The Canadian Champion, Friday Match 16, 2007 - 21 KEN HOWDEN KELLY ANNE LACEY 1947 - 2007 Septemaber 24, 1963 -March 18, 1992 A G SAES L sincere gratitude anîd heartfeit thavks ru ileath ieaves heartacite C ileÇav e, oselolu I003m200 ROBINSON - Tadd and Tara <nee Stoker) are fhrilied fo announce the bîrfh of their son, Nathan Gardon, born December 26, 2006 ut OTMH weighing 8lbs lloz. Prouti grundparenfs are Guil and Mike Stoker & Lintia anti Rod Robinson. Nathan is also welcomed by Aunfie Lara, Uncie Mark, Uncle Shane, Uncie Lee, Aunfie Jeu, cousins Kaifey anti Avery and greaf graudparents Nana Toase and Grantima Robinson. Speciai fhanks f0 Dr. Sharma for ait bis oulsfanting cue and f0 ail the wontierfuf nurses ut OTMH. 1 VESNA - Robert and Janath (nee Corsa) of Keswick are fhriiied f0 an- nounce the birfh oi their son, Ranin Alessandro, February 18, 2007 ut Milton District Hospital weighing 8ibs 14oz. Wef- comed by grandparenfs Domenico and Nancy Corso anti Robert anti Betty Veuna and Auntie Amber. Aiso weicomed by greaf grandmsfhers Pearl Stout and Maria Corsa. jeatj Det SHEPPARD, Donald Il is mîfh greaf satiness thaf the famiiy announces the passing rof Don on Wetinesday, March 141h 2007 ut bis home in Milton in bis 62nd year. Don Sheppard, beloved husband orf 42 years f0 Gloria. Satiiy missed by bis mother Lil Sheppard. Loving fafher oaf Jeff and bis wife Marina, Brad and bis wife Sonya and Chris and bis mife Shari. Cherished grandfalher f0 Chariene, Phif, Tyler, Bradon anti Kian. Survtved by 9 brothers and sîsters. Predeceaseti by bis father Larry 2 sisters anti 1 brother. Famiiy and friends are invifed f0 visif aft fbe McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main Sf. Milton 905-878-4452 from 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm on Fritiay. Tbe fanera service wiil be beld in fbe funerai home chapel on Saturday, March 17f b 2007 ait 11:00 ams. Memorial dionations 10 the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciatei by the famify. Letters of con- dolence may be oeff for fhe famiiy ut POLLARD, Douglas Passeti away peacefuliy foltowing a brief ifînese with bia. famiiy by bis side çgf the Oakvilie Trafalgar Memoriai Hospital on Sunday, Match 111h 2007. Doug Poliard, foving father of Michelle Tonna, Julie and ber h usband Charlie Speck, Rîck Pollard anti bis parfuer Cafhie McTavish, Doug Pol lard Jr., anti Paf Morrow anti bis mile Saliy. Sadly missed by bis grantichiltiren Brandon andi Britney Tonna anti Trisha, Nick anti Amy Morrow. Dear brother 0f Jirs Poilard, John Poilarti anti Joyce Morrison. Famîiy anti frientis visifeti ut tha McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main Sf. Milton 905-878-4452. The funerai service was heitiin the luer- ai home chapel on Thurstiay, Match lSfh 2007. in lieu 0f fiomars, memorial tiona- lions f0 the Long Association wouiti be appreciafeti. Leffers 0f condolence may be leff for the famiiy uit www.mckersie kocher ca rthe lave aird support durin g and abter this very difficuit rime with rte urss of aur Dad, Craîtdpa, Fater lu I aw and Best Friend. It