Let Iibrary help you discover TO. ,"cwaýR 10 OtntO\ wsoi ILI destina- bions, since we bave many trav- el guides, DVDs, road maps, audio books, electronie databas- es t0 searcb for reviews or infor- mation on tourisi destinations, a travel link on our Web site, and books on individual countries, cîties, and tourisi spots. Altbougb iî is fantastic to, plan a real or imaginary trip to far Off places, sometimes we bave to remember that we live close to a large city bustling witb exeitement and home to many famous and bidden gems. Most of us bave visited the CN Tower and been 10 the Toronto Zoo, but bave you been 10 the Allan Gardens Conservatory or tbe Toronto Police Museum? Let's discover some lesser known gems of Toronto using library resources. A starîing point 10 planning a trip in Toronto would be to take a look at variolus guidebooks. These provide readers wvitb an cvview of wbat 1.0. bas to offer in a variety of categories sucb as food, wbat ibere is to sec and mucb more. Once you bave decîded on tbe spots you want 10 visit, use other resources for more detail. For example, to learn moire about the founder of tbe Bata Sboe Company belore vîsiîîng the museum, searcb the library's catalogue using the Cover to cover keyword "Bata'. Tbis searcb will retrieve a book îitled, Bata: Sboemaker to tbe World by Tbomas J. Bata witb Sonja Sinclair. Try searcbing for infor- mation related to ibese lesser known Toronto destinations: Davtd Dunlap Observatory the CBC Bebind the Scenes Tour, Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art, The Pier, R.C. Harris Filtration Plant, Toronto Aerospace Museum, and Toronto's Fîrst Post Office. Tbe Allan Gardens Conservatory transports visitors 10 hot spots around the world. Cacti, tropical plants, palm trees, vines, and lusb exotie plants will impress ail ages. lnterested? Try using the library's elecîronic databases to bind oui more. From tbe librarys bomepage, click on Online Databases and Internet Links. Cboose a data- base from tbe lîsi. For Ibis par- tîcular location, use keywords sucb as "Affan Gardens Conservaîory Torontol in EBSCO HOSI Canadian Reference Centre. It searcbes petrs, newswires, and rel'erence books. Most of tbese tourist loca- tions will have Web sites that will be of great assistance 10 you for bours of operation, admis- sion costs, etc. The library bas many public Internet computers avaîlable for you t0 use. Milton Public Library now bas wireless capabilîties, so brîng your lap- top and relax wbîle you research your next trip. I bere is a greai Travel" link on, the librarys Web site under Besi of tbe Web. Wbeîber you are traveling bere or abroad, this lînk will assisi in your planning. Milton is so close to our provincial capital, and yet it is likely tbat you baven't visited ail of tbe tourisi spots mentioned in tbis column. People say tbat wben destinations are in your backyard you jusi neyer get there. Milton Public Library would lîke to assîst witb provid- îng tbe information needed to plan your nexi tnip. Wben you gel back, be sure 10 ]et us know ail about bîgb tea ai the Four Seasons Hotel or bow you belped boist the mainsail on the KaJama schooner on your voy'- age 10 tbe Toronto Islands. Covert b cover is pîepaîed by- staff ait the Milton Public Libraiy The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 16, 2007 - 5 UEL 0F DEALSI Xtrail AWD " Automatic * 60/40 folding rear seat * Ai power options - AM/FM/CD Player " Air conditioning - AIl wheel drive * 2.5L (165 HP) -& much more! MSRP di$l8 SALE$ PRICE.B2 9 9 WpcAL*MOlsFr pcAT® qimn Truclad Evr Mcient 9 Aniwa Hvrui 2.» r9 Diesel Engine inaf CNOecR D11 SAE 30 -à2 96 or4O %i EC #1 048454/74819. MMMA___ ErAS Marin ttardng PART NA CCA CA EXCHANGE 1 1 PRICE. dl21N 16 525 A 17.985488521.98 WE SEL FO LEe In Timbits Hockey, learning to laugh and make friends goes hand in hand with developing the skills of the gamne It's the perfect way to, ensure young boys and girls get off to a good start in this great game. play Timbits Hockey in Milton. Or The first goal is having fun. e T,-,H,,,, 2006 4- 610 MARTIN STREET, MILTON 905-878-4137 jî SALES DEPT. HOURS: Thiers. 91.00 - 9*1 9:00 6:00 £rW 5:00 U;« inAc SHIFIL 'Ffeighl, air & fuel fax. PST & GST extra. See dealer for detailK 1'l'tzm 4111111111111îlk ,îlom mm