Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Mar 2007, p. 24

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24 - The Canadian Champion, Friday March 23, 2007 Apartments & Hu FlaIs For Rent FrRn GEORGETOWN 2- MILTON nem, spolless L.iidiy and4 paivin/i in- ciuded. 905-459-656er 905-457-2989. GEORGETOWN 3- bedrnumn bungalow, $900/monîh plus utîlîlies. Also 2-bed- rnnm basemenl, separ_ aIe enîronce. 5700/monîs. Aprîl 15th. 905 890 7078ý GEORGETOWN Bochelor Basemeol aparîmenl, ceromîcs Excellent condition, Clean, quiet neîghbnur- Sonod Seporote en- tronce. Parking ovaîlabie, No pets/smoking. 905-873- 9868ý G EORG ETOWN South, 3-bsdroom, tin- îshed basement, fenced. Anailabis May lot. $1,500/month. Cati 905-873-9762. GEORGETOWN, sharsd townhouse in nie area, clone ta GO station. non-smoker cabls/phone/gas/hydro $500/month. Anailabis îmmedîateiy. 905-702- 9953. LARGE 2-bsdroom, vsry nice basement apartmsnt in country home, omo iaundry, neparate entrance. $900/month includes utîlîties. No smok- in9/pets. Avoulable Aprîl 1 51h/May 1 st. Churchill 0150. 905- 878-4986 BEAUTIFUL large 3- bedroam dstached home, backîng on pond mîth large yard for lent. $1,600/mith e utllties. Avoulable Aprîl tSthý Ahter 6pm, 905-875- 0533. MILTON 3-bedroom bungalow in cidl Mil/ton. Large yard. $1 .250/mIS e utîlîties. Please coul 905-878- 4738, MILTON Heîghts Large 3-bsdroom bouse. 2- baths, large yard/gar- des, 5-appliasces, toms mater, satura gas, C/A. $1,800/mth + utîlities. Aeaiabis April 1lst. 905-854-1687. MILTON 3-bsdrom country bungalow on 1-acre lot, open con- cept. $1,500/mth plan utiliSies. 416-500-7901. uti.rîes. Cal 905-ah7 8302. 3-BEDROOM deiached home in Aclon, Lots oI parking. 51,325/montS plus utîlîties. No smok- ing, Coali 905-875-1405. ACTON. 2-bedroom nemi, large manIer large yard, 4-appli- ances. ample parking. no pets. $900/monîh plus utilîties Avaîlabie Uap lt. Coîl 519-855- 3223. Townnhouses MILTON 3-bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, nsm floorîng throughoot. Ontario Street North. Avoulable Aprîl lst. $1,200/mth. 905-878-5070. MILTON 3-bedroom townhouse plus gar- age avaîlabie. $1,250/mth + utîlîties. Call 905- 876-4499. OAKVILLE~ 2&3 bed- room townhousss avait- able îmmediatsiy throagh April lst. 4 appliances, Hopedale Mail area. Lokeshore Management 905-876-3336 MILTON furnîshed room for rent. Close ta ail amenîties, lirst and ast. $500/mIS. 0011 905-691-6314. Acomodation BRIGHT spacînus rom in sascutîve semi, semi-prîvats bath for immaculate. single pro- leosional, non-smoker. l-room $550/mth. 2- rooms $950/mIS, Der- ry/Thompson. Hanno 416-206-3340. MILTON Room tor lent. Lurge semi dstached. minutes t10401 & J5 Pkmy Semi turnishsd tf requîred. Shared mashroom, kitcheni and livingraam. $575 includes internet, Digital cabis, utilities, tels- phase. Suifabis for smpioysd, 20-30 Neil 289-878-9680, 416-816- 5387 maz Biizh Nascimben - Nayler Kevin and Janis are tbritled f0 annaunce the birth of tbsir daugbier, Rylynn Amber an Sunday February 416, 2007 ait 1:1 Sam, weighing 7Ibs. Rylynn (s melcomed by proud grandparenfa Garry and Debbie Nayler, Barb, Frank and Liz Nascimben. We would like fai give a special