Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Mar 2007, p. 23

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday March 20, 2007 - 23 ~7 ~& ~& ~7 ~J~7 ~7 HsIp Sain HeIp ~miHelp _______ cal HoIp ~oeIHeip jj~jffi j~j~ & Agents Ci TOMER CCC ~' I I The Oak'ville Bcax'er I Rulail Soieo Auvociaivu for oui Barlingian localions. Retail Experience & Wine Knowiedge on Aaaet Orîeniatiov ond Traînîng are proaided Ooys, Evenîngo ond Weekendv as requirud Plusse email yusr resume and cover leser iv careers@vineysrdseoiatewîneo.cum ur fao 905643-4515 or mail tu 697 Sustir Service Rd Grimuby ON L3M 4E8 viail us at awc.vineyardoestatewines.cum fora locatian ta oppiy in person Wbiie ce ihook ail ibuos chu appiy ce ciii oniy reupuud lu thuoe under cuuuîderatiuo aud 00k thol ou vespasse be made by phoos. e- i i AIR QUALITYTECHNICIANS WLQI1eC * Complets 00. Trainîng S14.9StîrIS2SOOmanth ta start * Paîd Ou. Vacalîssu * Fuiltîme buars, nu iay-uffo Protesufusai & friendiy aurk envîrvoment * Fou Benefits You 011e,: * Wiiiingseso ta learo * Positive asdude * Presentable appearance * Psnctuaiity * Oued mark stuc Canalytical Instrumenlation Services mc. bas a pusitios tor: NATIONAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE For oui opectroscupy pruducis. Knuaiedge 0f iCP-AES, Arc/Spark, Mercsry & Atumic Absorption apectrometers s esuenfial Va/id drivers lîcense and pasapuri requîred. Please forward resame ta: sales@canalytical.com EFFICIENT WAREHOUSE PERSONWANTED Burlînglon dîutrîbutor bas immediale openîvg for a F/T warebusue person. Responsîbîlîtîea oc/ada ahippivg/receîvîng, stucking sheives, eic Hîgh ociruol dîplumo requîred Sabmit resumes by Mai-ch 23rd. Ener-Gard Energy Producis lnc. Fax: 905-336-1188 E-Mail: admin@ener-gatd.com Poultry processing plant iras available administrative positions for: INVENTORY CONTROL PAYROLL PRODUCTION YIELDS/ COSTING, SWITCHBOARD, ACCOUNTS RECEl VABLE Requins min. 3 yeam nelevool espeveoce Fax resumes inctudlng salai-y expeciatians ta: 905-632-9108 ~J~t ~ed& j~ 3~uiHeiP JACKOFALL Miltun TRADES easy Salon, reqaires a lau time $25430Air styliot. Huuniy mage Skiiisd in Carpsntry, pias inventives mur Pismbîsg, Electricol, benstits. Csramic, Paintisg, asd Waii Paper. tex. iruum, F/T & P/T -' - - pusdîusu ausilabie. * Muot beys sas tuolo, reliabie trasapurtation Barttngtonhllamitan 905-575-4405 jj~~jj. OakiMisatssauga 026-0655 ACME ENVIRONMENTALS Toi-ostos Doantoas Landacape Compaay, s iookîng tor a: Fleet Mechanic Shouid have tire espesiesce ta wsrk os vebîcies, loader, skîd 515ev, mowers, hy- draulîca, as meil as vanîoas smaii engises (î.e stose saws, tampers, blumers etc.). Abiiity to weid as asset. P/T ur F/T Caîl Victor: 416-461-2263 M KEEN RESTAURANT SERVICES We ave Ivukîna fui a tuil lime Reirigeration Afechmnic and Oas Fit! e, lu uervîce tira hospi- taiity înduutvy Minimum 2sd puai apprentico asd G3 Oas Licence prstsvved Please tas reaume ta: (905) 7O2-O~U or saisit ta: ksenontineOaztec-net.COsn Sa~u~ ~f ~ Miasissauga 'Satuno eopasds cîlh usprecedesled nec pnudoct Class A' Automotive Service Technician Fiat rate shop with strong emphasis on castomer and employee satistaction GM or Saturn experience a detînite aaset. Technîcal competence and abitity lu work n an esergetic team a strict requirement. Compensation commensarate with espe- rience Professional Sales Consultant Our product tine s growing last and turjous, and we need energetic, eager to learn individuats 