Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Mar 2007, p. 27

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The Canadian Champion, Fr/day March 23, 2007 - 27 esr-.u ffie Htp &Age Sae ,H,611 Sales Hetç e sp Tectnicaf Help M &Ae sUOOIE TCNIA ta Diesel qua/lications a must. *op ratas *Top support *Top producis Wel/ keep you hasy! Phone Anthony forsa canfidanil conversation 905-877-0149 Or tax resusse ta: 905"77-4557 JACK 0F ALL TRADES BRLINGTON $25-$3OIhr mprt Franchise Ski/ted iv Carpaotry, Durt enormous Plumhîng, Etectrical, GOrotb ce. cornent/y Ceramîc, Painting, n airea and Watt Papar. - f/as. boums, F/T & P/T- pas/tions ua/alubie. An excellent & MuaI bave oev tolis, profitable oppontuvity neliable transportation fon the rigbt perssn! Burttngton/-amtiton Pas/vn confidence 9054578-440 Attn. Fioed Opa Mgr. Oaldiiîssîssauga 905-633-6841 90"426-0655 MARKETING ASSISTANT Grocîng, tnîendiy, Fînanciai Services office in Milton seeka 2 Marketing Assistant (Part tissai. Duties: -Business Deveiopssent / Marketing *Ma/ntin C/ient & Proteci Fi/es -Data Base Maintenance, Schedu/ing -Te/aphone loi/oc up Ski/l: -Marketing, Eyant Coordination -Computer - Word / Excel / Power Point iCRM (Goldmîne) Assets: -Marketing Dîpioma. CFP -Matua Fassis / Lite Insarance License -Fînancialiîndustny espanience« -Osigoîng, optimistic parssnaity -Muai ha ah/e ta mark ivdependenty Ornait reaumne to lou@plansNgoais.com Independent Financiai Services Office iv M//ton seeka eoperienced CFP on CLU tor aspundivg practice Il yoo are seaking a career maya in order ta improve yoar hack office and toua afice internai support and have an estab/îshed c/iant buse, vits tu/k. Enperîevced trnsnition team assistance Campetitîve compensation based upon contri- bution. Oakvîtle fîrm has un immediale apening fan a sa/ca cuardivutor ru/e and assistant ta presîdant, plus cusiamer oervîce/arder deok fonctions. Indivîdua muai ha fluart in Engtîoh (wrien, readivg and ver- bail), French an assai. Avtent/an ta detii atong c/lb oirang lima management, pnoblem satvng and arganizationai okîia ta assenia. Good computer, vomer/cat and peuple silia naquirad. 1< ADESA Toronto a division of Il Logistics Officer! Service & Projects We are an uwurd-winning faut growing Mississaoga-based commercial swimming pool company. We afler benefits, bonus pragramu and a great team. We are laoking for a fut/-lime Lagisticu Officer/ Service & Prajecu. Duties Include: Pioject admin; schedluting; client support; vendaring; Purchusing, fleet sugmt; Service Dept. disputch & tagisticu. Musf b. able ta mult/-task iv a very h/gb pressure envirasment. Excellent custamer service/ communication ski//s. Pouf Sec. Ed., MS Office, bonduable, dlean drivers abstract required. Aqualic industry, AccPac experience an usuel. Saiary Range: $35000 f0 $45,000 Commensurate witir experience EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Fax: 905-56946160 or email resumne to reception@aervicepiusaquatics.com P/T BOOKKEEPER and P/T FILE/DATA ENTRV CLERK Busy Dawntawn Gavera Law Practce iv M//tan raquires a Part-lima Boakeaper experiancad w/lb PC Law; and a Part-tissa Fi/a/Data EtyCak ta anis team. 1 Sanse of humour an aaaat. Pteaae Fax Resume ta: 905-878-8422. CHHMPIDN CHAMPION ROAO MACIvINERY SALEa SALES ADMINISTRATOR BRAMPTON Champion Road Mach/mary Suies, an ISO 9001:2000 certif/ad Company, ta a teading distributar af quatity roud building and maintenance eqoipmenl iv Ontaria. A resu/fs arienfed