22 - The Conodian Champion, Taesday Morch 20, 2007 &111 z rnrer rz CGAs/ICMAs to vort oas istegrai member of the ftsancîai adminostrative tem and support othen depattmests of the csmpanv. As an ideal candidate, you ste a OGAIGMA wtth esperiesce in the workfstce.You are 'osergetic, nrgastzed osd ditoil orinttid. If you meet t abone qualificatios, pleaoit forward ynu resume Io humain resources@cefi.ca or fax ta 905 331-9977 Financial Analyst & Reporting Candidate mus oofes POOtOGA/OMA (2-5 vis pool designation> wîth ssasd knswiedge asd espertence in applyisg Canadtan GAAP; have at least 2 yrs eaperience in preparing budgets, forecasîs, and msnthiy financiai reporta; have otrsng analytîcai and communication sklua; >bit proficient in Excel; able to, wotk in a fast-pacitd, deadiine-oriented itnirosment. f4RFfN@tileserve.com Fax: 905-525-3105 PAiiL ADIISTZZO GenrlHelp Gmtet ep G~teeS ep Mi Geta op ep Genmt ep us About... 1111, workbpolis.CO Book voar Recruitent ad îvnda v & rece te 2 weeko on Workopolts for onlv $125.00 NEW DEDICATED RUNS N w nMothly Bonus T ctoe t 0 hl ILI NMNo Touch Loads T E " Tractor must be 1998 or newer 0ra 83 ne 1 L er CIMARRON EXPRESS 99 or 800-866-7713 EXT123 xxp 5S.Com www.cimarronexpress.com I BOOM EXPERENCEI PREFERREDI Home avenings& Weekerds Free Training COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US ffl Cali us now at: 1-677-914-KIDS Laidlaw is an equal opportundy employer Mi Heta ep [là HenefPHi Geea Hfep QUADRA Ctiemicats Ltd., a ieadîng markefer and dîstrîbutor af speciaity and commodity chamîcai praducis seeko Warehouse Persan(s for ils Bunilaglon faciiity. RESPONSIBILITIES: Generai warehouse dalles înciuding shîpping; receisîng; piacing stock; innentory couraIs. Prepaning paperwork for sanisus doparlmenls. Venifying information usirg in-housit computer programs. Reguior communicatîion vîlth numerous siher deporîimento 15 ensure vit are meeting customer and operational requirements. Porticîpate sn TOM, ISQ and respnnsible distribu- tinn initialises. REOUSREMENTS: Hîgit Schoi Leasing centîfîcafe 1-3 vears expenience shîppîng/receînîng Abîlîly to operate o fosklifi Good physical condition Team ployer; sitîf-motîsoted. ability ta hardie pressure Excellent aiganizatianaI; probiem soling skllis ASSETS: WHMIS, TDG ituperience, Goad Computer Skîlis Quadra prosîdes an excellent remunerotin package. înciudîrng o competîtîne incestîite plan. If yae cauid lutre tai tic aur dynamnic teare, pfeaee farward yaur rieume ta: Quadra Chemicats Ltd. Toli-Free Fax: 1-866- 424-9458 Emnait: reaume@quadrachemicats.com Subject: Warehouse - Burtington No phare caftas pli Oniy candidaitea wif h relevant qualificatiana wifl be canfacted. Ynu are a talented, oeussned pnsfeaaîssal vitb stnong adîtoria management okîlis and s demnnstnated background in magazinestyle vondcnatt. As thet Editnr vos viii bit nesposîble tnt sattîng the inne ton ail content in the maga- zine vith ysun proses aboiiîy 10 edît, cspv and vrite vith artistîc tiarte f0 defîne and guide sur editsrîsl vision for the magazine. Vos yull be vnnkîng cissely vîit the feom in developîng bîgb impact feolures and articles in keeping vîtb the design and iaysut c, the publicatin. Your kev respsnsbilifes viii be 10i: " desefnp and execule ideas and edîferial pnsîects consistent vît h the direction of the magazine " otrîse f0 manage & improve the creatîve ptnceoo " votA vifh the management team 10i gnov leadership thrnugh innoation amçl atnategîc planning " inspire and mentor tesm members Your prevous edîtorîia itopenience in s magazine publication along vît h ysur proses aptitude for vsrkîng on multiple projecis vîtb demundîng deadlînes makes ynu the ideal candidate for titis revardîsg sppsrtuniy. 