10 010 our dynamic team. Sales experience a require- ment, but does not need ta be auto motive. We otter a psy plan second 10 nons nctuding saiary plus bonus. Come ase why everyone a saying 'Thats a Saturn?" Email resume to jobs@saturnmississauga.com or fax ta: 905-6074611 2Territory Representativesl i Inside Sales Representatives A ceil esloblished nalionsi dîstributor vi specioity valves, îostrumenioiioo snd coniruls hou immedi- aie upeningu for tws Oulsîde Techniosi Saiesper- sons with ai leasi 3 years indusirial sales esperi- ence. The f irai territory streiches trom Hwy 400 esof iv Oshows; the other from Homibus iv Niags- rs Folio Previosu kvoaiedge cil moîor indusiriol Oc- couvis atihin ihese laîrdories a o musi Ove openîog evîsis for an insîde Soiesperuon The ose- cessiol covuidote ahi be respunsible for hondiîng telephone inquires reiatmg 10 produci niormation, pricîvg ond geoerotîvg quolatîvro. To quulîfy, you musi have good communicotion ukilis, relevovi an- perience, mechanîcol optîfude, o passion 10 serve, ond o strovg wvrk eihîc. Relevoni Coliege or Uni- versîiy Techoîcol educolion aould ha on 05551. Pieasa forueard youe reoume o coolideoce la. Procsss & Steam Specialites Fax: (905) 828-9716 resume@processandsteam.cam ~~elp m~etp CANCABLE inciDependabie iF a a grumîvg, Casadion-bsnsd tscbno/ugy and fîeid asrvîcsu firm, opsmhng iv the Te/ecummunicaflosu ond T uscioru. Ws ors locatsd iv Burlînglun, and ara currsstîy rscruitîsg fui on: Executive Administrative Assistant This a a nem/y creslsd pusibun tuaI miii repuS 10 tire Presîdent and CEO. Tins posîbun miii provîde ad- minîstrabve aso/utanes lotus sascuhas cummitise. The ides/candidats wi/i baus: * Strusg inler-persusai au//s * Encspinna//p au/id wnting, drairisg and cumpoooiun ski/to * Advavcsd PC ski//a and wurkîng knua/edgs 0f Micrusuir Windows pialfurma, osas//au ail MS Ofirce applicatissa * Higbty adaptai crsalîng curperats prssentatiuvs * Knuw/sdgs uf Adobe Piruivubup, ti/astralur and Acrobat * Undsrotandîng uf hasineso prînciples. sucb au markstîng, finance, accountisg sic. if you ars iststsstsd iv /ssrning more ahaut ibis op- pvrtunity plsaos furmard puai isauma lu: opportunities@dependabteit.com P/sous îsc/uds compensation sapactations wdb app/icutivn We regret thai on/p candidateo se/ectsd for 00 inter- view ci//be costacted Findîxg a greai job mas so easy. Jasi opus t1~(as~anCNapat classîi/ed secuiva s a/tii îook Pbiiao9i.i5575 i4i r soi classîfiedin mîlîuncsnadiaacbampion tvm convoi/y bas SO opvsîug loi a HUMAN RESOURCES REPRESENTATîVE (1-Vear Maternity Leave) We are /ooking for a qualîfîed candidate ta jais sur Humas Resources team miro mili be responsîbte for ausiatisg management and staff ix tire ai-eau aI benefits, employes i-stations, recrailment, compensation and irealtir and safetp. Dat/es mili include coordissting tire internai and esternai recruiling mincir inctudes inlervieming candidates, cosducling nem hure orientations and in-iroase training. Otirer responsibi/ilisa miii isclade a/t besefita administration, muniturisg tire performance appraissi pruceas and faci/itating ssd psrticipating on tire Joint Heattir and Safetp CommiSes. You miii essial tire Human Resources Manager mur vsrioau reports and upreadubeets vmnd airer Humas Resources rslaled functions and essai-e att proper documentation is prepared for papi-o/t. Vua ml/I irans a posi secondai-y edacatian iv Human Resources mitir 3 pears progressive