AiS - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 20, 2007 Sgarbossa set to play for Div. 3's Fredonia Blue Devils Duo set nh d xhk) I III [t Il ~îtlvîltyiI l'or (liii hrst and last games of the season. Anti i m [rom over. tir rece[itly acce1îtrd .t pattial ttam thai captured tht SIJNYA( titit rcccntly W UU really glad to have finished ont my carrer iii srholatship wtth Iredonta C ollege, a Dîvîstoti belote lalliitg 10 eVcflttitl liti~ili~t Mîddlehury' Grorgrxown. [tii he weud not comîng to the 3 school ust ouîstde ol Bullalo. in tht N( AA totirtiament s oprfliflg rottnd. p I a y o its 1- r tht I r t urne in three years, Elgîn Reîd w n t hc the nly Miltonian in tht (DIII play Ifs j nîng th st seas n picture thîs sprtng s [7 car old J sh I3rîttain, [-rontettats fin Conference and are now set to clash wtth the Oshawa Generals Led hy sophomore phenom John Tavares - a for mer Milton lreHawk - Elgin Reid Oshawa ended up ]USt one point ahead of the Frontenacs and wtll have home-ire advantage for the ~ ftrst round, whirh hegîns Frîday The two teams tted their regular- season sertes wtth four wms apiece, iosh Brittain * * * although took the [ast two games hy scores of 5- A A O and 5-2- wtth the latter of these vie- * i tories eomîng Mareh 11. Layrng the groundwork for what should he a sohd major-lunior career, Bnttain - a six-foot-four inch, 205- pound [rît winger - recorded five goals and 12 assîsts tn 54 games this season, play'tng a good chunk of the seascin alongstde former lceflawk Ks le Bochrk Meanwhiîe, Retd and hts Owen W ! ~ound Attack have ihe rather unenvt- ahîr task ol tactng the regular season champion London Knîghrs tn ftrst round plav - also set to statt Friclay Having grahbed the [ast plavoff spot 4 2L V6 engine * * * tn the \Vest, Owen Sound who electronlc 4 spd r ~ acquired Reid from Ottawa mtdway automatic wtth through the season - now faces a perennial powerhouse who won 50 games this y'ear and sport three plavers value leader wtth 110 or more points. Among them is former lceHawk Sam Gagner. now part of front-ltne attack that many helieve wtll guide the Knights to Vaneouver for the Memorial ~ Now at the tail md of hîs fourth OHL season, Retd has hem quite pro ductive since joinîng the Attaek. The fîve-foot-1 1-îneh, 185-pound defence- LIFE UN ONTARI man - who turned 20 [ast month - has nine goals and 12 assists in 38 Freêght Lîctoti Taxtt & Prottetor Plut extra Stt dîaltr [or dîtaitu Limtttd tîmi ttttr games wtth Owen Sound, whieh hrings hîs overaîl 2006/07 total to 12 goals and 21 helpers in 60 contests. Although the Knighîs are the cleat rut favourttes, the Attack dtd heat them twtce thts season - once in London - and toolc them 10 a shoot otit on t~ o other occasions ru a Rrgardless ol how the I rotttenacs tare this spring. ltrtttain tati look toc y ss arcl to some c hamptonshtp plas in the not too-cîtstant future - w'tth Ktngston ~ni ~C I EA~IUt~. ~ ~FR~LI1~F.. PARTS' e I~fl1LISIflN CENTRE hosttngnextvearsMemottal(up