The Canadian Champion, Frida March 16, 2007-A7 HeIp foir HoIIy was volunteered Water finally turned back on (llxi x , IKi xl I[ltI I ,Iî f'yhl, Maitlyns mom, and tbe January 24 letter by G. Munnîngs regarding our baby Holly tIn response 10 Ms Fyffes let- 1cr, first let us please express our praycrs and wcii wishcs for you and for Maitiyn. Wc arc wcl awarc of thc trials and tribula- tioris of a situation lîkc yours- and ours. id like tb clatily a fcw statcd miscoricepîtons quotcd in this lîrst letter. Wc, illys farniiy, did riot riakc lilolly's situation public. A g'roop of worielul sup- portivc pcoplc tin tbc coirmuni- ty and surrouridirig arcas brougbî tbc situation to tbe Champion's attention, arid thc liep4Hoiiv Trust Eund arose lrom tbcrc Wc arc tbanklul l'or sou tbat your daugbtcr Maitlyris situa- tiori was atIicast îdcriied by four tnoritbs of agc, unlikc Hohly's parents, wbo wcrc stili figbting bo gct someone to lîstcn by tbe agc of eigbî inonîbs and would stili bc ori a waiting list today il tbey bad not taken mat- bers over and above our Ointario mcdîcal system, and goule bo Xl nerla ix Ilm p Iox i t Iiî tîill loxia baridout for Hoily Wc wouid bave soid everytng we owvr as a family 10 gct wbatever is riec- essary 10 possibiy bettcr Holly's situation, no matter bow siigbt, and provide ber witb anytbing and cverytbing wc cari b makc life that mucb casier foi ber. \Se do not Icel tbat our situa- tior is1 any morc bicart wrecc- îng iban ariy other. but pcrbaps, in bcing public, it wili operi thc cycs of many taxpaycrs as to tbc situation laccd by those wîîb faînîly rncmcr suuici ing [i oui dîscascs so rarc tîtat the abîlt Ici gcî iinmcdiaic rccogriitiori froîn tbe mcdîcai ficld bccomcs a dîlficuit task - orie tbat sou bave a cbotcc of eâblcr takîng on in a passivc or aggresstvc mari riern Perbaps i cati rclcr to Micbacl Papatoantiou oh C ampbclivillc, wbo wouid tiot havc bccn able to Iras ci to thc Unitcd Statcs to gcî tbc mcdical assistanice nccdcd xithout thc \Nondcî fol support of commui- îv furidraisîng. Thc fuiîdraisîiig conittcc startcd witb pcopîlc tbat arc not rciatcd to fiolîs, andi with thc support of tbcsc people, anid il cul lun: HeIp getting car unstuck apprec DEAR EDITOR: i always read your paper and arn pleased to sec letters thanking Mîltonians for their tbougbîfui- ness. t would like 10 add rny experience. i do not live in Milton and rnistakenly drove dlown Court Street recently. At thse end I got stuck ti tise snow. A young ftiendly feiiow wiîb a bockey stick came to belp me. He cieared some of tbe snow in front of my tires. He said rny car needed to be pusbed out and bie would gel bis father. Wben bis fatber arrived, bc continued 10 rer from in front of rny tires. As tbey stated 10 pusb rny car, man arrived. i-e ]oined tbern and aged 10 gel my car unstuck. i wanted 10 stop and tell tbern was for tbeîr belp, but otie of tbem stop." So i'd like to offer my since tbree. Shane Smith fundraising support was ar DEAR EDITOR: This letter goes out to the countless businesses, friends, famiiy and comrnunity rner- bers wbo belped witb the February 17 fundraiser in sup- port of Shane Smnith. Your generosity was an important factor in the success of Ibis levent. On bebaîf of Sbane, Bonnie and Lexi Smith, please accept my sincere tbanks for tbe incredible support gtven 10 our 'Shane Smnitb Fundratser'. Tbe support everyone bas gîven to tbe Srni counted in doîl olo (1 CloIN, \ý,aîc loi cx of' those that [erris, money, ri 10 our Holly any way, take nations to the des out there, of tbcsc ageri- 'lime Capsules' are gems of infor- mation extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications in orer to provîde a window into Miton' past. Eqianatory comment is sometimes provided to place the situa- tion in context. july 1909 I i ir Io\,(- and1 xl I.s ax ,îîiaîîloblier er tbankful to ail donated time, i love andlor suppo fundraisers. We do not, in away lrorn thc do services and agcn and in fact many cies depcnd on no trict fuidîing lundraiscrs as wel A spectal thari countîry singer A wbos lielpcd out xviti i lolly 100(1 and dcvotcs inuc- mnany îither chari irig evcrits soc] i-ricrids Day, i Scrviccs (.hildre Michael Papato fundraiser. Sbc camc Ioi altcr rcading ab olfcr