Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Mar 2007, p. 35

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a Daffodil campaign il eiP volunteers needed Dateline is afree listinîg of corting events only. The columnt is available io local communitv groups Io assist in prnotoîng theit future events. Only char itable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We cati only guarantee one issue of pub- licity closest to the date of the occurrence although more iniser- tions are possible if dernand is low. Notices for Dateline shoulel be e-mailed to miltoned@halton- search.com. The final deadline is noon Friciay for Tuesday's edi- tion andl noon Wednesday' for Fridays edition, Datelinie items aient accepreel ly telephooe. Saturday Marcb 17 Knox Presbyterian Cburch, 170 Main St. E., holds a St. Patrick's Day tea and bazaar [rom noon îo 2 p.m. Fveryones welcoîne. The chorch îs wbeelchair accessible. Tbe Milion brancb of the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St., bolds a meat roll ai 4 p.m. in the clubroom. The Salvation Army/Kbi Comînuniîv bolds its Run Club ai 8 a.m. with a one-bour run. For meeting location and route, caîl (905) 875-1022. Monday March 19 The Milton and District Horticultural Society meets ai 7:30 p.m. ai the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St., with speakcr Jobhn McNeîl, manager of forestry lor Oakville, speakîng on 'Trees for Our Future'. A nîne-week course on public speaking, leadership and confidence-building îakes place ai tbe Khi Community Centre wcekly [rom 7 îo 9.30 pin. its open to tbosc aged 16 and oldcr. Tbe cosi is $160, wbicb includes the course matn- ual. its olfcred by Cbrîstopber Leadership Courses ol Canada. For more information or to regîsier, caîl (905) 664- 8375 or visit wýww.tbelumnen.com. Tbe Town of Milton prescrnîs a seminar on readîng food labels ai 7 p.i, ai tbe Milton Leisure Centre, 1100 Main Si. E. its hrec for centrc incmnbers and $5 for non-meibeîa. For cletaîls, vîsît www,ý.manlion.ca. To regîsier, caîl Tracy H,îssell'eldt ai (905) 878-7946, cxi. 2706. fbe Ligbtbouse Program for (erievîng Chîlcîren in Oakvîlle bolds uts peer support group [rom 6 to 7.30 p.i. for cbildren and teens aged îbree to 18 wbo've losi a parent or sîbling. For more information or to regîsier, caîl (905) 337- 2333 or e-mail lîgbibouseprogram@belîne.ca. Milton District H-ospital bolds a one-on-one breastfeed- ing clinic wîtb a cerîilîed lactation consultant lromn 1 30 to 3 pin. F-or more information or to inake an appoinimeni, caîl Jîll Hicks ai (905) 878-2383 , ext. 7610. l'be Salvaiion Arinv/Kbi Csoîinuîiis bolds its Run Club ai 5.30 pin. wîîb a 30-minute run. For meeting location and route, caîl (905) 875-1022. Tuesday March 20 The Learning Disabilîlies Association of Hlton (LDAH) bolds an educational worksbop for parents of cbildrcn wiib leamîing disabîlîties and/or ADHD. Tbe worksbop Ils about the HANDLE (Holisîîc Approacb to Neuro Developmenî ancl Learnîng Efficiency) prograîn. hi takes place froîn 7 îo 8:30 p.m. ai the LDAH office, 560 Guelph Line, in Burlingion. Tbe cosi is $10 for LDAH members and $15 [or non-mem- bers. For more information or to register, caîl (905) 333- 1977 or visit www.1ldabalton.ca. Help for Parents, a Halion parent support group, mecîs in *see more DATELINE on page B8 dollodcl awaeý Thbe Canadian Cancer Society is lookîng for volunteers to belp self the Olowers Marcb 29 to April 1 as pari of uts daffodil campaign. Jusi tbree bours of your time is al tbai's needed. For more information, caîl Jennîfer ai (905) 878-3597. AFFORDABLE HOMES IN YOUR PRICE RANGE & AREA Vîsît: www.hallonbe5tbuys.com 1-4 Pm, lMemiîaiSi. $53990 Gaby lain Roia LePige Miii Oon Rtîty. 