thanks tc, Dr. HunIer and ail th1e nurses at M.D.H. for ail of their help during Ibis monderfuf lime. ming EventsI Coin g E ents FAPIOPnWO Sat. March M1st, 1001 (upsiars at Memonial Armaa .Medigas A P axor Company Corne ta Medigas'SIeep Educatian Day! Physicians tram the Taronto area wiii lecture about Obstructive Sleep Apnea and CPAP Therapy GUELPH RECORD AND CDS SHOW - Sunciay March 25th tram 10:30 arn ta 4:00 pm. Ramada Hotel, 716 Gordon Street (opposite University ot Guelph). LP's, CO's, 45's and retated memara- bilia. Over 35 vendors. Admission $3.50. jeatj Deat DetsDets 1Articles pets,_supplies___Vans For ale& Bordiu ý 4-Whee Drie I MNAE ona a-nn îeeVaînl ~ PUREBRED German 2002 Ford Wîndslar. on Friday MarcS 16, 20ü7 at heî homne in Vîrgînia Beach, VA in her 53rd peur. Jo- Anne mas the beloved mite of Brion McNabb; lovig mother of Jay Leaeer (fi- ancée Jenn) of Stittsvîiie, Ashley Leuver of Guelph; and step-mother of Nathan and Michael McNabb. She wiii be sadly missed by mother Helen (Pete), broîhers Craîg (mile Sharon), Kent and nînter Ka- thy (husbond Seihy). Aiso missed by ail her in-iaws, Doug and Anne McNabb, Kaye and Hugh Cross, Faye and Bob McCiymont of Guelph and many noeces and nephews. Famiiy and triendu are in- vited to visit ait the J. SCOTT EARLY FU- NERAL HOME, 21 James Street, Milton (905) 878-2669 on Thursday March 22 from 2 - 4 and 7 -9 p.m. Fanera Service ta, be heid in the Funerai Home Chapel on Friday Murch 23 at 2:00 p.m. Iti 10v61y comtortîng ta 600w Jo-Anne muti be with her tather, Ray, her Aunt Donna and her mother-in-iaw Alice. J. SCOITT~ McKerrow, Mary Passed away peacefully in ber steep uit the Milton District Hospital on Wedneu- day, Marcb 21 st 2007. Mary McKerrow, betoved mite of the late Bilf McKerrow. Loving mother of Bill of Scotiand and Anne and her husband Ben McFariane of Milton. Sadly missed by her grandcbii- dren Steven and Lindsay. Dear ululer of Aies, Angos and Renee. Minsed by ber faiîtuf companian Snowy. Famîiy and friendu are invited ta visit auth1e McKER- SIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 on Tues- day, Match 2716 2007 from 12:00 pm 10 1:00 pin. The fanerai service wiIi foliow uit 1:00 pm in the fanerai home chapel. In lieu of ftomeru, memoriai donations to t6e charity of your choice wouid be uppreciat- ed. Letters of condofence may be lef for the famîiy ut www.mckernie-kocher.ca Cardof anks oe j l arils VFNER1JS, RAY Februury 14, 1952 - February 21, 2007 We, the fanuîly of rhc lare Ray Veneras, mould like ta entend a mont heartfeir aad sincere thank you ta ai mhsî have heiped ns through sncb a traumatil. and difficuir lime. Ray's drahfi mas devasraring ta us ail aad bas left as wirbout a mu t: ai mas admired and cberished. We ratefuiiy ackoledge the cards, phone caik lsbw- ers, vîsîts, food, messages of support and camfort and the donations made in his memory. Special thanks to everyone at McKersie-Kocber Fuaerai Home of Milton for their care and marmtb, The Royal Canadian Legion for tbeir gene- rasiry and ta Revereod Canas Charlie Masters for his canîpassionate and lavely The acîs of kindness that have beeo shomo during this rime of need miii he remem- bered aimays. The Venenos Farily anod Deborah xoxo ail onintanit 8- eiot. divîvg set and huich, Infînîtp lomer speakers. A/I lîke new. BesI Ol- fer, Cai 905-699-1177 A dîvîng room, cherry- mood, double pedeslal table, 8 chairs. ballet, hotch, donelal con- struction. New sll in boxes. Cool $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A King Pîl/owtop Mat- tress Sel. New in p/os- tic. CosI $1600. sei for $450. 