A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 16, 2007 Gun crime needs a tougher stand Dioný objection to Tory plan for longer sentences flot exactly encouraging Ontarians, specîfîcally tbose in tbe Greater Toronto Area, are getting their first up-close look at Liberal Leader Stepbane Dion in action tbis week as tbe Grits' boss tours tbe area in wbat could be an election practice run. Dion, wbo will spend the next few days in the area - including a stop at Miltons Country Heritage Park today - bas targeted the area, identified as a prime population growtb spot in tbis weeks Census, primarily because of ils ricbness in votes. By most accounts Dion is a "nice guy" Who, perbaps wbile lacking the bravado of predecessors Paul Martin and jean Cbretien, faces a tougber job than tbose two nf sellîng bim- self 10 Ontario voters as a potential prime minister simply because of bis lower profile. One cbarge Pnime Minister Stepben Harper and tbe Conservatives bave levelled ai Dioni and tbe Liberals is tbaî tbey are "soft on crime" and, judgîng by Dtons opening da), on tbc Ontario tour, one would be bard-pressed to disagrcc. Dion saîd Wednesday tbat bc would support Harper's efforts to make it barder for people arrested on gun crimes to gel bail. In effeet, bc would support tbe Conservatives' icas- ure tbat would require accused gun offenders to justify wby tbey sbould bc released on bail - tbe so-called "reverse- onus" provision. However, Dnon drew tbe line on backing tbe Tonies' plan for tougber and longer sentences for some crimes. "Il will nol be effective," saîd Dion. -(We) will bave a bogber incarceration rate, but not a lower crime rate.* Wbile ils trne tbe incarceralion rates would likely climb, WC bave a bard lime seeing tbe negatives of keeping crimi- naIs - particularly tbose using guns - in prison longer. Certainly Dions promises of more police and RCMP offîcers and a crackdown on identity and Internet cnime are wel- come, but people wbo cboose to use guns in commitîng crimes sbould pay a bigber price than wbat is currently being banded out. Perbaps, bowever, Dion bas a beller idea. If so, we'd love to bear il. Maybe new Gril and Halton MP Garîb Turner can belp bis boss come up wiîb a solution. l'rn not a big fan of change. 1 was dis- tressed whSe they changed thse shape of thse Kraft 1)luoner noodies (ever notice tisey're way more curved tisan thdey used tobel). Whess 1 hean' that Miltons expected to have a population of about 100,000 in thse nont 15yean,l1feel uneasy. Tise 2006 Census released Ilaesday reprt Muton as the fasuest growing coin=s- antyn Canada, with a rateof 714,pet cenin tise past five years. SGrowthihm consequences, minof whics resideosis are already feeling. With the developmnent of the Milton Crossroads shopping centre, sortne reaillets in downtown Milton are reporting far les foot traffic. Ail it takes ls one look at tise quick turnover rate of stores near Main and mart= streets to realize tise disinîeiration osf ml1ton's historic cote. as a real possibility. Reader-sWri"te Send your letters to rmltoroW@haltonsearch.om Turner's openness quite refreshing DEAR EDITOR: On Matcb 7, 1 attended my very birst town hall meeting, held by our local MP (artb Turner. Until recently 1 bad lived in Toronto for my entire life, and in ail that time 1 barely remnember more than onc occa- sion wben my Ml' beld a meeting for local constituents. From my discussions wsth other people in the Halton riding, 1 under- stand Turner bas in fact held well over two dozen town hall meetings in the past year. At his most recent meeting, Turner patiently lîstened to the constituents in the room and provîded bis tbougbts and insights on issues of importance to tbe people of [lalton. Wbat imprcsscd me most about Fumner was bis openness witb tbe con- stituenLs on tbe room about bis move [rom sîttîng as an indcpcndenî MP for several montbs to bccoming a member of tbe Liberal caucus. He was candîd and bonest, and on today's pobitically volatile world il was indeed a refresbing sigbt. BEN FRIEDLAND MILTON Andi wzth a bigger popunium cornes an increase in crime. It wasnst lonsg agcs that I was teporlnsg on a string of rab- beices at local ps stations, Then, int qu.cl succession, canne a mur- der, a semai assuit of a l3-yea- old girl and acouple offatal coli- sions in wbaci mpaired driving may be mnvolveci Wisen 1 talis with long-tmmie Miltonlans.about the way things nased to, be, 1 yearrs for tise good old <laya 1 wasnt even here ta set. M. Tisen reality bits. l'm enjoying tise new inovie theatre and Wal-Mart as mucis as the next Miltonian. Growtis isn't ail bad. in fact, couldn't we look at ti recent Census informnation as a compliment to oui town? Otiser people are realizing wbaî we already know- Milton la a I I i specia placet. Andf gowth, nnea we get aChapters or Second Cup, Fui ali for i. Wbat we nee la balance. 1 don't th"ni anyone wants un- <d growtis. But neltiser cati we llve in the past,,brisding at ay sign osf developinent. ,7 Growts and ail that cornes witis it suay be slighdy out osf our control - particularly with tise Provincels Places to Grow - plan - bot keeping Miktons charri.isnit What can we do? Sisop the downtown core as well as tise power centre. Get to know your neighbours and welcome newcomers. Join ini consxunity activities. Change isn't always bad. Sometimes iË, good and sometinses ifs just different. zbej Qanaetan cb~ampion Mitlons Conimo Wt Newspaper OSice 1860 875MainSt. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertiaing Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.miàltoncanadianchampion.com Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Micehi Production Manager TDm Coleo Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Test Caoao The Canadian Champion, published every Tusday and Friday at 875 Main St E., Milton, Ont, L9T 3Z3, is a division of Metroland Media Groap itd. - Group Publisher Ian Oliver Adoerisngs epted on the condition thas,in the een i a tpcigaphica eroi, tha poton of the adveroing opace occupied the enroneous item, togethe t re sonal alkooance for signa lue, will non be clsaned for. but the balance of the advennoseen Mll ho paid lof as the applicable sate, Ose pubishe rsnenven the ,sght toi sotegotize advemsenents nr denisse CCAB Audited fhecucnjoon'ed fo excellnss." 1)y 9~ c a Ontario Communty & O M Newsopapens Assoition 4? A Canadan Commmoody C C A N espapers Asociatin UK~ Subueban Newspapers U n of Ameesca Thv Can.sdîan Champion as a proud mvdia sponsor for Habon Healthcare Jingle Bell Fond CANADA DAY UNITED WAav OF MILTON TV AUCTION MILTON SAUTA CLAUS PARADE - - à Y'Y YMÇA £THN550S 5O Nc Showease Milton _e~ ait, ~GAA 4 I1love Miltoný growth, I love it not, I love Miltons.