is very cuntforring ru knuw tat aur Dad mas iaved by sa man. A speciai rhanks ta everynne rtar sent cards aud finwers, for teir phne calis of support, fond prepararias, anJ donatins made in Chiefs ssemar, as weil as for everynne's pres- ence ar Dad's visitation antd memuriai service. We ail appreciate yaur lave auJ kindtiess and rt wili aiways bte rememitered. We wnuid aisa lîke ta entend a very sincere rhank yau lu Dr. Ivan Hunrer, bis staff and rthe Ailendale nursitng staff, for rte excellent care anrd persunal fniendship ta Dad for nsany pears. ihank pan ru Aîrdrew Kucher and the McKersre-Kucher Foirerai Hame far their prolessiiinaisss anJ cuntpassioate care auJ ativice. 'llie use ori rire Miltoin i egiîîr receîrivrn hall was very mîrci ipprecrateul "llie (bief miii .iw.î vs bu cLirrislied antd tertrentlxered lor bis Irrigirt suril ic d serîse tif Irumourrr. He wiii bc îleepis uit ssed hi- ail. lhank pou aIl graîefallv, Sandi [)awn Larci, [leanna and fam ilis. KEEP ON I'RU(,KIN' [) .... In Mmorim IOÀE Iemoriam rt bas beeti a wbîrie vear sînce erru ment ta tend Gud's gardens. Na une kîsams the hearrache i tep ru bide ne haw mucit 1 miss yuur lave, laugit and beautifiri bine eyes. i am thankfui thar we had aimast 47 years ragerber and f know yau are my special angel and still watching aven me. Every day tat passes an titis earth hrings me ne day claser ru heing wiith yau again. Life bas tu end, Lave dues ot My memory of lave is ou. Till wie meet zin, love always, lu memary af my inving itusband Bruce Bell mita passed away Match 17, 2002 Gane are the days me used ta share, but in my heart yuu arc aiways there. lite gares of memary wiil neyer clase' i miss yuu mare taîr aupuse knaws. With tender lave anrd deep regret, 1 wha lave yuu, miii sever farger. Loving pou always Forgerting yau neyer Unnil vie meel again Love wife Faye lu lnvisg nrematy of a beiaved Husband, 1-arber and Crandfather STAN PRICE mita possed away suddenv Matcht 17, 200f Guve but wiii neyer be furgarres. All aur lave wife Mary and famfly Na one can heai fLrve leaves stemuries Na une can steai Cane are rthe dapu We used ta sitare But in ur hearts Ynu are always there. Love Barb, Srfawn andyour manyfried, li living memary of an unfargerrable Dad Bruce Bell mita passed away Match 17, 2002 Sad are rte bearts thar lave pan. Sulent are rte leurs tar fali. Lirving rthe last fixe pears witbaur pan, bas been thte itardest part of ail. Yon are nrt usr a rnr, rt part of unr past. Yvru are a very speciai Dad, witî gave pîrur heart tir ns. fr years ta last. Farever ia aur heurts Taday-Tamara-Always ILove alsvays Shelley and Russ March llth, 2007 Viewing 10:30 - Auction begins 12:00 noon. 5464WINDY HILL CRT, MISSISSAUGA (Main intersection Kennedy and Eglinton) Right on Eglinton Avenue, East. Right onto Kennedy Road. Left onto Grand Highland Way, Right onto Baron Dale Drive. Left onto Windy Shili Court. Over 400 items, too many to Iist. POOL tante, protes- A King Pmllnwtnp Mut- sinal sertes cmth every treus Set. New mn plus- u pgrade. t,, siafe. tic. Cour $1600. suit for $800 worth of accesun- $450. 