00e offen vou as excellent sslary plan, a comprehiensîne benefît package and an spporuninv for vsrk vîith a leader in magazine publiîsbng. If înterested, piesse appiv in vnîting by March 28, 200710o h ometufLc Care Service !14fORSIE TCHNICIAN Werk oedeers deliierinq schitduled fawn treatreenta. Preaide an escofient seraice that keeps Our cestere- ors retere cg year atter year. Leare and grec cittrin a pieassrable werk ena renreent. REOUIJREMENTS: Clsan drivina record, physicafta fit, gaed communica- tion skils, cerfs lndependentfy. We train no eep. req. Saiary Ma.00 56 ci Please apply by fax: 957914879 Or email ioba@1honefurf.ca Tud eparmentis nw hiingfor fuît and part time positiens, and gardesinig positions. I Plcasec19853382 j Wiln otrais. I Wages ti coorpensate eapitrience 1Preiouappicants need ntappy. GROWtNG TRUCK- ING csmpany in Mil- ton bas immediate spenîngs in the op- enatîos dept. for, - CITY & LONG HAUL DISPATCHERS& - AFTERNOON ADMIN. PERSON. Plas fa t 90-87-08 iait ;U iO,-,~a Wranteot ton busy groomîng shnp. Must ce out-gning & able fon voni PR *I CH NGîndepesdentfv. .... Eoperîence vîth HIIN dsgs secessary. Fuli-Time or Pant-Time Tecbnician requîned for our Gorsgetovn Location. Stanting vagit of /ou- $S0hnur. Pitase emal reaumerto: no, place vont ad in adamprooff@belinet. catr cariasiee citaasee M 1cail 1 9058c31 len s reand falori Hs pot io SpotadIfrm toi ut-srieognz supr g peo leofale s trard ho t attotr eiors Conat oposito aii n responsve com unity. Links2Care sadnmcognzto ple rihe deofa u- berton Alfn Price.ri Senir inrtitrves Maae Fa 0684-66EmaîfV atîsn ECTOraagR@hcî Ill ar e seegaeeenioar leadrier t asieonthe o lefetedio i ve i r eeiiiseCo iasian Atrican Lion Safari is hosting our ANNUAL JOB FAIR Oneite et Mambasa Market Restaurant Saturday Match 31, 2007, 9amn -12 0005 RR#11 Cambridge, ON NI R 5S2 hr@fiansateri.com - Fax: 519-623-9542 Log os to vwwlinsafari.com and checkr oui ourvwild' seaoeai positins'. Dosf forget in brîrg veut resumne and coser sulerl Fuit-Time -35 haura per veek baeed in aar Oakissite Office The scessisi candidats oui coordinates erviens Io nhe Oaîviie, iturlîrgies and Milles area, Compietien ot a peut-secoary educaties in seaith, ge- restoiogysocial services or equivaiesti s requîtes for this viroin lese torvard yeur ressors b r y 4:0Opor Monday March 001, 2W07 0%Links2Care 0 n ti 50 Wyecroit veau. Unit 2 OakvS ueilie, ON L6K 3t7 Attention. Allises Price Seniors Pregrar Manager Faoý 90$-445656 Emal: attises seni rsstanageretthcsi.ca vie trans eueeysieine r elieneIt v ontivrnsse seie r ana eteriewsxif se sentacted An enguging and dysiaric young mon (30 yeurs o(d) vith autîomn requires Persona Assistant(s), Burlington locatin. Titis peton(s) vîit brîsg ideus and pion vîth him, hîs tsmiy and tniendo invatds meanîsgful csmmunîty participaion vhich may in noise nolusteer comrnitments, recreationai, educu- tissai, and Cther actîsîties. Newoinitiatines fnr com- munîty involnemeitt are velcomed. 