Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Mar 2007, p. 5

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 20, 2007 - A5 Champion relocates Real incentive ripped ihrough its Main Street office lasi rnontb. The new office is located at 555 lndustrial Dr,on the sec- ond loor. Haîf the staff is already there - îbey movedi Friday afternoon - whîle the others wîll be joining îbem in the weeks to corne. Currenîly, the editorial, production and circulation deparîrnenîs are boarding with their sister paper, The Oakville Beaver. The new space wîll serve as a temporary location until a permanent location cani be secured. [be move is being made in stages as computer equipîneni arrives, said advertising director Wendy McNab. Residents who need to pick up a paper are welcome 10 do so at tbe new location, but with lirnîîed siorage there'l be a maximum of one paper per person. Walk-în hours are 9 arn. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday The building is equipped with an elevator. The Champions pbone number will remain the saine, as will staff members' extensions. The Champion can be reached at (905) 878-2341. McNab wants to, thank Miltons Holiday Inn Express for acting as a ternporary home for the advertising, classified and sales deparîrnenîs, as well as the general public for their undersîanding during fis sornewbat chaoîic lime. "Ild like to thank A the custorners, readers, aîîd busi- nesses in Milton for their patience during thîs ordeal," McNab said, adding, -We are back in business and open to the public. Plan open house tomorrow Local residents can share iheir îboughts on the Regions 2007-2010 Straiegic Plan at an open bouse tomnorrow evening. The session will mun from 7 to 9 p.m. ai l-ugh Foster Hall, wîth a staff presentation ai 7:30 p.m. on the planis draft thernes and goals thai wtll set oui regional council's vision for the nexi fotir years. Staff will pass along the feedback [or counlcil memibers 10 consider wbile finalîzing the plan over the cointng montbs. For more inforniationi vîsît www,,. bal ton. ca/strategtcplan. Those who can't make if to the open bouse can stîl suh- mit their comments 10 the Region îhrough an on-lîne feed- back forin ai www.balton .caastratplaniconisuli. Changes made 5 mont- to childcare1 wsm subsidy processTh The Region of HiaIton is remînclîng BPC: EVR locatl residents ibiat the Provincc bas introduced important changes tî tbe Fo eligîbîlîîy process for cbîldcare subsi- 1 like dies.. Teat'h Ea Fainilics who need belp covering the 5 dlay adetv cost of chîldeare will need 10 provide information about their income lesel TRAILHEAD: based on their most recent income tax COhMLJNITy submîssion. Foui The sirrplified approach wvill use the Fie] fainily"s inconie bo deteririne eligibility. Lither an income tax notice of assess- Teach Ear ment or childcare tax benefit notice wmill Both programrs need to be provided. next to t Familtes wvith a net income of less Apply than $20,000 per vear cati be eligîble 1. Downîîoad ani lor fulîl cbildcare subsidy. 2. Submiî t i1t yi Fainîlîcs with a net incomc of $20,000 anid more pîer scar cati be elîgi- Mo hie for partial sttbstdics ou a slîding9 ,-cale. Paîrents or- tbosc wbho kinoss ol aî fam- w.r îlv ssvlio lias diculît pîvitig tbe [cull staff@brc cosi tof cîitldcarc cati contact I lton Bo Regiotîs, chlîtc,îrc scri ces ,tt ()05) Baro 825 8000 Gr Thcs- cati alstî sisit ssssla toa1 Halfon E acc ess iutler inîformationi ont inc oi I from DION on page AI sive development of green technolo- gies here in Canada,' Dion said. When asked by the Champion whai a carbon budget would mean for the natural gas-fired power plant planned for land near the Halton Hills/Milton border, Dion said he's been told that the facility wvill already be a very clean one. "We want to create an incentîve for clean solutions," he noted. Those in attendance ai the ecoSummît also hacl a chance t0 share their thoughts wîth Dion. Milton resîdent Paul Tate suggest- ed ihat to be friendilier to the envi- rooment, roads should be buiît out of concrete instead of asphaît. The Liberal leader was asked if he would introduce legislaîîon to force the auto industry to produce and selI elecîrîc vehicles, to which he said yes. Turner also accepted questions over the Internet, with one person asking Dion why he didn't propose the carbon budget when be was the minister of the envîronmenî. Dion pointed opi that he wasn't tbe leader then and also saîd be bas better ideas îodlay. 'I wisb I would've invented iî tbree or four years ago- he saîd. Melainie Htnnesse y tan bc retîthed (I ihi nlicntssc.Yt(tniltontiadiaicham- piltit ont. CAiuw& aeV *7Owk Main & Vio e 17VnDivM (95)63i7 AMlR"ti 1loU-f Ioeused byan efforn ourttr datdMach 1 -Mach 22l IProduct: Rocky Balboa, On page 40 otho Morc 1 61 fle wesoe hsmveas the Biu-ray edio or $24 99, Iprhs h l-a dto o 3 9SUM177 Eaily bookîng savings on ai Europe packages. Book by March 31,20071 -ICIS olad favuarrý in re Bian O rannd many other COLinroco atong the Niagara Escarpmeîît Rock ctirng irthkeepers to etenientarv stusterîts nture tnip in Algonqtuin tirreniagarni XýPLORATION & ADVENTURE Grade 10 r credits-grade 10 and t1t ld trips in yotîr cornmunity Wiîderness travet -thkeepers 10 eîementary studetîts are tocated in a beautifut naturat setting he Niagara Zscarprnent in Hatton to the Bronte Creek Projecti applic altin fi oni tar wo'ii site our guildance office bv Wednesotav. Aprit 4th I L et us guide you through afl unforgettable Europedn experiencel W1a a ~ 1 - I re Information: 05-331-3500 ntecreekproj ect. org întecreekproject. org ite Creek Project W Allan High School )istiict School Board

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