905-587-9459. BED, Amozîng borgoîn, qusen orthnpedîc pi- lowtap sel, new in plas- tic, worronty $250 905- 567-4042 miii delîver. BEDROOM Cherry- mood, ' Bd, chsst, dresser 2 nîghtstands. Dovetail Construction Neyer opened Cast $8,000. Sacrifice $1,900. 905-567-4042 CARPET i hue severai 1,000 yards of nem Stain Master & 100% nylon car- pet. 50111 do lining roow & hall for $389, Inciodes cor- pet, pad & installation (30 yards) Stee, 905-633- 8192 FANTASTIC Nem Vear Saisi No GST or PST! Custom Uphoistsrng. uts puy the taxes on sotas and matchîng chairs. Sotas trom $788, chairs from $249' dini59 room seuls tram $ 19 -95. Pie/ds Furnîture and Fabrîcs 90w-gym 905-632-9090 FREE Estîmales Gai mabby chairs, tîred look- îng waod tînîshes? Fields Custom bVesd Retinishing and Furnîture Repaîrs. 9- 9. 905-632-9090 HOT Tub (Spa) Covers besl prîce, BesI guality. Ail shopes & cobors. Cai 1- 866-585-0056 www.thecovergoy.co HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand nsm m/o/i options, înciodîng coer, 2006 model. Stl in mrapper. Cost $10900., Sacrifice $5.500. CaI 905- 971-1777 JENN Air Sîldce-n Domn- druSt Range w/ uccesso- ries; GE Retrigerotor Frigidaire Dîshmashsr; WHITE, socs/lent condi- tion, 5750/al. obo. Cai Lindla 905-876-3756 LEATHER! 3 pîes ita/ian set Sota, iovessat and chair. New, in plastic. Coot $6900. Sei $2500. 905-304-4873. POOL Tub/e, Professionai Series. Sa/id Wood4, 10/uIts, Ail Accessaries. Nem, Still Boxed, Cast $6.200, Ssi $1.950. 905- 304-9994 ROXTON sa/id mapis dis- Mul &B nc sta, apais cihr exen- Daycare Daycareui ac in 4Cpancar x AqnIq 'vaîfable Avaîlabie & uInstruOiCoi celeint condition. $500. WANTED Lins-mn cars- __PIANO 905-876-8988. gîner for 2 kîds, CPR/ firt ad rquiedmus -r0 ;NCLESSONS SAUNA, 2/3 persan, in- know h08 ta cook, look Qualified Teacber home, m/c.d. player and for Dury (416)945- WA.RC.T, L P P. P.D.P. lights. Never used. Cant 9624. '5 B OAYCARE RMEam, $5500, Ssi $2750. 905- EXPERIENCED analabse, seperi- Recîtal, Recreationa 0-77 Daycare Osycare Provider sncsd pronîder. 0811(416)-930-7033 Available Fus Safs Envi anmsnt. Cutystigfu evmsaeArclsWnd First Aid Poaice Check, Cotysnntn LaemsaeAtc sWne HOME Daycare Non-smoking, Re- searnng environ- Anailabte. Der- ceipts, References. ment. Fissble s mdl Sommr Articles ry/Thompsan. Experi- Sheriie 1905 87-17 anîlbs o _ _ _ I K sncsd and qoaiified. Sei(0)8517 spaces Bvial. M o ae EST Ca$b$ Paîd- Art, For turthsr information, DAYCARE nssdsd- ailler 905-878-3678. PO alpoe-Atqe, Cletbe contact Neeiam 905 schooi daycars requîred sina serLtae milS sr China, CstaiSlver 878-3320; eul 416-835- for tmo JM Denyes sinlsre iheey hnCytl ivr 4735, (Grade 1 & SK) stades upgrade. 