A10 The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 16, 2007 Homework club available- Hlornework can sornetirnes scrni (iatinfîng Io) a chld uI! 1f1çil :1 lif I ollors luis witl it i, oinework club. C urrcntly; tccfls or adulîs iintcrested in 1l tutoring children wlio arc part oif tlie Uo mo efre ifffrfff tifffn, call (905) 878-8840. eaSy Face: Leisurely itineraries with 3-4 night stays in main destinations Country Roads: biscover hidden treasures in the European countryside Regioncl: Explore one country or region in-depth biscovery: Experience a snapshot of Europe af your own pace Tour & Cruise: The perfect combination of land tour & relaxing cruise yavul fWeI cMi£ce' iWv' Trc.e EXCLUSIVE OFFER Book your 10 a ooger fnSghf four by APrif 3ffth, 2007anf receive $200f Off pe oupe! Caflf us for detaafs. 16 Martin St, Milton Tel:(905) 878&2886/ 1-800-267-8728 an oung savings on ai Europe package. Book by March 31,2W07! Dscuvrthcý mtost complete ai ici diverfSÙ sflectIf i p faO)oîof FxpCFCiccc oui rew destinatfons in Spairi. f1 rccTiC& &Austria ci 'c-discovf' 1- FM: zXUA SCIENCE: Af left Doctor Fossil cf Mad Science per- forms a crowd- pleasfng experi- ment Wfth a bottie cf Club Soda -whfch fizzes when shaken -as part cf March Break activftfes at the mall Above, the entertafnlng SCf- entfst ccncocts another solu- tfon, much to the deifght cf children and thefr parents alfke. GRAHAM PAI NEI CANADIAN CHAMPION The True transat Europe Experts ýH0L1DAYS True travel. Save p Let us guide you through an unforgettable European experience.1 whît a world! ý4,,J P, Ï-P (ý2 W ý, G- 1 ý, -- ýý-g fi, sVý ý &A A ýh, SIOO p-.,ý -'q t , ih,,f 31 Visit us at the Wine & Cheese Show!