Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Mar 2007, p. 20

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20 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday March 20, 2007 * * * * * * Inex: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 -À aRentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-878-3187 Email: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.com *Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e Help Wanted50 Mon. ta Fn. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classffied ads also appear on www.haftonseamch.com * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Ad nubminsios bp mail or in persas: The Canadian Champion, 555 Indastriai Driva, Sida onnr, 2nd Fiant, Milton, ON L9T 5t1 Deadliles: Mnn., il arn., for Taes. publication, Thars, il a.m., for Fn. publication. Spatial Feafore & Holiday dead/isas may vary. Paffeni: Wa accepi cash, chaque, sferar, Vina, MastarCard, Amer/man Express. Ail ado piaced are nen-relundabie and .e redit wcli b. toaued. Business acnnstfs mn ha npened mit h an apprnvod credif applicatinn avai/ahie frnm poar Salan Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY tT RUNS t nsr nte5 informaian is correct. Contact yasr Salas Consultant mitS/s 24-Hnars if an errnr appears. An errar rn a Fni. publicatin must ba rapnrted no lotir thon Mon., Il a.m. BIRTHDAY/OPEN HOUSE à 811HoF or le oru e For Sl atrmorRouit BACHELOR apart- Iment, Milton Mais Street/5th Lise area. Clasifids illbe tmpoariy 1 Single tenant, vo petn preferred. $850/mrP c operaing ot ofheat. 905-875-1150. MILTON large 1 & 2- c lci lo-iald l lcalin'lwil Yil bdrm apartmnents, available Aprîl 1lst. 90 e7824 or i 058838 From $880/mth +park- . 9. Call 416-723- 14 MCCLURE COURT Prîsioa OWINTOWN MILTON $312,000 MliloldeTower Close to high achools, M Direciory 82Mlside Dwrve shopping, park, and REMOVE yoor criminal Attractive qaiet build- GO trais. This is a won- records Fast. We do Par- ing. Spacioos bright darful home tocked dons and US Waivers. rivas 1&2 bedroom away on a quiet mourt in Don't ha embarranoad. 1- osifs w/rh laandry Georgetown. This 3- 800-298-5520 tariiftp and bedroom, 2 1/2 bath- goversmestpardons.ca social room on site. room, semi s situated Regolar resident avents on a pemium lot 139 otae feet deep, adjacent t. a *3*9 orae, Open 7 day. park. Thin home is Lon & eveaiege fasiefallp derorated in MORTGAGES Cali 906-76-1249 seuiral roses and han 101/ saif-employed, wwwroaistar.ca many fafures includ- 95% NO CREDIT, ing: hardwood floorisg 100% dischargad ACTON Apariments. in the living room and baskropfs, 35-40 yr 1 & 2-badroomn disisg room, interlock- amortization. availabia Aprîl & May. isg stose walkways, 416-777-0878 Fridge & stove, laandry large dock, skylight www. facilitias. Prafer no ovar the srairmay, and mortgaganolotions.tv dogs 519-853-4374. a parfially finîshad ___________ Open 7 days/weak. basemant. Ca/I 905- Sm a prvl 703-0330. $SMONEYSS Consolîdate Sm a prvl Delots Mortgages to 100% w.easa. No incoma, bad redit MLO -ero Comm S~pcial Ontariowida Fînancial above store on Main. 6-BAY gorage, Corporation 1-888-307- Includas frîdge/stova & 3 OOoqh o 729r 9 gos irer//ara. wî0qfh . oen y2acrd $850/month + hydro. Bronta/Maain area. 905- Busin90-87-228 875-1150. Servncls- 1-BEDROOM suites in SUB Leasa Wanted: Ap- hoto r bai/ding in E ilOficet/Business proo mately 5000 sq ht Rockwood, wilh gos 10 ~ wt 20ac foot ceilngs. t eplares otartîng or Clean rentaI for 1 yaar $675/month plus OFFfCE/COMMER- minimum. Contact utilitîev. Ca11 Elizabeth CIAL space for 905.643.8726 Doeîl, Johnson Asso- îeaoe, 1600 sq.ft.tiares Realtor 905-977- Milton Haîghts, Apatmeoiti & 165ý $1,200/mth + lm FasFor Reof utîlîties. Cali 905- 2 2-BEDROOM Erîvîva 854-1687. MILTON 2-bedroom apariments in well apartment. $825/mth + maîntainad clean build- hydro. Frdga and ing. Avaîlabla nom. stova înrloded. $800/month inrlodîng *SAvailabla Apeil lot. Caîl parkinglfaondry. Caîl 905-878-5000. 