10-20 hrs/wk. $2Olhr o otant. Afiensions 1-6 p.m., Toits. 6-9 p or Occasîsola weekends. Min. oni year cnmmîtmesr. -Mature, calm, flexible, critatine, nr exocellent physi- cal condition i.e. bit able f0 walk ait a foot pace ai least 5 krrdday, -Direct esperience vîith adulis vîth outîsmi as anset. *Interesi and skîili n ose or more of: music (piano, celis, nocal, gaîtar), painfing/cdtaving, ennîrsnmien, coskinglnutnitisn, thitatre, social justice. *Vaiued attitudetfovarda people vith dîsablîtres. Wîiingneos toi adnocate for participation sn cnm munity. -Excellent Engioh communication skîlis (verbal and writi). Facility viih MS Word, Inie. *Reiated post secondury educution and qualifica- lions, uninitrsiiy degrite preferred, *Runîsg espitrience an asset. *Autîsmn related training provîded. Te apply: Please eend a carrent resme and caver letter (detaiiing why this sa et persanai intereet ta yaa) ta p.nei1175@gmail.com Please soie: We are a fami not as ugescy. We wvi- corne ail relevant applications, hovever. ny tone neecivd for as interview il be cnacied ONTARIO SOD CJOB FAIR . Sait. March 24, 9am-3pm 2376 Rtoyal Windsor Drive, Oakville ON (Cerner af Fard Dr. & Rayai Windsor Dr.) Came and Se. ua ta discuse yaur ceaI jab s: AZ & DZ Drivers Yas need ta, be mativated, have a vaiid Lic., caretul driver and gaad abstract. We offer: Good hosîly rates, iscenfîne plan, local delîseries and training. Forklift Operators Vas veed lt be mativated, bave a vaiid G Lic., gaad abstract and caretul aperatar. We offer: Gaad haurfy rates, incentive plan, local detiveries and training. Yard Personnel Vos need in bit physically fit, consumer avare. op- erate forklifi. We offer: Good hnuily raies and training. Far tartner information Cantact Ben @ 905-971-7499 00e orlt 6 days a ek. Ontaria Sod ls a divisian af Greenharizans Graup of Farma Ltd. W4ý. 1 . ... _-ý. ýc,.,-:î e_ J FULL-TIME GENERAL LABOURER Seasonal Position Own liansportation and va1ýJ drivcrs licence a musi Fax resumc 905-877-8089 Aliciiiiriii Kc,.II, ineluite Ii, ii 1 00-acre horse farm. Salanv plus Frite Accsmmoda- tion avaîlahie for eoperîenced, bard- vsrkîrg, hsnest and comptient indîvîduai. 416-537-4264 KIDSt KIDS! - -Ages 2+- - Wanted for TV & Mosie Jobs! No Fieol! Men/ Wsmen 16-65 yro. Needed for saime! Ns eofras Parents CalS: (416)221-3829 GENERAL LABOURERS Naaded for manafacturing. Transportation & medîcai clearance seqaîred. $10.tbr. Fax eesumes toi: 519-974-2779 or eimait: larry@macneit manuactoaring.com LANDSCAPING Appleton Lasdscapes bas F/T positins avaîlable foi fthe Lavsi Maint. S costnuction divsiîons. Locuied in South Miss. Fax resumne 905-829-7927 Emaif appletanlandecapes @bettcet.ca BALLROOM DANCE INSTRUCTORS Needed immediatevi " No experience nec. Wîill fraist " Must be persosiable 1-877-622-3237 (Cali: M-F 12-5pm) Fred Aetaire Dance Studia Hamiltoan Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! S1 0/hr. and up- S250lmth. No expetiencit seeded. Under nev management. Ail departimens open. Lîmîfed psitions. 1-866-413-1983 ext. 127 HEALTHY'S Nutrition Stores naquîtes fslipart-tîme Supplement Advisors Faa resumne te Dole: 905-013-1008 Emal istethheolbvo es wanted Flexible Hours RUFFINS PET CENTRE 525 Main St. E. Milton, ON 9 905-875-0475 7 ' - 4 F L M UILL-TIME 0 5-0 BATHER & UL -TI LU 3 H & FLUFFER