22 -tie 6an'adla Ufmpion, Fniday Marh ,07 14e V~h HAVE A USED CAR TO SELL? Let the Canadîan Champion Classifieds help get the word out. Advertise in Milton and Geo!getown/Acton for $40 + GST or Mlton, Burlington and Oakville for just $5 +f GST Ili de il' cm M.09 1MWar aned 1tONTARIOi Osto Rnmvu Servicn scar OVicie Dis- pvsai Fast. Fnriy Free Tvsing Pviiesvîosui. Fuiiy Irsureal CaJI 24f7 S05I0 4800 $$$$$$$ 41l-iv ingomS$$SS$$ EMilTukfor Sale 2005 Dadge Daksta SLT crec cab, 4x4, isaded, 4-dloor, ian- veau caver. as ,eaokn. $18t,5500 Please caii aa5-467-7412. SANDY'S cleasisg. hanie, ottice & com- mercial cleanîng ser- vices. Serving Actas, Canipbelnille, Gearge- tacs & Milton. Cati ta- day tan a fren estiniate Sandy 905-876-7080 an 90574-09. ioseCeanung CLEANING 011eel Take a break fvm cleaving vi- fer Rnliuvle, Prviessiaa Hove Cinuning ai vua soaubin rates (905)573- 2875 1ýŽp pMevements GARAGE Door and Opeser Services. Fuyst and prsfessisva repains & installation. Easy Up DOser 905-73-9867 JGF WOODWORKING Homie and office rens- vations, cuateom wasd- -sr igund cabinets, kitchen, bath and base- meints. Cati Greg a0s- 878-3628. kW rT m rining rrTrining canE svNman MAL ESTATE Il pas ave currntîn an course; recently licensed; csnsîidenîng a change tramt pour cernent brolien or Iseking for a sec canner, you cevi jts poursett to attend this sormir Ill Wfii Fend Out About *Whos shouid cosîder meai stars 1usd who should sot) *Provincial iicevsivg course Rotyal LePage training, perssva deveiopmevi and support Ho5w roserla quick viant H oc to maxîmion yosr sncome MMda Mwch 201M, 7:80pi oeiu COMMUur tHYM 10241 E» 1k h (kstwa MMgy mi a uhUUi Seatiog iv limîted, cati no to resasse a veal mrtai 906-78-8101 ROYAL L8MPGE CaopbemkL 90-854-101 - - Geolrgetown N0577-8262 ? d- Rin.- ACtan 519-853-M087 eleitricai aval maintenancie service ail ondor orie roui. We are ouIl for i dedîcateal prvtessîvnal Il loin 005 Oakvitie oftice. In.ide Sales Rep Esthusîastic and tean-i-nted, psu ciii provide esempiarp service tv an esistîvg client bave, prospect sec business bp muking cvid clis, schedsie meetings, and suppy product and service intvrmaion. Conibîinn strvng cvmmunication skîlîs and techsica aptitude, pou have demvnsrrared ssccevs iv a sales avnd costvmer vervice capacity and on sndervtuvdvg ot dnveivpîvg quotas. Yaur posirive demeanour and îiliîngvess to Ileur are cnspied clan a valial driver's licence and personul transportation. If youi ready il appiy soiîd ieumwork uad customer cars skîiis we invise yov rl uppiy Il Humas Resources, 3185 Dundas Street West Oakvilte. ON L6M 4J4 Fax: (905) 827-9594 e-mal: lobs@ newelectrici.cia --IESHW SAE COORINAS- Lavuscape Ontario Hontîcailura Trades Asso- ciatiov presents Cavada's largesi hsrticaltura show and conterance, in addition il a bapîns show tor the green and tissai industries. LO iv currentip veelsing a Trude Show Sales Coordi- Repvrting tv the Trade Show Manager, the Sains Cssrdînats' is responsie for guthering exhiior suads, booth vains avd admivistraive iaskv. This pension wîill work iv Oie Miton Onta- ris vofce benen 9un avd Spm, Msvduy il Frîday. Pieuse vote there iv vo public transir iv New Electr'Tc Financial Analyst & Reporting Candidate must possess CA/OMA (2-5 s post designation) with sourd knowledge and experience in applying Canadian GAAP; have at leant 2 lirs eeperience in preparing budgets, forecaats, and monthly tînancial reporta; have otrong aniaytical and communication skilts; be proticient in Excel; abte to wnrk in a fast-poced, deadline-orîented environment. HRFlN@titleserve.com Fax: 905-525-3105 ýMiltonCanadianChaMpio.