905-567-9459. ries. Brand new in bon, Cuut $5.000, maust oeil BEO, Amuzing burgain, $1.500ý 519-722-4077 gueun orthopedmc pîl- _________________ lowtnp set, nec in plus- HOT Tub (Spa) Covers tic, carrant> $250 gOS- beut prîce, Best gaalîty. Ait 567-4042 ciii delîvur. shupes & coînurs Cuit t- 866-585-0056 BEDROOM Cherry- mmm thucovuros> ca coud, Bed, chust, dresser, 2 nîghtstands. Dovetat Construcon. Nouer opunud jjj1: i Mmoriam, Cost $8.000. Sacrifice - St.00 900-567-4042 HEANEY A/nia Alai j, 1 9216 - Marh I ' 200i I ,ssons, tri> Niother taugit tie. If yuu cai't rsay sinething rice... din't s,îy attvtiîg. p>euple arc the saine, not matter couirrr, religitin, tir sex... lThey ail deserve res pCt. Be nîce ro animais, but keep yu hand flatewheu feedivg a horse. i isteir tu yîsur uwn heart and head, l'hc answers wîii came ta yau. Wben ),ut cau't reacit th e can on rthe torp sheif, A bread kiie miii gise yîtu the estra reach. Beîng sima1 in stature, dues ntru mean pîru Are sma1 in braîns, gurs, or determinarion. Aiways take the bag ai gurs, out of rthe rurkey Belote yoau cook it Aiways caiE-hume and say where you'Ii be, Or youuIi get rthe evii eye... Cîve yuur children wiugs... but aisu Cive them mots. Marriage is a parrnership ... but Aiways have yuur own itanit accouant. Sunsetimes, yau are jusr a suusdiug huard, I)on't offer advice, untii asked. Music is a gift huom heaven... Uniess ir is Black Sahtath at 300 decibes! Wumen wiii ruck their shopping carrs, Loung after their babies have gramu. Deatis jusr anurber place ru visir... By invitation uuiy. Angeis sîng, and guide us... As du rthe nes we uove. just a smarreriug uf whar yuu have ieft beh ind... You were goodA" Love Monica & nstruclion A riC MATURE nanny requireti PIANO DINING table, glass tnp fur fan hume wîth une 6 wîth 6-chairs $500. Soaa msnth old girl. Must hase LESSONS Luveseat & 2 atm-chairs furmal educattur and ex- Quafîfieti Teacher $800. 905-462-2100. perience. diana@bayst.ou A.R.C.T., L.P.P., PODP. ______________ RCM Esamu, LARGE glass frsnted Recîfal, Recreationai hutch, mirrsred bock WANTED Lise-n cure- Caf i (416)-930-7033. with light, 3 drawersa 2 gimer fut 2 kîds, CPR/ Lev esae cpbsardu Beech u first aid reguired, must sev esg ur, 5nt u6' $400. knuw hsw ta cssk, look Kitcher Table Sguare fut ory (416)945- Articles 3ux3' 4 chairs, glass 9624,C For Sale top, Brusbed visver fiv- tub $.300. CaI 905- ~e s 876 2419 Aalbe HOT TUBS Ware- A div ng rusm, cherry- bouse Direct Open wood, duble pedlesiai REGISTERED qualified tu Public Saturdays table, 8 chairs, buffet,' Oaycare pruvider, CPR, or b> apysîntmert. hutch, dovetal con- Fîrst Aid, receipts, tus- Fantastie savnnsi struction. New stitl in îng cure, hut meats, ww.tdç 95' bsues: Cust $11000 close t0 40t. 288-878- 69393.WOdO 0 Sacrifice $2600. 905- 9244. 