519-833-2032. lu FasFor Roui ACTON 1 -bedroom apartment wîth ha/rony. Aval/ah/e April 1 st 5770/month ati/ities on- ciaded. Quiet Building. No-pets-preferred .192 Charchll Roari South. CaI 519-853-1281. ACTON 1-bedroom. Avaîlabie May tnt. Frîdge, stova, ajtilîtien" înr/aded. No pets. Pîrst/last/refarences re- qaîred. Ca/i 519-853- 3877. ACTON 2-bedroom apartment March tnt. $870/montS att/tries on- r/aded. Quiet Bai/ding. No-pets. 192 Churchill Road South. Ca/i 519- 853-1281. AVAILABLE NOWf This one wonOt Ilot Bright spacioas, con- van/ast/y /ocafad 1 bedroom on Oaa/ph Street, Ada/rn os/y. No pets/smokunig. Ca/i now 416-570-6578. BEAUTIFUL country settîng hermeen Georgetown and Arton. Bright 2-badroom base- ment apartmant. Sapar- ara /aundry room, lots of indoor/oaidoor stor- age. 9990/monts every- thîng incladari. No pets. Ca/i 519-853-9743. DOWNTOWN George- town t-hedroom and 2-hadroom. Non-smok- ar/no pets preferred. MareS 1lot. From 5790/month p/as hydro. 905-702-3301. OOWNTOWN George- town, large 1-bedroom. $785/month p/as hydrn includes appli- onces/parking. No smoking/pets eredît check firstflasilrefr encan. Avaî/ab/e imme- dîatey. Ca/I 905-877- 4427. AddoFaggion to invite fniends and famîily ta heîp celebrate hin 8Oth Birthday Sunday, March 25th The Itaian Canadoan Club 104 Tremaine Road, Milton from 2pm to 6pmn Best Wwnhes Only! MILTON 3-badroom, 1-1/2 bath, naw f/ooring throaghont. Ontario Street North. Ana//ah/e April 1 sf. 1,200/mth. 905-878-5070. MILTON 3-badroom townhoasa p/as gar- age ana//ah/a. $1,250/mth + at/untes. Ca/i 905- 876-4499. OAKVILLE- 2&3 bed- room townhoases ana//- ah/e îmmediate/y throagh April tnt. 4 applianras, Hopedale Ma/il area, Lakeshora Management 905-876-3336 A"cammdaion MILTON Room for rent. Large sami deiached, minoras 10 401 & JS Pkmy. Semi farnîshad if reqaîreri. Shared mashroom, kîtchen and lîvingroom. $575 includes interner,' Digital rab/e, atîlîties, ta/a- phone. Saîtabla for employed, 20-30 Naîl 289-878-9680, 416-816- 5387 Los &Found LOST: Digital Camera @ Mi/ton Mail, Satar- day, Match lOth. Rea ward. 905-878-3987, 905-876-1127; or retors It Mil/ton Ma/i Security. Ine~ oMeriam =.*lMeoriam WANTED Lise-io rare- g/ver for 2 kids, CPR/ GERVAIS, RONALD "PORK" first aid required, mont Match 20, 2006 know how to cook, look for Dory (416)945- One year bas passed since that sad day, 9624. When tbe one 1 losed, was called away Daycare He ment away, wjrhout fareweil, rua~.He said Goodbye ro fane, Mm Avalable But heavens gare was open wide REGISTERED qualified And a loving voice said conne. Daycare provider, CPR, First Aid, receipts, Iov- Loved by your family and pour friends too ing rare, hot meals, One in a million that sure was pou, close t0 401. 289-878- Alvn esn edradkn 9244. Alvn esn edradkn Wbat beautifual memories you [eht bebind. Miss you forever, love pou always Grace DAYCA R E RONALD "PORK" GERVAIS exA Y C Match 20, 2006 enced provider. Coantry setting, fun Wonderfisl Father learning environ- and ment, Fleoible Trii ap schedule. Sommer erfi ap spaces available. 