( m Candidates must have working knowledge ot paprol poicess and prociedures. Administration eaperience in group beneit and RRSP ptans. Must have eaceltent organîzational and prvblem solving skllo. A min. of 3 yrn recent payrvll-relared eperience. Profîcient iin Excel. Use ot Ceridian software an asset. Eal RIN@ ite rv.o *àaU M il a teading manufacturer and mariieter of minerai woot inutation products in the North American marketplace wîth aur head office in Mitton and production facibt les in both Mitton, Ontario and Grand Forks, B. C. Our expanding company is a aubsidiary of Rockwoot Internationa, manufacturing quatity high performance minerat wooI produci We are oearchîng for a tatented, energetic individuat with drive and determination to join, us atour Milton facdi.. Stoires Supervisor A dynsmic negotiator and organizer, pou itt create purchase vrders for at etectrica and mechsnlica maintenance repair parts and contnactor services, ensure our CMMS is updsted on an ongoing basis, and comptete att reqaîred reports. You have seperioir peopte and teamwork ekitta, effective communication abiitities, and a sound financia understandisgn maintenance/storeroom esperienoe gainied in a manufacturing envirosrment ls coupted vite supenior planning abitifties and a vatid Ontario driver tîcence. This je a unique opportunity Io join s highty-devetoped technicat ongxnization as wie expand in North America. We otter a dynamic envirosment vilh aignificant growth potenitia and have an excellent bentefit and remuneration package. tf pou are intenested in thia esciting and chattenging oppontunity, ptease appy, stating satany espectationa, to: Humas Resources ROXUL Inc. 551 Harrop Drive Milton, ON L9T 3H3 e-mail: jcba@roxui.com fax: (905) 878-8077 Wile thanS ail applicants, hsceve, cil hose avne consideraton aii be eontaoec ROXUL,- L1 - pt<n 905846-5448 l a- -Free Training ___________________ 1 COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US Burlîngtsni based fîvuncial services csmpavp is Otîs&icigun Cuit us soc ut: 1-877-914-KIDS Home eeenîngv & 1 adu s1nulvIuroepoe seeking Weekends ada sa qa potnyemler CGAs/CMAs tl virk uas integral member of the tîvancial administrative teani and support Cther departmevtx L of the csmpany. Axs ideal candidate, Psu are aun CGAICMA wfdh experievn iv the cork rce. Vos are energetc, srganized and detuil srîented. If pou nit the abone qualificationx, please aa-- -a- tsrcxrd psu rexume ts humaitresources@cefi.ca90 AZ TANKER DRIVERS (7 seeed) $21/hrn Ratabsng Shifts 40-6 hsurs/wk. Qakille Cali 905-565-3562 Fax 905-565-9115 Eniail: ryan@aztdx asoutianscani Efoefrfy Your Job 9.anch FREEl10 Day Etsvtrenfic Job Searlli Program fer Unemptoyed Indivîduats Cai the YMCA In Burlington @ 905-681-1140 Fusded by the M. Gsversnment ofA u Canada P/ I.ontatr S1.0pe r Toservice Wsnien's Hand & Body Cream Produdxs iv Local Wal-Mart. Dems eapenievce an asset. Approsimately 5 hours per Demo. Weekends and Hl- dua. Regular work, flexible hours. Web ,acces required. BUILD A REWARDING CAREER. NOW HIRING: WANT WORK? CALL vpi! I: fi work e Custonliaed One-o-Onc IEnipluymnti Planinîg eReterrais tu trsperienced Enipivynin OServine Prioilet e.Deeniinnved forvkilivp eifv Training e Oniiie Foituir p aid Supprti Burlington Oakville Milton (905) 637-8988 (905) 338-2190 (905) 693-0034 BrigoOakviiie & Milton Empioyment Assesmitent Centre d. Otario GEO-ENVIRONMENTAL DRILLING INC. (Milton, ON) POSITION: DRILLER'S ASSISTANT Qualifies muet include: *Excellent communication okîlîs *Clean drivers abstract *Panctual *Witling to leai Succeassul applicants can expect: *Excellent team atmosphene *Superior health and safety training *Medical henetits *Wage of $12-$16/hr or more depend -isg on nesumfe -.oda *I .rdy 8a - m GROWING TRUCK- ING csmpany in Mii- tan bus immediate spenings iv the op- eratîsns dept. tan, *CITY li LONG IIAUL DISPATCHERS & - AFTERNOON ADMIN. PERSON. IMonday to Friday m tamto 5pM 1 www. newe le ct ri c.c a 1 www.roxul.com 1