A2 2 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 23, 2007 :Seeàing Beyond Numbers d WedCO allkIdnls of Taxes 21 Reasonale Rates.- Check us First 21100%/ Satsfctio Guaranteed MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL FOUNDATION BOARD 0F DIRECTORS APPLICATIONS NEEDED Board members are required 10 serve on the Milton District Hospital Foondation (MI3HF) Board ef Directors. The positions open are voluntany and unpaid, consisting et two three-year terme. In order te te eligible candidates must: Be a resident ot, or employed en thre Regional Municipality ef Halton Interested applicants cao seirmit their resumne to thre Nominating Committee for treir consideration and subsequent sairmiosion te thre Anfuai Meeting for election. OnIy tirese setected by thre Nominating Commîttee toroan interview will ire contacted. If yes would reqaire mone information on the role of1a MDHF Board ef Dînecton. please contact the Fourndation office at 905-876-7014 on emaîl dmclaughlio@iraltenhealthcare.on.ca Please oubmît youn resume toý Chir, Nemieating Cemmittee Milton Dietrict Heepital Feendatien, Board et Eirecters 30 Derry Read East, Miîten, ON L9T 2X5 Fax: 905.693.9199 DEAULINE FOR SUDMISSION IS APRIL 20, 2007 THE GIANT USED BOOK SALE IS BACKI Wàeoc Friday, March 30, 9:30 arn to 9:00 pm Saturday, March 31, 9:30 arn to 6:00 prn Where: Milton Mail, Ontario St. In its 34th GREAT year, the Sale, a projeot of the Of University Woheu, Milton~ and District, is bigger and better than ever! MORE BOOK$ - MORE CDS - MWOR OVOs - MORE VIDEOS, COMPUTER GA MES and TALKING BOOKS! se sure to cornfe eaarly for best selectiont! Proceeds from the Sale fund post-secondary scholarships for deserving women students in Milton and area. Price's Eagles declaw UNH Wildcats Wu s-'ecure Hockey East J miosi Take on St. Lawrence in Sweet 16 round tomnorrow Matt Price sure didn't bave to wait long to get into some bigb stakes play in tbe NCAA. A fresbman forward witb power- bouse Boston College, tbe 18-year-old Miltonian now finds bimself just two wins away from the Frozen Four - and witb is Eagles still basking in tbe glow of Saturdays Hockey East champi- onsbip triumph over tbe third-ranked New Hampsbire Wildcats. An NCAA championship finalisr last spning, BC jumped out to an early lead Oswego quite -from NOVAK'S on page Al19 composure they might not otherwase bave enjoyed. "Gevtng up tbat late equalizer (watb two-and-a-balf minutes left) was cer- tainly discouraging, but we seemed to be fairly confident going into over- on tbe way to toppling tbe Wildcats 5-2 - m whacb marked their lOth straigbr win and 14tb in 16 games. Tbe 4~î I toy fostlofe a6- Hocy Easttted vi6-2 semnifinal decision over arcbrival Boston University just the Mt rc nigbt before. Mt rc WsVile struggling to crack tbe veter- an-laden lineup tbrougb tbe early stages of the season, Price bas played more often tban not lately and compet- ed in tbe Fagles' record-breakîng sev- entb Hockey East cbampionship win. One of only two Canadians on tbe team, tbe five-foot-10-incb, 183- pounder bas two goals and three assists in 22 games tbis year. Boston College will now take on tbe St. Lawrence Saints tomorrow in tbe Nortbwest Regional Semifinals in Manchester, New Hampshire. Tbe win- ner will battle eitber Miami or New Hampsbire Sunday for a bertb to tbe Frozen Four in St. Louis, Missouni. confident in OT says Novak time," said Novak, wbo had three assists in 21 games tbis season. "0f course theres always tbe tbougbt tbat a lucky bounce is going to win it, but to be tbe best you've got to beat the best, and we just had a feeling we were going to do tbat tbis year." If theres one downside to last week- end's national victory, its that tt didn't come witb fellow defenceman and Miltonian Bryan Gent, wbo was just a year sby of boisting the trophy with Oswego - having just graduated from the New York State school and moved on to tbe Soutbem Professional Hockey League ranks tbis season. "'Ifs too had be couldn't have been bere for this, especially since it could be tbe fîrst of a few (national champi- onsbips),- Novak said optimistically. "We've got most of the team back next year, and wtb a national tîtie now under our bet and a new facility, tbe top players are going to want 10 comte bere. We're onlv going to get better." 2007 Golf Memberships Available Championschip Private 18 Hole Golf Club Limited Time Available AL (;14 For more information cail today! Trafalgar Golf & Country Club 905-878-2303 Correction A story in Tuesdays sports section 2008 Memorial Cup. contaaned incorrect information. Kingstoa 15 in fact only a fanalist to It was reported that local C3HL host the major-junior national tour- rocîkie Josb Brittain would bc seeing nament ai this tie, with the host cbampionsbip play next season, witb site being announced May 7. bis Kingston Frontenacs bosting the The Champion regrets the error.