AlO0 - The Canadsan Champaon, Tuesday, March 20, 2007 Nominations beinçj sought for annual Athena awards Datln boss, employée, lrîend or ncighbooi who latta inso shis casegory. If so, Athena North Halson as awaîting your nomninaion. The Ashena Awards are desîgned to help honour she contributions of men and women who work or tive in north Halton - Milton csasninnisy andI assasicd wssies n actaiaag their full potentiat. Nominatioîns for shis prestîgîsous award are being accepsed unsil April 12. More informia sion and nomination formas are availabte as Club. Sposnsors are nieeds loir she esens, as are donased items for she rafle and silens aoc- taon. Fonds raîsed go so Girls fric. of [lion. lfyoo woutd lîke tca hetp, senti an e-mail 5a5 cwal ker@ashenanorthhat ton. ca aor ajames@ashenanssrshhaton. ca. AA NowP3Payrvvt -pe trees wîthot Kyl întodutor $2 9 ýlease offers,ý an0ZRD W / 2007 FOCUS 5-DOOR SES WITN GFX APPEARANCE PACKAGE LEASE FOR ONLY $26 Wîo 1.a9 %AR per mortS 48 mostla PLUS frsagsat $1100. $0 DOWN PAYMENT $0 SECURITY DEPOSITM NOW PURCHASE WITH 0% 60 MONTH O PURCHASE FINANCING" .0 L Soratec Fogias *Air Csss5saaasg *Passa Wasdosa/Locks 16 15s asasa ASIsy Wtresa *Sprat Cossail Canadian Winier Package Plus: *Hratsd Aratsa , satrd Passa Sida Marrara *Asti-Lack aSas " Tractas Castrai INCLUDES OPX PACKAGE DISCOUNT 0F $350 12007 FOCUS 4-DOOR SE WiTH GIFX APPEARANCE PACKAGE LEASE FOR ONLV $22wis 1 .9'PR par mastWa45massAs PLUS raîgSt $1.100. $0 DOWN PAYMENT $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT- NOW PURCHASE WITH O%60 MONTH PURCHASE PINANCING" *2.0 LUSurae Ergise "Air Cssdîtiasasg *Pawer Lacs * truste Krylas Estîy * uraprar tnsiirsd Saspesion * SsrSad Ssaragr Consais *Sacastacl Pasaive AsfithOeS Syatsrs *SideIrsioan tar Brama *CS/MPS Paar vvith 4-Speaker INCLUDES OIFX PACKAGE DISCOUNT 0F $630 554 ~ uuna - vo att ¶6*" STAY FOCUSFD WITH FOCUS 3 00CR S ALL NEWV PRICINO STARTING AT'12.9990 v fodc Bruuiipsqmtiuitmi ToII D n ia We- aWo y05 AassLeaw Cefm ' $ lma acK %ff atmwi meou a 'S >ca3 Mi kos lu oa ri str g Ce m rý$ý a M e i kmdà Txs WaWa a t £ry pS raVao a %Sraa âwpwo mffl W S6 ewe asdcayx MI 'M Sa '605. Al lx,ùE5i5A bc Mau iffAS rasA Arsl lS' 'Ta "l aara.a taxes'a #a1esadk>2I FRS0 IM Fosassa duis as Sm CrixC Ford S 2 20jM ' 'MS 'Npr2 seuc SAýeËL A A1 Pe .â .555ý m555t u asd é 1,r Dmdls1dsra b mea are ~ lS mewb »a aî mYM eDa W -, 'D S St " ox Y)ý WWA A SEA. 4 f3sis'lisss' ao fiee listsing asf s cssriisg a'vs'55s assis Tias soui aisiasss a%!allîs tas loaail s asuivsusly gsaasps sas assis( s praa sasas isg shIsal fusasse (,entis. 011l1v cai la bsis aor sias-pssajis s asIssilitV giasups 555515 use isas se'wa e Va/s asisailx' yrusssasse't arie issuse of pasirîs. v s iasess Ias ts' sfass aof thse aoccsurrneaslssaugls nile isserts5i ai' paassible if dernase îs lasp Nas5 sas foi Df)cliiss s/sauld jae e- rssasled sas tissisaased@haississahcasis.. The Jinai sleadlsise nisAs fio Fidas fai Tuesciay's eslision aîsd nasasi Weslnesdayfcss Fiiav's eclsisis. Datetii'e itemass sises't cscceptecl by stephssie. Wednesday March 21 WIN (Women's International Network) With Resuits holda its Milton/Oakville meeting lrom 7 to 10 p.m. at Rattlesnake Point Golf Club, wilth registration starting at 6:30 p.m. The guest speaker is Kiemnan Antares, author of Phoenix Star -An Advensure of the Spirit. The cost is $30 for mnembers and $40 for non-members and $25 for youîhs aged 18 and younger. This soctudes dsnnes and wîne. To reserve a seat, cati (416) 226- 3288 or e-msait mneesngsCa)winwisbre- (type MslsorslOakvstle in she sui ecs fine). Milton Meals osn \Vheets hlsîd ita monshty luncheon feasurîng its alt-new menui as 11:30 a.m. ai 80 Ontario Si. N. i he coat as $5 to enjoy an entrée, soup and dessers. To reservec a seat or arrange transportation, cati (Q05) 878-6699. The free Milton Christian Ladies Coffee Heur sakes place fromn 9.30 to Il a.m. as Milton Gospel Hall, 306 Ontario St. (one block south of Steeles), witb a presentation on spring garden preparation by Lînda Robertson of Country Depot and guess speaker Marilyn Grieve. For more information or transportation, cati Alma at (905) 878-6345. The Halson Womens Centre, suite 229 in Hopedate Malt, 1515 Rebecca St. tin Oakvitle, hotds its Abuse Support Group from 5:30 10 8 p.m. For more information, cati (905) 847-5520 or visis Milton District Hospital hotds a one- on-one breassfeeding clinie witb a cer- sîfîed lactation consultant from 1:30 to 3 p.m. For more information or 10 make an appointmrens, catI Jill Hicks at (905) 878-2383, exs. 7610. Aduls drop-in votleybalt takes place fromn 2 10 3 p.m. at the Milton Leisure Centre on Main Street. The cost 18 $3.50 for the hour. The Salvasion Army/Kbi Communîty holds ots Run Club as 5:30 p.m. with a 30-minute run. For meet- ing location and route, catI (905) 875- 1022. La Leche League Milton meets from 7:15 to 9 p.m. as the Gntario Farty Years Centre, 410 tironse St., for an informaI discussion of nutnition and weanfing. Pregnant women, moshers and women inseressed in more information on hreassfeeding are encouraged 10 attend. Babses are welcomne For inore snforma- taon, cali (905) 876-3322. Thursdav March 22 The Tos'n of Milsaîn presenss a semn- inar on readîng lood labels as 10:30 a.m. as the Milton t essure Censie, 1100 Main St. F. its free for centre members -see more DATELINE on page A1 5 a