Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Mar 2007, p. 8

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A8 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 9, 2007 Gold Wrapping Paper a present there's supposed to be sometbing tnside tbe package?" Tise little girl bad tears in ber eyes when she blurted back, "Oh, Momina, itfs not empty!1 blew kisses into it until it was full to tise top." Tise mother was crushed. She fell on ber knees and put ber armu around her littie girl, and begged forgiveness for ber thougisties anger. In a vcry real sense, we have aIl been given gold wvrapped boxes fiued with love. Freely and unconditionally, tbey have been filled with kisses from cbildrcn, famnily or friends. Be assured, God bas a gold wrapped box witb our names on it sent to us special delivery tisrougis His Son. Tisere is no more precious gift tisat could be given. God's gift is tisere for us to open whenever wie need to feel tise warmts of His embrace. In our darkest bour of struggle, we can feel A few monts later, a tragic motor vehicle accident took the life of tise littie girl. Her motiser via.s beartbroken and isad a bard time overcoming ber grief. Sise seemed inconsolable. After tise funeral, friends ~ N itv ieC~Y1 found ber in ber bedroom, weeping. Her VLOV'inqO Goù. Luviaq Ppe face was buried in tise open end of a little Sundays at 200 Main Street gold wrapped box. She was taking deep 10:00 amn Worship & Teaching breats as she cried. Children's Programs Running Concurrently Tisat mother kept that gold box by ber bcd 11:00 amn Coffee & Conversations for ail tbe years of ber life. Wbenever sce was discouraged or faced difficuli problems (We serve Tim Hortons Coffee!) she would open tise box and take out an 905-876-3586 tmaginary kiss and remember tise love of tise cisild wiso bad put il tisere. www.Miton BibleChurch.ca His tender kisses upon our foreheads and His hand holding ours. He loves us like no other and promises to be there for us. We can ca on Him and He will answer. To learo more, visit one of Milton's fine local churches this week. You will be glad you did! Service times and locations have been published in the Religious Directory to, help you. Submitted by Rev. Dan Rogge, Pastor of Mdlton's New 14e Church. S.George's ~~ Anglican Churcis ~8OuurMNfnsry has ben serving ~~~ths cornmunîty for 150+ Years Join us titis year in a ceiebration of. UffTe ril V ds mxd i ni l'ec sor > y cavI1 srvc 1 BY, Cbr se . el ,miote ffý WM t. roi Îr. RECTOR: Rev. Canon Charles Masters March 11th, 2007 Services - 8:30 arn - Morning Prayer 10:30 arn - Holy Communion Traditiotal Service 10:30 arn - Communion in the Farnily Roulai Nurser atd Junior Sunday Sehool 7051 G;ueipti Une ait Derry Road (Tel) 905-878-1363 si r jve ite' www.sigeoreeslowviiie.ore Sunday, Mar. il 10:00 amn Series: "Jesus Man of Action" (a study of the book of Mark) "Who Wa., That Masked Man?" www.thesanctuary.ca/rnilton ~ 905.257.3987 Milton Sports Centre 605 Santa Maria Blvd. <Deny Rd, wesf of Hy 5 MILTON SEVENTH-DAY CHURCH Invites yoa to or weckiy Sahhoih se.rvices ai HugO Foster Ha), 43 Browr St Mirs Sac 9:30i a. mn - SabbaihS chool Soi. i i :0 arn. Divine Service FREE BIBLE SCHOOL isin'îr Ccu arnaAnirBible anwer to liticv iisrpisin, queCvilonr and ihe scret Io a happy lite, ior FREE BIBLE i 05)155, writ e. nox 23011 .)5(Ontario Si., Mclîo, n IAli 5B4. PASi)R: Ai OaCosta 519-835-931 io mr si normatsrio'n abor vswls .vic ndprgraiî1uieis ca.a To Advertise in the Church Directory please cail Colleen Corman at 905-878-2341 ext. 211 CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Ministor Steve Corbet GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Clergy: 317 Main Si. E Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the Hill McDermott 905-878-2411 Rev. Dr. Renée Desjardins Father Mark Curtis Services: Sunday 8(X) aili Said l-ucharisi 1 :00 ai - Sang Eucharisi iicluding "Kids' Spirit" Prograisi followed by cotîc hour Listen to our Sunday normons onlino ut www.gracechurchmilton.com Wheelchair Accens thruugh Parking Lot &m wwgracechurchmilliun cum MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday Sehool 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study And the Word was maide flesh and swelt amnong us and wte beheld His glory, as of the only of the Fat har. John 1.14 or eau PamtoirDmofla 08-M 9 a.m. - First Worship Service 9:30 arn. - Sunday School for Ail Ages 10.45 a.m.* - Second Worship Service *Service Captioned for Deaf/Hard of Hearing 6:30 pm - Evening Service eno Oeis 905-878-5664 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -e wloe y0 10 - e5ffthsid ewethSprsCne 17 Main St. E., Milton 905-878-6066 103 Martin Street ,ý-""" 1--h UNITE flsîilMiîie e Hw ulîa ,âtý! 905-878-1629anthHoptlMnse- e.HwrT.Slia12Mant.Eitn Pastor Walter H. Isaak Pursuing Jésus passionately and Director if Music Mînîsîries -Sonja van de Hoef connecting with our God-given family 9:5Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday March il, 10:30 arn 10:00 a.m. - Sundlay School Meet new friends in the café at 10:00 arn 13 a.m. - ouh ren rou(rades 7 ln stl sevcepfGaamHl 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Service 10:s3a. - Chraden' WNrshrlnedsyesrvcytGrhmHl 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Çontinuing our Seven Holiday Celebrations series St. Patrick's Tea ($5.00) & Bazaar Supervised Nursery Care from 10: 15 ar. Thursday Celebrai' ing Shauvaih Saturday. March 17th, 2007 Church School & Gospel Unit for JK-gr 8 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Lead Pastor Jack Ninaber 12 - 2 prn (Mary St. entrancef Coffee & Conversation after the service "You'l always find a friend ai Graceway" Youth Pastor Eric HelIiwelI "CALLED TO SERVE THE LORD" m Wheeichair access and washroomns provided soý thai iomm www.gracewaybaptist.org www. southsi demi Iton - erg ail nîay cornte and, oorship. Access off Miary Sret I ~egjjj Let us be thankful for every little gift of love and be careful not to despise the smal things of life! Some of the most precious gifts in life were ones that neyer came off of a store shelf! Some time ugo, the story is told, a five year old little girl used and entire roll of expensive gold wrapping paper to wrap one present. Her mother was furious with her. Money was tight and wisen mother saw that the entire roll bad been used up on one smaîl box, she immediately chastised her child and sent her daughter to bed. In spite of her mother's discipline and harsh words. tbe littie girl brougbt her mother the gold wvrapped gift box the next momning and said, "'This is for you, Momma!" The mother was embarrassed by her reaction tise previous day, and apologized to, her daugister as she tisanked her for the gift. But ber anger flared again when she opened the gold wrapped gift box and found that it was empty. lndignantly. sbe addressed ber daughter in a less than kind terne: "Don't you know, young lady, wben you give someone

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