ans' bclp shc on a voloritary does it oit bcha young ricphcws m1 fo Lcukcmia. Goîod luck wit THE TA' utnt p Locomn farnily and friends. Tbank you ail. JODI WILSON MILTON Haiton is 10i acquire abhalf interest in tise county of Peels bouse of refuge. A byiaw 10 that effect was passed at last Friday's meeting of the 1.but prîvate town counicil was slow about tack- ling the heak in the main at the cor- k's gocs olut t0 ner of Main and Martin streets but lysha Brookc, wben the ieak was uncovered last trcrncndousy week and citizens gatbered til view raîsîîîg cfforts and listen 10 thse big low of water, of li timc t0 operations were rushed with a table lundrais- vengeance. AIl services were cut off h as Special on Saturday and men were aI work lton 'Police after nigbt until stopped by tise 's Day and storm. Work was continued on aniiou's fîrsî Sunday until 5 p.m. wben it was fin- isbed and the water again turned on. rward lîcu sdif Surprise was general and s0 was sar- ouI i ioily Ici casrn at the expense of tbe comimit- coulti tii assist tee for ils apparent wanton violation basis and he ofthe Lord's Day Act but it bas been Etass an sbc explained that the work was really a If of licr iwo work of necessity ho boîli soilcr A piug, wbîcb greatiy reduced the water pressure and affected fire pro- b Maitlyti. tection was put into the pipe when it (LOR FAMILY was believed tlsat the work would be MILTON fimished by Saîurday nigbî. As it was not finisbed then il simply had to be ia e continueldon Sna.We h iated normous daily loss through the leak novetbe flOW after aIl, the town needs ltle, if any, anoîber yug additional supply of water, but youtre mn- cbieily reasonable care of whst it aIl breeman- already bas - attention to intake bow grateful 1 pipes, a constant watch for leaks and sbouted "Don't prompt attention toi tbem wisen re tbanks to ail found. A competent man should be engaged as superintendent. The preserit bappy-go-lucky manage- ANN PAUL ment ils cheap, but flot economnicai. ROCKWOOD By tise way, it is reported that there is anotiser ieak in the pipes between nazing the town and tise reservoir. We hope nain :aî we shall not again bcer h tbs is not oniy necessity of criticizing the water- ars and cents, works comrnittee. ri 1 J ri c i: -11 l >K t':c n' Ci1, M ton Urnent Care Clinic & Fan Fractice r cilen Eden *4 Doctors u .Ku are now acceptîng *11k L AI GU NEW PATIENTS! V .A or. PYSIamh osuilke 0 or Shaza Latf llk ONL Y T//9F 4-N CL /N/Cî i/n 0 Monday te Friday; 9am-8pm -111 ~~a I ~~~Saturday; lOam-4pmFa:058886 Unt M #%' o7 -T Unit 102 905-878-5111, milton 0. capsulesl county council and the report of the commissioners appointed to value the farm buildings, stock, etc. was accepted. The valuation was $18,635.50 and Mr. Mason, architect, estimates the expenditure on the additional buildings which will be needed, includîng plumbing and heating, at $12,000. Halton's expen- diture, therefore, will be about $15,000. 0f this it is expected 25 per cent will bc repaid to Halton by the government. The county counicil of Peel met on Tuesday and passed a bylaw to provide for the sale to Halton. Milton Council: A comrnittee rec- ornrended layîng of a cernent walk 3 fî widc, 132 feet long on Margaret Street frorn Martin Street west and a plank walk frorn Thornas Street east- ward to jas. Morleys property. Milton Council: G.A. Griffith, M.E. Parks, R.E. Gollins, R.E. Harrison and E. Syer were named a cotnmittee toi look after the building of tihe band stand in thse park oppo- site the county buildings. Mrs. Annie Robertson, widow of the late John Robertson of East Seneca, died this week. Last week she was takett to Hamilton in the faint hope-that an operation would pro- long ber life. It was performed on Frlday but she failed toi rally after it. Tise ttother of PL. Robertson, sbe was also survived by five other chil- dren, Dr. Wm. A. Robertson, Johnl B. Robertson, Denver Col; Dr. H.A. Robertson of Hamilton; RL. Robertson and Mrs. Gordon Mackenzie of Milton and Mrs. John T. Mitchell of Washington D.C. This material is assembled on behaif of the Milton Historical Society by lim Dilîs; who cati be reached at _% f4. 1ý VI Il 1-ý ý_ y i ', l-, -ý- --f- fil", , '. .1 ý,ý ÙiL à î ï9 Li ii juýj âj é l'A iý.ui%-