mtdtb reoching 1,270mm (50.0») between the mheel mells, yaa moy choote either the 2,OOOmm (78.7) Standard Bed or tht Long Bed Ifrot extendsa ofait 2,480mm (97.6") Longer wbeelbases - 3,700mm (1456") wit the Standard Bed aed 4,lîOmm (164.5') mith the Long Bed - proside improned ride aed handling Tuodra Lifmited 4x4 D cadet anylf ad. COMPLETELY REDESIGNED. FROM THE TREMBLING GROUNO UP. Nom more thon ever, Tondra gises you the power af cbotce. Take yoar ptck tram 16 different 4x2 aed 4x4 configurations, tnctuding: *Enginen: 4.7L i-Farce V8 or the all-e 5.7L 381 hp i-Farce V8 CaGba: Regulor or Double *Bedo: Standard or Long *Seoto: For 3, 5 or 6 "Th(- 1)rntt i' on ilinutSr cit t il 1, m, tit c' (leurtaîsd lot th t, lild ILI ot uldintg p rlttog ts i lit ltong ltst ol people currently on a waitîng list for seniors' bousîng. "Any applications like tbis are going to be greatly appre- ciated," be said. Ward 4 Councillor Wendy Scbau sbared similar senti- ment.s. Sbe also said sbe tbinks this would be the first rentai apartment to be buili in Milton since the bousing boom started. The committee received a report on the proposai for information purposes. Town staff will bring anotber report forward tbat recommends wbetber counicil should approve or deny tbe application ai a future meeting. Melanie Hennessey ean be reached ait mhennessey@-milton- canadianchampion.com. LOOKING FOR WIDE OPEN SPACES? GEl INSIDE. Whtle the Tondra Regatar Cab boosîs an expansive iterior, the new Double Cab tokes spoctaus ta a hale oew tesel. Frsm tht extra-large doar handles ta the oversized shbtl lever, overy leoturos tnstde the new Tondra is big. Like the centre console, designed ta fit your loplop or even yosr honging file folders, Plus, yau con entay big benoits lrsm ovottable leafures tike premium JBL oudta, o wtde-screen bocksp corsera, and Bluetaoth' campotiblity. IT PULLS IlS WEIGHT. AND THEN SOME. Start mtth the standard 4.7L i-Force V8 engine Or up tht ante with the avoulable new 5.7L t-Farce V8. Moted toa onew htovy-duty 6-speed oulomalic transmission, tht pomerbouse 5.7L pals more usable power le tht pavement 1h00 ever before. the proot? Tht Tendra 5.7L bas o tawing copacity ef oser 4,500Kg toubto Cab 4.7 VO Sid modot îttowo (1 0,000lbs). And for odded streegth, the trotter hifch is initegrated itt tht frome. WE MADE FF BIGGER. FOR YOU BIGGER LOAD. Tondra gises you o cbotce of eitber Standard or Long Bed. Or raybe me should soy Large or Entra-Large. Wilb tht Long Bed, yeu get oser 2,480mm (97.1B") or lood length. Plus, the entra deep boa entends 564mm (22Z2) belora tht rails. Wtth houling obility like 1h01, pou need stopping power, loe. Paired mitb standard 18' wheels, tht nera. larger sented front retors aed beasy-duty reor discs belp ensure consisten, confident braking. The ail-new lund-a oIntrs everyfhing Von coutl ask for in a fuli-sîzo pickup. See how it can worli for you du-m;g Red Tag Daya. For moro oo Rod Tag Daya and the cotio Toyota Iioeup go to wwwroalpeoplesollinggreatcars.ca NO SECURITY DEPOSIT ON ALI 2007 LEASES. ':1 400 (9 5 78 2 2 Teil Freo, 1 STEELES AVENUE, MILTON -800-617-4025 - Fair: (905 t875-1516 tnto@oiiooioyoia.com Mniuîûi~Pep, , ..,iosl mg, - ffl 1 Th (1 14; (Ik ; E ;A &A k nc nAAý AC

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