~#qg r'< ~ b ~ ~ ;'~ a ; ~1 Milton's Community Newspaper Since 1860 P eknd Edition N E W S S P 0 R T S Seniors apartment Novak's Lakers win building proposed D3 national title A & E Author leaves readers t1ùnking www.mioncanadianchampion.com I 8~28 A. Merln MeiaGr ppuliaton- o. 48 Noe 4..*y arh2,2075Pg- e,0(nl.... GRAHAM FAINE!/ CANADIAN CHAMPION UN FULL BLOOM: Spring just arrîved Tuesday but a colourful array of flowers i0 already in bloomn at Terra Greenhouses. Here, Diane Verhey takes a close- Up Iook at a phalaenopsis orchîd, commonly called the math orchîd. Consultant may study power plant report By Melaniie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF The Town is laoking ta bire a consultant ta conduct its own review of an environmental report recently prepared by TransCanada Energy (TCF), which intends ta build a power plant near the Halton Hills/Milton barder. At its meeting Manday nigbt, the Town's administration and planning cammittee endorsed cantracting a law firm and environ- mental consultants for up ta $50,000 ta asstst staff in assessing the environmental review document from TCF. But before daing sa, tbe caunicillors around the table - many wba actually aren't vating members of tbe cammîttee but were in atten- dance - voiced their mi.xed tbaugbts an the nation. For Wards 1 and 3 Councillar Barry Lee, the expenditure is a "total waste of mancy" He noted tbere are already otber agencies dealing witb tbe power plant matter, like Conservation Haltan and tbe Regian, wbicb be deemed ta be far mare acquainted witb tbe issues than a law firmn and consultants. 1I just tbink we're taking $50,000 and tbrowing it out tbe window," be said. Ward 3 Cauncillar Jan Mowbray also ques- tioned baw tbe Tawn's review of the repart would vary fram tbe one the Regian has already done. "Haw many ways do we need ta be told tbe samne tbing?" she said. But Ward 1 Cauncillor Rick Day, wbo bas long been vocal about bis cancerns with power plants, said he daesn't tbink a Town review wauld duplicate work thats already been campleted. 1I bave a lot of confidence în tise Regian, but tbey don't bave the samne interest tbat we do in this. We need ta bave samebady wbo only bas aur interests at stake," hie said. 1I just feel that we bave ta (do tbe revlew) if we're really sincere in laaking aut for tbe bealth af tbe people of Miltan. Ta me, $50,000 *see COMMITTEEs on page A17 Bacteria found in wells By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Almost 40 per cent of residential wells in Halton recently tested by the Region were found ta, have bîgh levels of bactenia - a statistic that has regton- ai councillors urging rural citizens ta, frequently sample their water supply. The study results, whicb were pre- sented ta the Regions health and social services committee Tuesday, revealed that of the 303 wells randomly tested tbroughout the area by the Halton Region Healtb Department in 2006, 37 per cent had unacceptable water quali- ty in ternis of bacteria. And wbile Halton Medical Officer of Healtb Dr. Bob Nasal reported that the number is actually an improvement see SOME on page Al17 Insideàn Today's Champlion OPINION A6 CLASSIFIED A23 DATELINE B5 REAL ESTATE B14 www.rrltoncanadianchamplon.com Incerta: FULL. DISTRIBUTION A & P - LOBLAWS - ELLERS - WALIMSRT *FOOT BASICS - HOME HARDWARE* MDS PARTIAL DISTRIBUTION ID 155 StARS.- CANADIAN TIRES LEEPFPACTARY - PSICE CHOPPER.- SOBEYS. HOME ST ESSE *THE BASKET HOSE . EB GAMES - TQPPERS PIZZA *RABOT FINE F0000.- PIZZA PIZZA. URSOPPERS DRUS MART *StARS.- ROGERS WIRELESS - THE SOURCE ST CIRCUIT C"T *COLTS TSAR WORLO - MICRESLS - 8EST BUY - FUTURS STOP www.miltontoyota.com r-'. I