1, nisats. Figurines, Royal Doîîiin effelie Arl -$00 worlh of accesso- Smarovsk, Giasn, Pootery; efetvepi ries. Brand nsm in boa. Etc EntaIs Specialîsts, > (n" 2,2007. Pisase cai 905as $5.000. mont ssii Top Cash. Cal John/ lu ylae nrad calu 905.87812341188i 18alr60 $1500 519-722-4077. Tracy 905-331-2477 2003 Civic LX Sport. Fui/y /oadsd. Manua, 4-dr. Black m/ Grey interior. Sun roof, spaîl- er pwr/svsrything, nem brakes. 78,000km, $15.500 Certîfîsd & e- testsd. Vîsm mesksnds. Cai Mark 905-815- 3863. M aWaned ONTARIO Auto Removol Service Scrop Vehîcie Dis- posai. Fast, Frîendy Free Toming Protessiona, Fui/p Insursd Cai 24/7 Cei 416-486-9464 $$$$$$$ 416 4tom ng.com $$$$$$$ topace your a in Ute CaIa CIampmo ca/i 905.878-2341 IIII Tm er nng EM Irvements GARAGE Door and Opener Services. Fast and professiona repairs & installation Easy Up Doors 905-873-9867 PAV CON CONTRACTING 6asemests, mash- oarrs, paining, decks & fences, gens al spars. Col Tony 647-505-6869. Foity isured mIerrimtnng MARCHESICII, Maria (nee Paullch) tl lu with greut sadss thut the tam//y onnounces the passîng of Maria Marche- sîch, alter a brief i/mneus on Wednssduy March 21,- 2007, surrounded by her fumiiy ut Miltan District Hospital. Predeceased by ber husbund Pietro. Deur mather of Libero and hîs ite Lidia and Dînoaund is mite Nota/la of Milton, and Nerino Ferre/i and her busband Mîmma and Palmira Metzgsr (Peter) aI Ia/y. Gruodmoîber of Savero, Marco and Alejandro of Italy and Yuri and Mikuela of Mil/ion. Great Grand- mother aI Marlo and Chiaru. Frisnds are invitsd to visit ut the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James Street, Mil- ton 19051 878-2669 on Sonday Match 25 tram 6 - 9 p.m. Vigil Prayers wl be prayed uithie Fanera Home on Sunday ut 8:30 p.m. The Mass of Christian Banial miii be cetsbratsd ut Hoty Rosary Cburcb, 139 Martin Street, Milton on Monduy Marcb 26, 2007 ut 10:00 arn. Interment 10toîomo in Evsrgrssn Csmetsry. In liesa 0f tiomers, donations 10 the Million District Hospital Foundation or the cbarity oI ane's choice mou/d be apprsciuted by the fami/y. Donations and condolences an- lins a wm.earlyfuneralhome.com. j. r' "OTTR WEIGHT i.0SS & NUJTR N CMn is seeking Energetic, Motivated, Career Oriented Individuals Experience is flot a relquiremnent. Please email yaur resumnes ta hmst.catharines@hotmail.com or drap by in persan 419 Dundas St. East (Hwy 5), Waterdawn. if yau have any questions please ldon't hesitate-ta cali (905) 689-7546] Are You a Person with a Disability lâteresteil in Training for Emo yment?.1 sile. Any iime 905-702 andi aut $7,600 o4o 7547. 647-866-9976. PUGGLE Female0 valbe Puppy For Sale. Riley SANDV'S cleaning, home. is a S monlh nId office & commercial dean- Puy/Beagle cross. wîih i00 services. Serving ail her vaccines. Hoase Aclon, Campbelvlle. lraîved, huppy and Georgetown& Milton. Cal gond wilh kîds, Caîl tsday for a free estimale, 905-678-4210 aller Sandy 905-876-7080 or 6:OOpm. $750 060. 905-749-0591. Er Ca or Sale- m a or Sale R: Zl HAVE A USED CAR TO SELL? Let the Canadian Champion Classifieds help get the word out. Advertise in Milton and GeorgetownlActon for $40 + GST or Milton, Burlington and OaIcviIIe for just $59 + GST

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