Youths arrested in carjacking Two vouths wec arrested in Ililingbit helfo;c in tîssîslsauga. Peel Regional Police said two people cntered a Missîssauga underground parking garage ai an aparnnent building at about 10 p.rn. MondaN. A inan wbo biad just exited bus vehicle was punched iii the face and pusbied to tbe giound. f lis keys 'aec taken anti tbe sos- pets eniteied bis vcbicle -val- ued ai about $40,000 - anti lied. Thle vicion xvasntin ujurcd. At about 4:40 arn. Tuesdlay, Halton Regional Police said tbey wcrc talled to Hayward Crescent in Milton by a borne- owner wbo saw a 2005 Cbrysler 300 witb people inside in ber driveway. Police arrived and Police"'.' Iwo of thein w c ai iesîcci anti onc, irorn Milton, was relcaseti witbout condlition. A I 4-ycar-old Mississauga mnale bas been cbarged witb rob- bery, breacb of probation anti revocation of bail. A second 14 ycar-olt rnale frorn Mîssîssauga was cbargetl with iobberv anti taking a vebii- ccwiîtout tbe owners consent. Copper wire swiped Copper wirc was sioleni iior a construction site iii a new sub- division sornetirne bciwcen [cbruaiy 27 and Marcb 7. Police said unknown sus- pects took $ 10,000 wortb of wirc frorn reels at a site in tbe area of Derry Road and Prosser Cîrcle wbere streeîligbts were being insiallcd. Teen cbarged witb break-mns A teen bas been cbargcd wîtb breakîng into six vebicles iin tbe underground parking lot ai 80 Ontario St. N. Sunday Tbe cornbîncd s alti of stolen property frtîin tbe vebî- cs is about $700. Police wcrc callcd the foliow- ing tlay li a resitient about a rnaic sfic tbougbt was suspi- cjous. Police arrived and f ound a mnan aslccp iii bis vebîcle iii tbc untdergrountd lot. Tbey searcbcd bis vebicle and bc was arrcsted. An 18 year-old rnalc of no fîxed address bas been cbarged witb six counîts of ibefi under $5,000 and possession of prop- crty obtained by crime. Electronics stolen as house ransacked in break-in Halton Regional Police are invcstigating a residential break- in in Milton. Sornetirne between 7 a.rn. and 4:30 p.rn. Marcb 8, suspects used tools to force open a slid- ing door to a borne on Fitzgerald Crescent. About $800 wortb of property was stolen -e încludîng a Play Station 2 and a Citizen poriable DVD player. Several pîcces of identification The Canadian Champion, Friday, Match 16, 2007 - Al ScruiseoUpc.ntes, 41fltt-'I~N OUR TEAM! i , youocve o ta1ndwant a flexible work schedule, you'Il love CruiseShipCenterWare Canada's #1 teamn of cruise specialisis with over 80 locaii~tnd wa'ne lre stili growing! Turn your passion for travel into a reiwardingL career selling cruises. (fui] or part-lime) were also stolen. If you have information that feacis 10 an an-est in this or any otheî case, you manvy be eligible for a cash reward. You wiil nevr have to give youp- nre or testify in court. Caîl 1-800-222-8477 or go to www.haitouitrimestt) à-1" e trltoi ir' 1 ,3 -- - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- ei-Odtiii2 STANDARD Pmer oor b s STNDAR Remote ~ ~ ~ Kele>En0TNDR Poe Mi *.SADR BEST~~~~~~ COFR PwrWidw SADR AN e.ieCoto SADR CON ENEN E 1114 sli fldnqrer ea SANAR .0000OWE