90558ti81t 2-4 Pm, 184 Fealiierslîne Rd. $429900 Dorot rmni Roia rLege Meadowlowie Rily li 958788101 2-4Pm, 15364 eehiide Rd. $649,900 Michiel mine. roa eag Pîîo wloweRieîty, 905878-101 2-4a Pm 411 llitinis. $369900o Carle BdwC Roya I P0g Madowlwne eity 905188-101 2-4 Pm, Anne Bled, KimS n oya LPag Meadowtisn 1Rely905888101 2-4 rm, 460 keams Divea Lynoa Aguero, Royal Lehîge Meadowlowne Reity. 905-878-8101 2-4 Pm, 65 Aine Bled., $319,900 Tom Snow, leMîx Real EsOue Croire 905-878-7777 1-4 Pm 1061 Bircayt Ciri, 9299,999 Looise Crew-HinsforO. Suon Goop Une Iîi!ty Ltd 905-875-3324 2-4 pm, 128 King it. Caol Books, liMa Rl Esoîli Ceoire 905-878-7777 2-4 pi, 380 Woodward Ave. GiiOvo CrînforO, lîMîx Real Etlair Centre 905-878-7777 2-4 pm, 8159 Eti un ie, $449,9400 Kein fiowdei RiMai Rli atei Centre 905-878-7,77 2-4pm, 1145iigis Dr., Bnîi6ille, $ii99,ii0 Ingrid HolIirigr, Royal LePîli Meedowtowne ReaIOy, 905-878-8101 2-4 pm, 1216 Biiden Liii, $290,888 Biii King, Rilie Rl Etro Centre 905-878-7777 2-4 pm. 492 Lowe Liii, $99,909 Kim ScoO RlYî ahiage MiolRe Ialy. 905-878-8101 2-4 pm, 460 Kiais Dr., $312,50 Kim Scol. Royal Celuie Meudoooei IRa lt 5878-8101 2-4 pi, 46 Aire Bled.. 9359,900 Kimn 0001 Royal LîPage Meidowlowoî lieah 905-878-8101 2-5 pi, 1644 Rariîhaw Cres $574,9W Choie Baoiîoiirn, Ronie P8dolmanoi Riity lic. 905-270-2000 Alocec h :EM iPTGTO OE & THE R ,I A PAG '.1aig oeOenHue adNwLitns The Canadian Champion. Fridav Match 16. 2007 - B7 Halton H-ealthcare's Living Healthy Series Presents A PARENT & CAREGIVER'S SEMINAR ON BEDWETTING Thursday, March 22nd 7:30OPm -8:30OPm MDH Classroom e Milton Special Guest Speaker Lida Jones, RN, Pediatric Surgery, Urology & Enuresîs McMaster Chîldren's Hospital, Hamilton, ON T eitradfor more information please cati Treserad905-338-4379 1_ e or email elittle@hajtonhealthcareon.ca Halton [-lealthcare Enter The "Ugiy Bathroom " Contest WIN a $4,OOO* Dream Bathroom Upgrade * Estimated RetaiiValue Prize nis be redeemed between April and December 2007 Name: Address: City: ______Ontario Postal Code: -_______Phone: ________ Emaîl: Ansvver the skill testing question: 12 + (9x5) -3 __________ Please check if you wNould like to receive additional information froon THE ENSUITE A Premier KOHLER Bath ano Kîtchen Showîioom Complete & submit thîs officiaI ballot accompanied wvith a pîcture of your "Ugly Bathroom' 00: THE ENSUITE t1t50 Corporate Drive, Burlington (905) 335-6744 talai mat be dnopped off aI THE ENSUITE, nn mail ennoies accepted. Comnesl closes Maoch 25, 2007. One entry per hoasehoid. Raies and reguilions avaiiabie. liThe business thaf considers itself immune [o the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds itseif immune to business." Derby Brown

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