905-878-3678. If roses grew its braves, ILord please pick a buncb for us. Place tbem in aur Fatbers arms Mui ace And tell bias tbes're from Lis. Moeu iIiSrOCiO5l Tell bim me love bîm atsd mits bim PIANO And mben be rurns and sndies LESSONSPlace a kiss urpon bis cbeek LESSONSAnd biild bim for awbîle. Quaifîed Teachar Because reemberrng bimi s easy'. AR.C.T., L.P.P., PODP. Wr do it evrrvda. ROM Exams, Rec/ta, Recreational But ibere is an acbe mitbin aur brarts CaI (416)-930-7033. Tbat mill orvet go awav. Leave message déi/se GEORGETOWN 1, 2 and 3-badroom apart- mants $795/month, $925/month and $995/month. Aval/ah/e Aagasf lSth. toc/odes heat/hydro/cab/a. Park- înig eotra. Ca/i 905-873- 6284. GEORGETOWN 1, 2 and 3-bedroom apart- ments $795/month, $925/monith and $995/month. Avaîlabia îmmediataiy. snciades heat/hydro/rable. Park- ing entra. Ca/i 905-873- 6284. GEORGETOWN 1- badroom apartmant in qaiet boi/ding, r/ose 10 ail amenities, $695/month, fient//ast, no-pets, nuo-omokers. Raeferencas please. Daytima 905-877-3661, ave nings/mea kend s 519-833-2573 GEORG ETOWN Bacha/or Basement aparîment, ceramirs. Eoca/lent condition. Clean, quiet neîghboar- hond. Saparate en- trance. Parking avaîlabia. Nn pets/smoking. 905-873- 9868. Fo oui ACTION Just south on 25, 3-bdrm+ house, large lot, lots of paved parking, garage, laun- dry, April lst 519-856- 9191 or 416-802-0582. MILTON Heights Large 3-hedroom hoase, 2- baths, large yard/gar- dan, 5-applianres, town watar, saturai gas, C/A. S1,800/mth + atilîties. Aval/ah/a April 1 sf. 905-854-1687. 3-BEDROOM detarhed home in Acton. Lots of parking. $1 ,325/month p/as ati/ities. No smok- ing. Ca/i 905-875-1405. 3-BEOROOM semer home in Adtos S1,100/month. 4-had- room enacative coantry home in G/en Williamn. Cai Norm Pager, Sa/as Rap Ra/Mas Real En- rtie Centre, Brokarage 905-873-3225. WATEROOWN- 1.5 story, 3-bedroom spotlessly dlean house, garage, 5 appliancas. Great rom- mating arces $1400/mo. cati//ties. Non smokers, nn pets praferred. 905-659- 3076. MmFor Roui MILTON -3 hedroom townhome, Appliances înc/aded, parking for 3 cars. 1sf and aest Ref- erences. $1,400 pet month + atlt/iian P/s rail Jody or 905-875- 4594 The Milton District appreciafes any ln Memoriam donations: 30 Derry Rd. E. Milton, Ontario L9T 2X5 rd Foundation Ci oE g vents W cingE vents Con Medigas A Prax rCompony CoeMari gas'Sleep Edocatnon Day! Physcins fom theTorosto oea wl aectare abort Obstrtiva Slaep Apsea and CPAP Therapy Has/and Fat0a asi 1ran0/farh1r &Marivnii /î/ 2005 (lsseavbussm dss apain Hîs l tesîîd îsgbs seasi n16365ur0 acbor brans me kîîîm In Yoon Mmrr /of Fani/y, A Rit, Dand, Jatrand Grand/aitre We love you Dad We love pou Pappa Darene, Scot, Craig and Nicha/as Diane, Steve, Brianne anti William Deai, anti Brittany, Brennen In Laving Memery of Thomaa Tefer FilI flot pour berns mitb pars and sorrow, But remember me in rvrry romorrom. Remember tbe jap, tbe laugbrer, tbe smiles, 1 am îînlp gone ta test a litrîr wbile. Alrbougb my leasing causes pais and grief, My going bas eased my bit and given me relief, Su dey pour ryrs atnd remember me nat as 1 am nam, But as 1 used ta be, Because 1 mili remembr yoii ail, And laok an ssitb a smile. Undersî,înd in vîsur cerns, l'm oîîly gimse ta resi a litîle wbîlc. As Iîvg as 1 bavc tbe love oif eacb if s-au, 1 cas lic ou> i/c in the hcirts ,>/ ail ofi Yu. Forever/voved and alwayereni bered, Patricia and amnmy

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