esperience; morking lomards CHRP designalion Proticiency iv Microsoir Office s neceusary. We reqaire an isdividxal miro demonstrales suce/lest customer service ukilis. Tirs abitity lu priorilize and mu/ti-task s essential ta Ibis very basp position P/sous uend a caver letter slong milir your resume iv confidence lu: ADESA Toronto 55 Auction Lane Brampton, Ontarlo L6T 5P4 Fax: 905-790-0306 Emali: hrioronto@ADESA.com FuIl-Time Receptionist NAVIOR GROUF INC. a mîd sized company 10- catsd s Oakviiie bas an immediats upesisg for a F/T receptiosiot The succesulsi casdidate w/il bave sot eus Ibas 2-3 years experiesce. Muot have ea- ce/lent ister-persusol ukîlis, sap. wdh A/P matchîng and otrung computer ski/lu iv Word asd Facel Ptsase e-malt i-esume ta kbui-ldsatdei-@ngi.ca si-taxis 905-338-1909 Intermediate Accounting Clerk NAYLOR GROUP INC. o mîd oued composy lv- cated iv Ookvîile hou an immediats opssîng for a F/T intermediote Accusntîsg Cierir The succeos- fui candidate w/i bave nul leso thon 5 years sup n a fuit cycle /k/P pruceso înciud/sg poyroll and dota entry Muot boue strusg computers ukîlis la Word ond Eacel. Please emait resame ta kbeîi-khatder@ngi.ca or fax ta 905-338-1909 OCousor MacLsoud Hauna LU? a MACLEOD oeveuteeo iasyer Oakvîiis lac brm, bau HANNA ,~, the Iuiiocîug two pusîtiosa avouable o their Corporaia/Commercie/ depi CORPORATE LAW CLERK CORPORATE LEGAL ASSISTANT The auccesuful candidates miii have a thorvugh ksumisdge 0f MS Word, Micrusufi Outiuok asd be cumfurtabie wurkîng aîih a curporote datoboos and bave sacsiiest cummusîcatios ond organîzo- tiasai akîlis. Min. 3 yearo saperiesce a preferrsd. istsrestsd candidates abuuid forsord reaume 10 OConnor Macîead Hanna hP Bai-i-laiera & Sotictiars 790 Keri- Street, Oakvtlte, Oniaria 16K 3W5 Fax: (905)842-0238, E-malt: rfmer@amh.ca Nu tsisphuse calta piesua Ws tbask ail applicoolo for tirs/n intereot, buceser. 05fr thous ta ha interviecsd ci/I ha costacted Customer Care Representative Ans yuu entirusiastue, caring & dependable? Wsuld yuu snjo~u an upportusity iv a company ibat truiy apprscialed ibsîr staff? Are yuu a reai prufessuon- ai? Ws are aeekisg a psraun miro wîil serve as a Cualumer Cars Repreussialins aI the Cumpany. The idsal candidats muuld bave sacalissi verbal & mritf 5v cummunication ski//s and ha asti organized Psu miii bave rsapunsibiidy for ssoiuting customem adir tirsîr nseds, acbsduiîng mechanîca snd pru- vîding a suppud lusctiuv ta tirs dîapalcb arso. Ws baus an saceilent cumpensalisn package for Juanss Fabrîco mc , a isading ebule- sais dîstri lui 0f decurative fabrie, s currsstly ussking Fuliy Bilingual (French I Engiish): * Customer Service Representative and * Credif (AR) Representative 10h11 OROWTH pustionu ausilabis îmmsdîateiy Succesoful candidates miii ha higb/y motîvatsd, snergstîc and haes pisasant telephone mannerîsmu. Tsam playera are rsquired for oui svergstîc, faat pacsd envîrusment. Candidates wanting ta (sin a dynamic, gi-swing tIi-m ahsutd fsmai-d i-esumsa b hnr@jffabncs.com Fax 905.491.3902 I Legal Assistant Oakvîiiu Solo Procti- lisser Ruai Estate ond Eiectronîc Regîuirotîon eaperience iv convuy- ascer, fleaibie hours Fax ai-E-malt resame vtinti@cogeco.ca 905-844-9955 No telephone cal/s NATURAL F000 BusIness Baaming Rapîdiy eupasdîsg company n usorcb 0f indîvîdualu for saisa asd masagemant. No pruapectîng or cuid- caiiîsg A/i appoint mento ouppiied 3-5k/mu sapectsd + bunus. Car souestisi Oaimvilte/ Ulitan catt 866-475-9187 Buriingtonl Flambsi-oagh Cait 866-374-9507 ceut 905-878- CanyougetthePoesidentanthephone? q bxo seau tu bax seau a usd sa/es s yau ta ent pua as/d am tuol carpeda s xeakng bau nasa samy ndodsas Ian mmsdate opesago au uer Besinssu Dessisyment teom Vour gaul us ta ca/i ovar prs-idsstiired, assigned pruspectv s urder ta ast besinsue meeings adir tue President /ur ntusr Senes Eoscatios/, ou habali aI yuur sutamol sa/es sasceirne (PP-/eoe// We seelc * Tire miii axd talent/v bauk meetings by cundactîsg uatuuand pirune ca/la un o persiatext, cissi-, asd cuxcuse arulsaulanai manner * Tira abi/ity ta cnmmunucate ond bond/e abjections mîtu Presidents, Sexuar Euscataes, ond tueur Esecutuas Asaistonts. * Basic cumpater ski//s ove requured We ofter * An sstrepreneunia/ snvirunmest * An nppai-tsnity fo interaci mîtu clients o/tue bîgirost leusi * A cumpsfîtîae boue saloiy muSi o sugnulicant veuutts-bossd parfarmonca havas p/on, uscapped, mutu muniE/y poyments * A competutuas benelutu pocksge airer 90 doys * A nemiy-rsxuaoted muids sa/su office un dumnivan Sokoîlie * Cunlunauvo mounîng ovd coacbîvg, hotu lecirnucol Corpedios servucesi avd tactucal icavuersuon techniques olci To explore opportunities: * P/sous oisif aur corser sec5iuv ai carpedia cum v or emaîl puar resume and cumpessairun iriatury I evpectotuuns iv e~-~ ~ ê ~ caremu@iarpsdua com INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE The qualîfîed candidate miii be a motivatsd, inde- ndert, self-starter aur an iniereat iv advsrtîsîng sales. You aili poussas suceilent wrîsen ond ver- bal communication ukilia ssd ire familiar euh Mîcrusuir computer applications. Av edscaliuvaî backgrosnd iv advertiaing muuid be as aussi A greot place ta otan pour carser1 iv Ibis ruts,- yos aili ha cuatumer fucused and miii buîid strosg relationabîpu witb vsw and saîstisg cli- enta by snaurîng ibat ibsîr odvsvtîaing sssds are met. Pou miii be guai-uvientsd avd capable csf meeting regular oaies budgets ond speciai section targels w/ibis a dsadiîvs fucussd envirosment Il yuu wusid lîke 10 wurk fora leader n the media indsstry ibis oppurtusity moy be tire rigbf uns fur yuu. if îrtsrsatsd pisase fuveard yusr resume iv, dbatrd@oakviiiebsaeei-.com lYs appi-eclate tire interest of att appticants however only thoae selected for an Interview witt be contacted. No plions catis or agencIes please. SafetyCare tnc. s on îstersotîunai csmpany wîtb offices iv 5 cousines aruund Ibe moud. Ws aspply sufsty troînivg vidsos, dudu snd rsiatsd materiai iv cumpanies ocrusu Canada 10 sasîsi tbsm iv impie- msntîng ibsîr uafety traînîng prugramu. Tirs puai- lion as ars iuukîng 10 f iii requirso s fatiy bilinguai (Englîah/Frssch) usisu person lu mark a prutsctsd client base iv ibe Osebse moiket, os asti as lu usivice on suîutîng client boss for ibe Esgiisb apeakîng morkst. The indîvîdusi ws ais iuuking fui sbouid be abie lu demonstrats utrung orgavization- ai okîllu, snîuy taikîng lu clients vîo ibe teispirons avd be s tsam ployer tus position lu ai nIai-est ta ysu, then please catt Ed Aasman ai SafetyCare toc. ut 9054314070 for tai-tirer information o i i To sel) heat exChangerS, butterfly valves, tilters and other piping related produCts ta ail major automotive plants and other industrial plants. Will train. This s a career fuil time position. Salary +. Resume (o jim @ heatexChangerontario.Ca !2m~I 1 workop~

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