organizafian, custamer satisfaction /5 or ultimata goal. Yo w/i heaussisfing the Su/es Manager w/lb the prepurution of tenders and quolutians, porcbasing af equipmenl, preparalian af wark arders, scbeduting de//varies, organiz- ing participation in trude shows. This pas/t/an ptaya a large raie iv the succesofut aperatian of the Suies Deparîment. Ambiliaus and goal ariented, you must ha datait ariented, and bave esceptiona com- puter, argunizat/an and communication ski//s Praviaus experience is dat/n/t/va/y an assai. Champ/an allers compatit/va compensation and a fuity paid banabitu package. F/T perm or P/T. $11.78 -$12.78 thr hij Ô/ues& ýassfiedHos I Banal/tu Monday ta Fnday O EW &Ern M/Ils I9 arn 105 pm 1Sales Hetp EM& Agents GERETW * I 35K to 80K EARNINGS!! Fast grnwth bas opened a position for a protes- sional sales associale, Il you are career minded and have sates esperience in lurnîture, rea l sIate, insurance, aulomotive, or any other sales espo- sure, caI me. Asc forTerry 905-877-7818. "TeFsts DoigA.domer inth ord For motioatad india/duals in Bramplon/Missiso au- go/Ha/ton Hilia region wiuh a aucceaulul groeîng Healing und Air Covditionîng Company. Sales eoper- ence in the H/tAC /rduslry an asset. WilI provîde training il necessary. Earn up tai $1t55K. If interested pIeuse cali Pal ai 905-70M34 ENTHUSIASIC? CUSTOMER FOCUSEDI We are luokiog for moivalad PART-T/ME RETAIL SALES ASSOCIATES for aur SURLINGTON location. Retal Esperience & Wîne Knaeiedge an Asuel Orientation and Training are ptovided Ooys, Eveniingo and Weekends as required. Pleas drap ail your reaume ut Vive/yards Estata Wîne, 4025 New St., Barlînrgi or emuil you, resume and caoer levter ta. careers@vtneyardsestatewines.com or fax 905 643-4515 or maillao 697 South Service Rd. Grimsby ON L3M 4E8 v/uit us at www.vineyardsestatewines.com for a location fa apply ta person. White wv thavk ail thooe chu app/y, ce wî// av/y reapand la those uvder conaideration avd aak that vo respavse be made ly phone. FAST1N SIGN MAKER Like working wif h your hands? Juin the faat-paced sîgo industty us a sign mak- ar/tayaut assistant. Knocledge aI aigo and grapýhie tecbno/ogy a plus. If yau are quslity-canociaus and cark quickly under deadlînes fax your reaume f0 905-631-7471 or emnatt diane.henderson@fastsgn.com Volvo of Oakvilie is looking for .Sales Professionals to add to our sales famiiy. EXPIERIENCE THE VOLVO 0F OAKVILLE ADVANTAGE TODAVI Previous auto sates experienca praferred. Pleasa cail 905-825-80880 or fax your reaume ta 905-825-8802 NEW & USED CAR SALES PEOPLE Required Immediately Up ta 40% commission Dama or dama allowance Must ba costomer oriented Must have OMVIC Lic. & prafeassonut attitude but w/ill train the righi people lnterested candidates pieuse fax resusses Attn: Gary Newton Fax 905-632-1876 or Ornait: Gary@TerraceFordLincoln.com Requirad tssmediaaty Warranty Administrator va are /ook/ng for a mature persan ta train tva code, input and racancile aarranty dlaims, toal lima tic/tt, ha/p euth phones ard costumera chen reqoired. Applicant muai ha ah/a ta aank heimeen 20 iv 30 haura par week/i/eoible/chich wauld iv- c/ode Suturday manning. Autamutîae and computer eoperience eaaentia. Faa resamne 905-632-1876. Attention John Trebble Service Manager eUSD INDSRA SAE To oeil heat exchangers, butterfly valves, filters and other pipîng related products bo ail major automot/ve plants and other indusîr/al plants. WIl tra/n. This is a career full t/me pos/t/on. Salary +. Resume to iîm @ hatexchangerontar/o.ca ! ý, Cýý fle1I HUMAN RESOURCES REPRESENTATIVE (1-Vear Maternity Leave) We are looking for a quailied candidate ta/a/on aur Human Resources teum who w//t ha reuponsibte for aasiatîng management and staff iv the areas ai banal/tv, emptoyee relations, recroitment, compensation and heatth and aafoty. Dut/s w/il inctude coordinating the internat and externat recroîtmg which includas interviewmg candidates, conduclîng new. hire orienta/oms and in-hoose train/mg. Other reuponsibitities w/ill inctude a/t banal/tu administraian, monitormg the performance appruisa proceas and tacilitatîng and participaimg an the Joint Heatth and Safety Committea. Yos w/lt aauist the Human Resoorces Manager with sur/oua reports and apreaduheetu and other Humun Resourcas ro/ated fonctions and enaure ail proper documentation is prepared for payratt. You w/lt have a post secondary edocalion in Human Reaoorces w/lb 3 years progressive experience: markmg tomurds CHRP designation. Praficiancy in Microuoft Office is neceaaary. We reqoire an indivîdua who demonstralea excellent cutomer service akitîs. The ah/lily ta prioritize and motti-task is essantia ta thia very bosy position. Pieuse send a caver latter alamg with your resusse in confidence to: ADESA Toronto 55 Auction Lana Brampton, Ontario L6T 5P4 Fax: 905-790-0306 Emait: hrtoronto@ADESA.com "P, Meloche Monnex Croup CAREER OPEN HOUSE Saturday, March 24th The Vaihalla Inn - Freya Room i Vaihaila Inn Road -Etobicoke (427 &The East Mai) 10:00 arn - 2prn1 COME & JOIN A WINNING TEAM!!!!! TO Meloche Monnex Group is a leading Canadian Insurance Company that is growing. We are currently hiring for exciting rotes in aur Claims Services and Accident Benefits Uvits in aur Toronto, Etobicoke, Victoria Park & Burlington offices. We are looking for dynamic individuals who possess superior communication silits with a passion for customer service, Our Claims Services unit is loaking for College or University graduates or individuats with transferable skills f0 service our clients with respect f0 thein automobile dlaims. Automobile dlaims, adjusting euperience is an usel. Fleuibility ta wark bath day (9-5) and evening (12-8) shifts is required. If you are a graduafe of a medically- related program such as Kinesiolagy, Rebabititatian Management, Physialherapy aur Accident Benefits unit will offer yau an excellent appartunity ta utilize yaur educatian. Accident Benefits adjusling esperience is an asset. Haurs of aperatian are Monday ta, Friday 8:30 - 4:30. TD Meioche Monnex Group offers tihe opporlunity for career growth, ongoing training & development, as weii as a very competitive saiary, bonus, and benefits package. Please bring a copy of your resume. If you are unabie to loin us, please amati your resume to the attention of Human Resources at: careers.tor@metochemonnex.com or fax tl to 416-54546145 Ref# OH - 03-07 NATUAL F000 Bus/a Boomîng îv/tîaîduas l: a/s and management. No praapeciing or culd- culling. Att appoint- mania supptied 3-5c/ma anpaclad+ bonus. Car essanhia Oakviiisi Milton cal 866-475-9187 Burlingtonl Fiambomougir Catt 866-374-9507 Happy people pamson requircd approo 25b o ceeklyfor Spears Roud muOtreas store Opportuvtty for ad- ouncamant. Haut/y raie plus havusea. Fut training prmidad. Emat JackleO royatuattresa corn Iopenin, in Milton IApntl2007I have flooring auperienca. P- 647-86801709 F: 905-064-0909

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