88-20 567-8459. CARPET i bave sevural t,000 yards of nec Staîn Master & 1001, nylon car- put. Wîll do livirg room & bull lot $380. Includus car- yet, padt & installation 130 yards) Stuvu, 905-633- FANTASTIC Nuw Yuar Salu' No GOT or PST' Costom Upbostring. We p a thu taxes on sofas and matchîng chairs. Sofas lrom $788' chairs tram $249, divîng room seuts frum $19 *95 'Fids Furvîtaure ana Fubrîcu 9um-9pm 905-632-9090 FREE Estîmutes GuI cobbly chairs, tmred look- îng coud finisheur Fields Custom Weed Refinîshîng and Farnîture Repaîru. 9- 9. 905-632-9090 HOT Tub/ Spa- Bravd new c/at options, inctadîng cuver, 2006 model. Stlli n crupper. Cuut $t0900., Sacrifice $5.500. Cai 905- 971-1777 LEATHERI 3 piece Itaian set. Sofa, loneseat and chair. Nec, mn plastic. Cout $6900. Self $2500. 905-304-4873. POOL Table, Professional Suries, Soiid Wood, t 'Siate Att Accessoreu. New, Stili Boned, Cour $6.200, Sel $1.950. 905- 304-9994 ROXTON living/ dînmng. t epeices, eucellent condi- tion, sofa, toveueut, chair/ Ottoman. Suid maple cohuee table, endi tables lumps, server, dinmvg table. Cuptan Chairs and more. $2500. 905-876- 8988 SAUNA 2/3 persan. i home, w/c.d. ployer avd lîghts. Neyer ssed. Cour $5500, Seil $2750. 905- 304-7775 MesAlsned BESI C$5$Pi-At China, Crystul, Sîlver, Figurines.' Royal Doutn, Scurovuki, Glass. Pustery. Etc. Estatu Specutmsts, Top Cash. Cuit .John/ Tracy 905-331 -2477 k c* pancesj MOVING have to suit. Frigidaire Gallury Wusher & GE Dryuî mutcmng set, ulmoul nec & other hnusehutd items. 905-864-3132 & leuve a message, BORDER CuilielAus- traîran Sheep Dng Pup- pies for sale, 7 weeks nid, white black mark- ivgs, 2 femaies unaîlubie $300. înclud- vog f irst shots- Contact Sali> 905-854-6007. SIAMESE KIlENS fut sale. First veedies vet-checset, de- mnrmed, flea-trvaed. Ruffinis Pur Cenre 905- 870-0475. PUPS FOR SALE: Csckapos. Cairn Terri- er, Cavalier King Cbarles, olden Ru- rriever, Spitz/Pnm. Mini Scbnauzer, Mini Dacb- suvd Boxer. Fîrst yen- cles. ver-cbuckd. ou- wormed, flua-lreatud. RuSfins Pet Centre 905- 875-0475. PUOGLE Female Puppy For Sale. Rite> is a 5 monrh sld PugîBegle cross crit ail ber vue- cines. Hoase traived. hap- py anti guod wmth kmds. Cai 905-878-4210 ahter 6:OOpm. $750 080. M Caorsfoalej 2001 Red Ford Taurus SE iv great conditron for sale. Lady driven hmghway mîleage, nut eaceedmvg 80,000/kms, lanfautic condition, interior fut sham- pooed, wmiîvig to lut gn fut $8.000. as mu. Cai t1-905-878-4832 hume. 2001 Red Ford Taurus SE mn great condition for sale. Lady driuer, highway mîleage, not enceedivg 80,000/kms, fantatmc condition, inferior faut sham- poued, mîllmng tu tut go for $8,000. au mu. Cuit t1-905-878-4632 hume. ACURA RIL 2002, 4 dont, tuaded, sîlver ex- terior black leather interior, excellent condi- tin, 130,OOOlkms, cer- tmfîed, $21,000. Cal 519-623-0096. 2002 Honda Club, 4-dnur 5-speed, A/C, CD player, svum tires. Great shape t190,000 bîghmay km. Lady-driv- er. $8.900. Pieuse cal 905-467-7412. 1996 Chevrolet Cavalier. 4-door, aatomatc. Encellent condition. $2.295 cutîied. Sieusor Moturs 905-875- 5010. 2003 Nissan Altima- 2.5 SL loadud, excellent con- dition, certîlîud, e-tesrud, 138K, $12.000. 905-878- 9972: 905-876-0832, 2003 Honda Cîvmc LXG Sport. Standard S-spd 90,000km, moon toot, power-everything ru- mute upever. Great car, greut drive. $14.900. 905-878- 7016.