A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 9, 2007 Victims being re-victi mized Throwîng moncy at a problem te make it go away is -a livouritc tactic [fg 'irnri ents. Hwv r, w're hop ng the McGuinty Liber ai" arcult using tbis straîcgy to cîcan UPi the mess that lias becoine the Ontario C riminal Inurites Compensation Board. Ontario Ombudsman Andre Man-n last week unveiled his scathing report on the board, calling it a "colossal failure" that hias embraceil a " rule-obsessed, paper-sbuffling culture." Vîctims of crime have been treated wîth "bureaucratic indif- ference and suspicion." Estahlished in 1971 hy the provincial government in an effort ta help provide financial compensation ta victims of violent crime, Marin bas founil the board bias hecome awash in sa much red tape that haîf of the applicants eventually give up their dlaims out of frustration. The board takes an average of three years ta pro cess appli- cations wbile similar boards in Quebec and British Columbia take only two and tbree months respectively. Marin found that forms [rom victims have been retumned for such mun- dane reasons as forgetting ta, dot an "i' in a name. By this Octoher there will be a backlog of more than 17,500 cases. Unhelievable. Marin puts the blame solely on Queen's Park, saying the board is a $40-million opération heing run on a $20-million budget. Attorney-General Michael Bryant was quick to vow immediate action on Marin's repart and ponied up nearly $21 million witbin two days of the report's release. He also appointed Ontario Chief Justice Roy McMurtry ta make rec- drimendations on how ta revamp the board. However, it sbould be noted that Bryant's ministry was fully aware of the board's problems as a 2005 e-mail from bis ministry said: "The ministry may be vulnerable tai criticism... should what we have learned about the (board's) current sta- tus and practices get out." Well, the governent's "dirty little secret" (as Marin described it) is out. We're hoping this problem. doesn't simply get put on the back-burner now that some money bas heen thrown its way The provincial govemment must start belping victims ai crime instead of victimizing them again. Readers Write Se.nd your letters to miltea@haltonsearch om or drap themn off at 875 Main St. E. Serving Ward 2 DEAR EDITOR: 1 would like ta, take this opportunity ta, express my heartfelt thanks ta, you, the voters of Ward 2,4or your encour- agement, support and votes in the past two municipal elections. It was truly a privilege ta represent and serve you as town counicîllor. As you know, 1 recently resigneil from town counicil because of my recent appointment as justice af the was a privilege Peace by the Attorney General of Ontario. l'm deeply humbleil andl honoured by this new appointnsent. and 1 embrace this new challenge with much excitement and enthusîasm. Thank you, Milton, for the spécial memories af service on town council. JUSTICE MARK CURTIS FORMER WARD 2 COUNCILLOR Tbr anaetan QEanpon Milo' Cc esIty yNesspapefl Sne 1 86U 875 Mamn St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editoneal Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wiww.rniltoncanadianchampioncom Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Miceli Production Manager Tim Cales Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Teri Casas %h Canadian Champion, publinhed every Tuesdaly and Friday at 875 Main St E., Milton, Ont, L9IT 3Z3, in a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. - Group Publinher Ian Oliver. Adaeming is accepted on te condto tatinteent of a typaraSical ers irait porti of the adaeriinqapace occupied by the airceens ite, togeSer crit a reascriabe alhoace for siga- tueail not be chargeiorat he balanel ofte adaeiwenet Mil ire paad ho ai thre apiolsable rate. The publisref reseçes the right cawgarîe adairiseme r deiS ihe. CCAB Audited Recognizeil for excellence by Ocl ntioConmuniy ,k lm Newspapers AsSscaion C*CNA Canadian Csrnrnuniay N.j ewspapers Assiation à» rO Sbrrban Newspapers WWO U IL f Arnerica The Canadien Chamrpion ia a proud mnedia sponsor for: It could have been worse. - rake that a whole lot worse Sometimes yau ve just gat ta look on bright side af things. rît admit 1 wasn't quite able, or willing do tbat early Iast week when - having j begun vacation - I first learned, af the fr aur Cbampions 875 Main St. E. digs. The idea of baving tai commnute eacb ta aur stop-gap base ai operations here The Oakviîle Beaver and the possibility baving ta retrieve countless phone numl af sparts contacts leit me in a rather unpîî ant malod. Throw in the then probable lass of alI back issues and a tan of personal effects the latter of wbich were mostly, and dba fully saved (complete witb a rather smokey ameil) - and I was awash in a af negativity That is until earlier dts week, whe donned on me that the situation couldI the been worse - make that a whole lot worse. the Beaver bas. If the situation was reversed, Let's start with the fact tbat if we were an I question if 1 wouîd've eveil been talerant of ta, mdependent paper instead ai part af a chain, an intrusion on my work domain - beig ust operations would almost certainly somecone flot comiartable with rat have been put on hold and perhaps ""' sharing or any dlisruption ta my even ceased permaneutly. In maIIy weekly routine - much less day cases, independents just barely helpful. at have the resources ta put out a When you add plenty ai coim- af paper under ideal circumnstances, munîty concern for aur dilemma ers much lesa this kind af adversity ta the mix, its bard ta be too cas With that in mind, l'mn feeling négative about the situation. fortuate just ta be getting a pay- And this Tuesday's Cbampion My cheque this week - and mare - : offered us a tragtc reminder that - than a little impressed that My co- fires can dlaimri an awful lot more nk- workers bad a paper out on the street just a than just property. fouI day after aur building went up in flames. I Ibat Steeles Avenue blaze was where the sea guess you juat can't keep a Champion down. real lots came inta, play In the grand scheme And while I can't say this for certain, l'mn of thinga, aur Cbampion fire is nothing mare nit flot sure too many sister papiers would bave than a minor nuisance - and not worth get- lave been as accaxnodating and welcoming as ting hung up about. C1AOM * 44ý t ingle Bel Fund -lC CA UNITED WAY 0 OF MILTON TV AUCTION SANTA CLAUS PARADE YMQA Showcae Miltn l 5 Aeeards M